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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. fuckloads of antipsychotics to sleep off the first week

    then one energy drink and two cigarettes per day, and one can of nitrous at night right before you go to bed to give you something to look forward to during the day

  2. [FONT=Roboto]I'm Mongolian and this offends you.

    The trianglists are bringing Devo back.[/FONT]

  3. fucking Bill Krozby
  4. 1
  5. today she liked a youtube comedy video. wtf, i was trying to make her depressed and yesterday i tried to convince her there was spyware on her phone why is she liking funny videos if she's sad?? do you think she cares? halp :(
  6. omfg found it

  7. which part of your body would you necrotize first?
  8. why did you wean yourself off poppy seed tea? that's a sustainable habit.
  9. All jokes aside, how many of you can say that you're truly happy with your lives?
  10. Unstable matter shed a single tear of joy.
  11. that feel when no serotonin or dopamine left

    that feel when neverending rageful, anxious agony

    snorting wellbutrin doesn't help because it makes you feel like you're going to have a heart attack, a panic attack, a seizure, and probably AIDS if I knew what AIDS felt like

    but then I looked at this picture of roshambo I saved on my desktop and it made me feel slightly better

    teh magik of fwendship

    omfuggggggggggingod : DDDD)))))))
  12. this thread is stupid and i feel like shit
  13. wanna buy some panic attacks?
  14. level 0: caffeine and alcohol
    level 1: wellbutrin and kavalactones <- peasant me right now
    level 2: benzedrex and poppy tea
    level 3: ritalin and hydrocodone
    level 3.3: adderall and oxycodone
    level 3.6: dexedrine and dilaudid
    level 4: heroin and cocaine/methamphetamine
    boss level: [h=1]4-Methylaminorex[/h] and [h=1]Desomorphine (Krokodil)[/h]
  15. i singlehandedly cracked a pentagon file by spamming 1 and 0 a million times in textedit
  16. Is "inability to function in society" synonymous with "necessity for the function of totse"? It probably is.

    edit: 2222th SG post get
  17. it's fucking surreal actually isn't it? I'm the biggest degenerate druggie EVER and everyone was like "ya sure go hang out with the little girls". There was one guy I knew from my middle school who went there on the day of his show and he actually knew me (I punched him in the balls so hard he fell over and then sang the theme song to The Lion King to cheer him up one time) and he laughed his ass off saying "Oh sploo" when he saw we were working concession stands together with a bunch of old ladies.
  18. I would even go into the bathroom to take hits of spice on a 5 gram/day habit and would go days without bathing and still nobody thought it was sketchy at all that I flirted with her. It was like heaven and I don't think 99.9% of people would be able to get away with it the same way that I did. Objectively, I'm pretty fucking awesome.
  19. We spent time together a few hours in public every day and we were close enough that the adults in the room didn't care whether I was a pedophile or not (I'm actually not, by the way) because they figured it was tr00 love anyway. Seriously you have to be pretty fucking charming to hang out with a 13 year old girl exclusively and have not a single person/50 year old lady coordinator bat an eye or express any concern whatsoever. Even her mom knew and didn't mind (lol wat). I was more or less the only person she talked to. She had a group of friends but she told me she didn't really like them, and when I asked her a month or two ago whether we were friends she said "you were literally the only person who hung out with me last summer" so it's almost like everyone else there was irrelevant to her except me. I may have mattered to her way more than I think I do but I'm too insecure to go with the benefit of the doubt so it's easier to go into "give chicks PTSD so they remember you forever" mode
  20. i didnt either. you posted in my first thread ever, remember that? bros 4 lyfe. there are only like 10 active members on this site anyway. i forgot to include Bill Krozby but he's fucking Bill Krozby. besides that the list is comprehensive.
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