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Posts by Purewhitepanda

  1. Originally posted by mmQ Meth psychosis, shadow people, swimming in the river to get away, cops involved multiple times, sent to loony bin, out of loony bin, more meth, more shadow people paranoia and cops. That's my summation.

    LMFAO, but there is a lot more to it
  2. Originally posted by Something Squirrel If they prescribe it why not take it all.

    Yeah, but problem is they won't prescribe Oxycodone and Methadone together. There is many reasons to why they will not use Combinations of NARCOTIC PAIN RELIEVERS with Methadone. Let alone Oxycodone wouldn't even me a good drug to take for Breakthrough Pain in that combination.
  3. Originally posted by Dissociator Daily every single day : methadone and caffeine
    Daily comfort/convenience : methadone, caffeine, oxycodone, weed/spice, low dose benzo, alcohol before bed
    Daily good functioning : gabapentin methadone caffeine focalin klonopin weed and spice

    DAIly MEthadone and for Comfort/Convenience you use OXYCODONE? SOUNDS like a complete fucking waste of OXY and POINTLESS AS FUCK....What MG of OXY Do you HAVE TO TAKE TO EVEN FEEL THE EFFECTS??????

  5. I'm Mad SAVAGE. YOU NIggaz are just mad AVERAGE....
  6. It works great in combination with the body cream. Make sure it's the pure CBD oil also. Takes about 1-2 weeks to get into your system before you really start to notice the effects.
  7. Originally posted by WE SMOOTH He mean Belvedere, but he ain't know it.

    Great show I just watched all the seasons for the 6th time since it aired years ago. WE SMOOTH you like the Omar of NIS...
  8. Originally posted by Lanny lol, how do you end up taking meth at 12?

    My sister was all tweaked out before school and was in the bathroom tweaking out and kept asking me if she looked ok to go to school and end up giving me and my friend all her shit and it was fucking crazy cuz i've never done drugs and my friend smoked weed already but we went up to my bedroom and both snorted a line of more then probably needed. Well my friend did his he just got up and left my house and walked home which was 4 miles away and i got all sketched and skipped school myself and hid in the woods all day and worked on this fort we were making that was already a month into building and i finished it all that day methed the fuck out lol.
  9. Climb Mr.Everest and shoot all the climbers down cliff faces trying to reach the peak. You will make history OP Swim.
  10. Methamphetamine was the first drug I've done at the age of 12.Booze is a drug also but I didn't get drunk from it in till a few months after using Meth, but drank alcohol many times since the age of 9.
  11. There's no euphoria in using it. Drowsiness is about the only side effect with relaxation of muscles... Soma is the only one that has euphoria effects when abusing it. The rest just basically relax you and make you sleepy.
  12. Originally posted by Madman Somebody tell me what IM shit you fucking faggots use, something something tinychat, I need to trash talk and I need to trash talk now

  13. LOL Ultrams what a fucking joke...Just like this THREAD
  14. Originally posted by Something Squirrel I just wanted to know if I could mix this hexamine with amph God damn.

    This isn't even about heroin I could give less of a fuck because I buy it on the DNM so it's uncut at the highest level.

    Well the only cut a asshole should use for methamphetamine/amphetamines is MSM from what I know but if your just looking to use a cut just to cut it for whatever reason who the fuck really cares like said.

    I don't think anyone or me here is far more superior then the other just for the fact we come to post in a Thread Titled the Retarded Thread which is on it's unknown edition at this point to me. Only time I'll take time to state facts over something here is if it's a fact or something I personally did or happened to me in life. Other then that I feel even when people post about something, that it's always a smart choice to check facts before giving any advice on a topic that we may think be the right advice/information on.

    On that NOTE-
    I Don't have any problem with anyone here, but somethings can be and should be searched about over the net before just asking about. If one's still unsure if that's the correct facts on whatever it may be they want to know, then ask over the board about it to see what information or first hand experiences someone may have source of info on about it whatever your unsure of. Just a lot of junk here on this site, that I'm amazed the MOD's just let go on here, that for me makes it so not worth my time reading over past Threads or ones with to many post to cypher from who's serious or trolling.

    On that NOTE-
    Fuck ALL yaLL
  15. Originally posted by NARCassist just curiosity and benefit of discussion is all. what actually makes some heroin brown is down to the acetic anhydrate which is used in the refinement process. a lot of labs cheap out and use malt vinegar which to be fair gives exactly the same result but it does leave the finished product with a certain brown tinge. they even soak caffeine powder in malt vinegar or tea then dry it out to give it the similar color to cut it with. if they didn't you'd easily see the white and brown speckles in the powder.

    the more you know.


    If the more you know statement was directed at me just saying-
    Sorry but already knew that and my bad for not elaborating on exacts to the process that may bring certain colors out but besides not saying WHAT IS before answering your trib of a jeopardy ? Bob I still believe my answer given is still a correct one to the ? asked by you. I still want my daily double of a 1000$ I wagered for the category topic of Useless ?'s with useless knowledge of answers.
  16. Originally posted by NARCassist so you never did answer what makes some smack brown


    Grades of Heroin from production to certain additives/cuts. Why is it so important for me to answer this?

    Nigga I do got better shit to do and a life and seriously a real out door away from my home life then just sitting on the computer all day bullshitting and joking and trying to put knowledge out there when I feel some should be. Fuck this is actually the most time I think since i've been a member here on the site and replying back to other members just all in the last week.

    For real though you mother fuckers need to stop trying to sell or tell me to use whatever faggot new RC drug called comma's and grammar shit out there you nig's always be replying back to me about using. Also these full stops I've never heard of that shit so most just hit the market and still not interested in using your gay ass drug shit that you guys get over the internet
  17. Originally posted by Grimace ok ladies, calm down. no one gets pure H, we can all agree on that. CALM DOWN.

    You calm the fuck down Nigga and who said anyone had a problem with each other. I do though have a fucking problem with your bitch ass 2 cents you had to add to a conversation you thought you just needed to comment in because your right i don't get pure Heroin faggot ass nigga. I get the purest motha fucking Heroin ever known to man that you can literally cut it up to 100% and that shit still come back pure as fuck at a 101%.
  18. Originally posted by NARCassist do you know why some heroin is brown and some is white?


    I was typing and yes I do and yes my name is a slang term they use for asian heroin over there I learned in 98 that I kept as a username for sites and bro I wouldn't be trying to come at me with shit about knowledge and trying to take shots when I do know what the fuck i'm talking about and actually your the one I can see who's taking his personal years of whatever reading up he did or personal experiences with drugs or some shit he seen on TV and throwing it out there as accurate statements.
  19. Originally posted by NARCassist i'm not trying to make a competition out of this. i'm trying to explain how 30% heroin would constitute a lethal dose to most people. even a .2 of that stuff would kill most non using people no problem. the reason you get addicts overdosing is for mainly two reasons. either they've used heroin along with other drugs, like benzo's or alcohol being the worst, or they have been sold an unusually pure dose, like 20 or 30% is fucking lethal and does happen sometimes. either a few middlemen got cut out of the loop, or somebody isn't mixing that shit up properly when they cut it and left hot spots or clumps of purer heroin among the rest of it. ideally you should be using a powder mill when cutting heroin but many don't, especially further down the chain where they cut smaller amounts.


    Yes alcohol and benzo's is the biggest two contributor drugs used with Heroin to cause fatal overdoses, but in reality with Heroin fatalities happening around the world is not from Hot Bags hitting the streets for market but ex-users and addicts coming back into using the drug after some time of not using the substance and still doing amounts of the drug at or around amount they were when quitting and not realizing there tolerance is down and for the one's who use needles and right back into it are almost at certain death of OD or death. When fentanyl laced/pure bags hit the street the do make it seem like that is the main cause of Death but most people get there facts mixed because I think the stigmata of being read over and over on the news of city's having 10-30 fatality's from the shit hitting the street sticks withen most people's mind set of leading cause when in reality there's almost some kid/adult here dying in every town in someone's house that you don't hear about.
  20. Originally posted by NARCassist south east asia is where most no4 originates.


    LOL Purewhitepanda Heroin is the best of the best but the market which it's being mainly distributed to is places like australia and asian countries.
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