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Posts by Purewhitepanda

  1. Originally posted by NARCassist i sure do pal


    Can you explain to me what they consider 1 package on that sheet to = amount of or they talking about seperate bags/packaging of the drug to the amount seized.
  2. Originally posted by Fox Paws Remember quaaludes lol.

    Lemon 715 I've had those quaaludes a very long time ago and honestly for paying 10$ a pill and ingesting 2 of them I didn't really think the high was that special and for the same amount in benzo's or tranquilizers today I can get way more fucked up pricewise.
  3. What's the CDN stand for on the other side? Certain Death NOW because you loaded them with PMA?
  4. I'm guessing you guys didn't hear what happened?
  5. Originally posted by Fox Paws What does me skipping over your first post have anything to do with having common sense or not. I skim threads I don't have time to read every reply

    Wasn't directed towards you or anyone of that matter. My bad if you thought i was talking to you. Just stating my thoughts bruh...
  6. Originally posted by Fox Paws Which user was it lol

  7. Originally posted by Fox Paws You mean fake ID

    Yes something I tried to already establish here on the first page comment number 8.

    (Common Sense)- Somethings in life just can't be bought...
  8. Originally posted by NARCassist how a nigga live


    Naw more like life experience I had recently with a friend off this site who visited me. Except he called the cops saying there was people chasing him with guns at my house because he was in psychosis from meth and had underlying mental problems.
  9. Originally posted by NARCassist give the cunt a shit load of meff and coke and ketamine, then give him a gun because there's people coming to kill him. get him really fucking paranoid, then call cops and tell them there's an armed intruder in the house.


    LOL damn that just hit to close to home in a way
  10. Originally posted by Something Squirrel You just need a name I don't think you even need ID, they just give you a number.

    Sender needs to show a form of I.D. and the person receiving has to have one as well unless you make a test?
  11. Originally posted by GHOSTFACE already have it.

    So is the information of everything she's telling you legit? This girl seems to good of a person and come from a good family to be dating and chasing around drug addict losers and dealing with this nonsense.

    For real what's the catch with her? She doesn't have any arms does she bruh?

    In all serious though with what you said on the board here to what's been going on I have trouble understanding why doesn't her family help her out with getting rid of the problem. I mean they got money from what i'm guessing from what you told us about them. So moving isn't like a money problem in order for her to relocate.

    Yes that law is somewhat true about your a resident after living somewhere for a certain amount of time but the catch 22 is if your not on the lease and not contributing anything towards your living environment with proper receipts then you can easily have him/her removed by police by contacting the landlord and telling them about the problem and that your going to call the police and if he could make a simple phone call to them as well and tell them that SAY PERSON IN THE HOUSE does not reside there and is to be removed from the property.
  12. Originally posted by Fox Paws The US govt doesn’t regulate it at the moment. You have to admit you have it before you can pay taxes on it.

    It’s like at the airport when they ask you “anything to declare”. Me: “lol no”

    Ok so what is the process one must go through in order to establish funds using that online currency and then whats the process of transactions to take such online currency and convert to your worlds currency for daily use?
  13. Code grabber or a key fob amplifier, to steal the code from the key fobs, which in reality are not hard to create with the right knowledge. There's also another device out there criminals use that people have no common knowledge of being in existence that's basically a skeleton key to all motor vehicles computers.
  14. Originally posted by Fox Paws BUY SUMOKOIN NOW.


    Sumokoin(SUMO) project was launched in May 2017 and is an open-source cryptocurrency with a vision of privacy, untraceability, decentralization and fungibility.

    Buddy their is no such truth behind any of what they're telling people. The Feds/DEA/Secret Service have been all over Online currencies and also most banks will not acknowledge them as currency unless your paying out taxes on the money floating out there. That means we got the IRS involved now too who wants a paper trail of how certain funds have been received.

    I thought the goal here was to stay off the Grid and transfer funds?
  15. Originally posted by §m£ÂgØL2becausescronfuckeduptheforum Actually not a bad idea depending on where you're sending money to/from. Walmart to Walmart transfers are free.

    walmart to walmart is moneygram so no matter what you need an alias if your trying to go by the OP's ?
  16. How do I hide my real name on Paypal?
    Here's how to change your name that will appear on your buyers statements:
    Go to and log in to your account.
    Click 'Profile' near the top of the page.
    Click 'My selling preferences'.
    Click 'Update' beside 'Card statement name' in the 'Selling my items' section.
  17. Can you make an anonymous Paypal payment?
    Receiving Payment: Once your account is approved, you are good to use it. You can create payment links and send it to your customers for payment. ... Although you can also anonymously withdraw from your current paypal account, but for that you need to add a VISA card which is non-prepaid.
  18. Send money online using a service like or Choose a location in the recipient's town and use a credit card to process the transaction. Send an anonymous email to the recipient with the money retrieval password and instructions for where he can retrieve the cash.
  19. Peace out niggaz
    See ya later in a few months when i have some more retarded shit to talk about. Hopefully this shit hole of a site cleans up the cluster fuck of bullshit floating around.
  20. I was just asking cuz this site i don't usually waste much type on anymore and coming today I can see why again I don't come to share any knowledge cuz it's completely full of bullshit threads and off topic bullshit that needs to be trashed.
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