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Posts by The Boobyverse X = X 1 = 0

  1. [FONT=Courier New]Trianglism: The book of the cryptogrophers sneaky sly pseudospy [/FONT]
    1. The anonymous of hedgehogs doth watch as the legends unfold, does what he’s told and might possibly grow old. This shall be carved in gold, in a stone that can’t be pulled, a graph that can’t be polled.
    2. Be as you are, see as you be, and maybe next time put the seat down after you pee
    3. Ever since I was a young shape, I played the silver triangle. He sure plays a mean quadrilateral.
    4. The day has cometh that we shall move beyond the stars, every illuminated spectacle in the sky intercorrelates with one another in a precise fashion to create actions analogous to chemical reactions in between the gravitational field of planets.
    5. Sneaky sly psuedospy watches the passerby go by and die as he levitates to nth dimensional planes which consist of paper airplanes flying in mobius strips.
    1. Roshambo has cometh to grave extents, false pretenses and turns of events but one day will rise as the shapemaster that the prophecy implies. Thou art suffering in pain, but on some plain, the wisdom and goodness will rain again.
    [FONT=Cambria]LOL I NEED TO LAY DOWN RIGHT NOWThou benzedrex cometh into the life, stricken young Roshambo with a terrible sight, but gluttony and greed caused the amphetamine to seed and no longer will he feed on the daily bread[/FONT]
    1. Previously told, the dextromethorphan and the fall of the twentytwelve had proven that god is man, man is god, we are told, young is old and the script is bold.
    [FONT=Cambria]fuck. i wanted to play starcraft[/FONT]

    1. Judas lies down while Roshambo ponders his existence. “ Why Ellen sutton, why couldn’t your anorexic 7th grade mind feast on my phallus”
  2. its been like 24 hours and i'm still fucked up
  3. I can't even describe what happened to me.

    Do you ever feel so high it hurts?
  4. You've*
  5. what about when computers get so smart they design their own computer?

  6. 1
  7. Heh remember when the thread "I banned sploo" by Gun Lover was the most thanked post in Zoklet history?
  8. Remember when me being banned from zoklet by Gun Lover was the most thanked post in Zoklet history?

  11. I believe it is. Yes.
  12. I'm gonna smoke some spice in an hour or so. bundy mixed with spice is one of the most fucking insane combos. Like, the last time I smoked a bag of Geeked Up on 472mg of bundy I literally teleported to alternate dimensions that were reminiscent of neon psychedelic ipad games. And that one time I smoked Diablo on 840mg of bundy I turned into a triangle, had a seizure, and suffocated on my own vomit but my parents saved my life yay.
  13. I smoke Newports. The only time I smoked American Spirits was when I was 15 and would pick up 4-5 cigarette butts off the sidewalk to smoke every day and ended up with a new disease all the time. And then I gave like 20 of them to my gf but she deserved it anyway so lulz, My immune system killed all of dem freeky things off like a year or two ago though, I wonder if my ex still has tourettes from it. American Spirits don't have a very high nicotine content. I prefer to inhale as hard as possible on a cigarette, hold it in for a second or two while taking a gulp of air, and then breathing out. I usually finish a cigarette within 30 seconds and then I have to lay down for ten minutes because the nicotine rush it gives me makes it hard to move. I've only drank coffee once in my entire life when I was in the psych ward and couldn't get my daily 1-2 energy drinks. It made me grind my teeth a bit so I guess some of the alkaloids and trace chemicals in coffee beans have additive stimulant properties, i dunno. Monsters taste so good though. Basically those are the only two things I ever leave my house to buy besides an occasional 25 cent box of lemonheads or cheetos spicy jalapeno
  14. bundy is ridiculously good for you.

    posted some of this before

    @Sophist: I can't say for sure. Maybe it's just because you were convincing enough as Sophist that it left that impression. Also your avatar is of a cartoon girl and your username is Sophie so maybe a little bit
  15. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]Your gonna be fucked when your older [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px] It will be funny though…….remember these times, and be sure to recall them in your NA meetings as you smoke American spirits and drink shitty coffee[/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. i realized last night that when you were Sophist and I thought you were a girl you were like my e-gf. You could be a badass girl. You seem somewhat feminine anyway, do you agree with that?
  17. I looked up "how to not throw up" on wikihow and one of the steps was to put a cold compress on the back of your head. I grabbed an icecube but I didn't want to get my hair wet because I'm too girly and vain so I just shoved my whole head in there. But yeah, it actually worked.
  18. only 236mg but apparently wellbutrin is a potent [FONT=MS Reference Sans Serif]CYP2D6 inhibitor and i feel the physical embodiment of wat and unhealth right now

    i stuck my head in the freezer so i wouldn't puke[/FONT]
  19. malice should make a psychoanalysis post about me. it would be like the description of human social roles from the perspective of a hyperintelligent deer.

    i bet he could make a movie that tops "The Room".
  20. cloning machines with gene microdeletions
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