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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You put a claw on me and you'll be sorry.

    Be careful speckles, I have a CCH, that's a concealed carry hermit. And I'm also very quick on the claw.

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  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Butter chicken mostly. The occasional prawn (shrimp) and mushroom and Keema every now and then.

    I love the way you put shrimp in parentheses so your neighbors will know wtf you're on about. That's the same reason used parentheses instead of brackets.

    I really wanna nice curry now.

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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I had no idea I was so loved here. Of course my intention on this site is always to piss you all off, I'm gonna have to up my game.

    I do love mmQs quirkiness tho. I mean how can you not love mmQs quirkiness? I'm not gay tho, not even a tiny little bit.

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Manonfire No
    They deserve to be treated like the beautiful queens they are

    Fuuukkkk I love women


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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by WellHung Bullshit. I'm sick of you misinforming people about the junk. Quit championing that disgusting substance u fucking junkie.

    well fuck off then. i'm not the one misinforming, the media and the war on drugs is the one that does that. i just tell it as it is. why you so afraid of the truth pal?

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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Manonfire Girl u dont need to defend urself to Joe
    He will keep blowing the same recycled bullshit over and over like his opinion is The only right one
    He fails at arguments so he turns into a parrot and repeats

    Ur are beautiful imho
    Joe hasnt had a women half as attractive as I believe u are

    i'm calling him jokerell from now on. the thing that's funny about him, pretty much every user on these totse rebirth sites are very much media bullshit aware. that is we're fully aware of the western media and their manipulation techniques and constant stream of bullshit. we are all very cynical when it comes to reuters, news corp and all the other control freak organizations that spew out their highly edited bullshit opinions and present them as facts to the dummy masses. we're even aware that the supposedly more so called 'impartial' news outlets like RT and al jazeera even report biased towards their own personal agendas. so its pretty fucking funny when we get some clueless fucktard who lives on a self-imposed force fed diet of cnn, bbc and fox news coming here spouting those propaganda box tv dinner opinions practically word for word. i wouldn't be surprised if you sent the duck out with half his posts you'd find he'd literally copy-pasta'd them straight off their websites.

    i mean i really don't get what nutjobs like jokerell hope to achieve coming to a site like this with that shite. i mean we've heard it all before so many times but we all became impervious to it over a decade ago at least. and its not like jokerell is even the first of his kind. we've had many come and go over the years and we'll likely see many more. but they all have one thing in common, they all go.

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  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by esbity Getting bit by dogs, getting lost, old people in parking lots, people getting ran over…the usual.

    lolwut, you can't even handle a dog or read a fucking road sign, map or ask someone for directions? you might as well kill yourself now, this world ain't for the likes of you, boy.

    also, what you think old people in parking lots are gonna do, mug you or summing?

    and if someone got run over then you need to be calling an ambulance if they're injured, not the pigs, they have very limited medical training from what i understand.

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell You mean like highly educated men like yourself who spend hours getting the right color for heroine so it's a perfect high or placing more importance on pedos rights than the underage kids they kill. If anyone is an idiot it's you junior…LMAO. Still you did make 1 good point…opportunists in media, fashion and music should be punished for using kids to profit from or giving the illusion pedophilia is normal. Instead of ignoring this BS it should be challenged and ironically the worse offenders are connected to the left. I hope your next hit is a rosy one…won't make society better however the different shades may impress the odd drugged up model.

    ok lets get summing straight here, i am definitely not pro pedo. if i thought the justice system could be trusted to come up with a true and fair result then i would be totally fine with executing child killer/rapists. however i know from experience that the justice system cannot be trusted to organize a bunk up in a brothel let alone be trusted to return a fair conviction on anybody. and if even one person is likely to get wrongly executed then nobody should be getting executed in my book. execution doesn't just punish the perpetrator, it punishes their family who have to sit and helplessly watch a loved one put through the execution process. can you even imagine what it must be like for a child having to go through that happening to a parent?

    my take on the pedo situation is that society has it all backwards. i have discussed this on here before but i think it would have been before your time tho jokerell. i'm pretty certain that the big attraction for pedo's to kids is the forbidden fruit aspect, the high risk factor makes for much increased sexual excitement. the risk factor is what drives most deviant and perverse kinks. but if that is the case, then by making it so highly illegal to have sex with kids you are then making sex with kids a highly desirable attraction to those who seek out and get off on the more riskier forms of sexual behavior. its the streisand effect, by attempting to protect something you then go and make it a target. that being said we are now in a situation where we couldn't now just legalize it as many pedophiles perversion is so deeply ingrained they most likely just see children as the object of their affections and don't even consider that it has anything to do with the risk factor anymore. society has created a total catch 22 situation surrounding child sexual abuse.

    but who do you think started it all? yeah that's right, idiots like you who think more legislation is needed to protect everyone from everyone. idiots who are scared fucking stiff of the world they live in. and do you know why you're all so scared? because that fucking media, cnn and fox news and the like, constantly bombarding you with over-hyped scare stories on an hourly basis telling you how scary the world is and making it seem to you like these isolated incidents of things like a child being raped and murdered is something that happens literally on a daily basis in every town and village in the country, making every parent paranoid to fuck. coz parents that are paranoid to fuck are very easy to control, they pay their taxes and do what they're told and don't complain when more draconian laws are passed to 'keep them safe', lol.

    the fact is that laws that are supposedly put in place to protect or solve a problem nearly always cause even more problems in society. or just push the problem underground which makes the problem ten times more dangerous than it ever was in the first place. the irony is that these laws that are supposedly there to protect are actually protecting hardly anyone, just making some people a lot of money and giving them more power. most of these laws are actually harming more people than they are protecting. its fucking ridiculous.

    and btw, fuck yeah i'm gonna spend time getting the color right. when getting that color right is putting £400 a week into my pocket, ya get me fam?

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell Sophie…

    "Then we agree."

    Not really…maybe you see Benny differently.

    "If you truly believe pedophilia is a mental illness than how is it fair to say things like: "No worth to society, kill em all!".
    It's not a partisan issue. Besides you didn't really answer my question."

    Whether an individual promotes pedophilia or carries it out it's still a mental illness because the legal intent is to harm an innocent victim. When are you going to stop believing it may be normal…when disturbed individuals start fiddling babies or molesting girl's suffering from Down's Syndrome. For the victim there are no benefits being with or knowing a pedo. Most of if not all pedos are mentally deranged and solutions are easy. Execute the murderers and cure the sociopaths when known by strictly keeping them away from children.

    "Not necessarily but that's a conversation for another day. What i mean to say is, the pedos that rape and kill are a tiny minority within the minority of pedos themselves. The pedos that don't rape and kill they don't get as much press."

    Small regarding those who are caught…yet many cowards hiding or actually involved in crimes we don't even know about. Include prostitution, porn and smuggling it's a pretty lucrative bussiness and all based on using victims. Those who don't rape and kill don't get much press because they hide and are cowards.

    "Calm down. Look, first of all, that's a very slippery slope. Who decides who is deranged, you? Are you the supreme arbiter of divine justice? Wanna kill the faggots too? And people with an IQ below 90, everyone with a mental illness?"

    There is no slippery slope…remove the rights of innocent kids you no longer have a society worth living in. Allowing parasites to blossom serves no purpose and the helpless should come first. Quit implying BS I never said…sick leftists always think like yourself and why values don't exist anymore. If you don't protect the rights of an innocent kid you will be next…ruled by dictators and those who eliminate even good people standing for justice.

    "Even if you consider what is "deranged" as evil, how is it just to use a greater evil(Murder) to get rid of these evils?"

    Dude put down the pipe. LMAO.

    Sociopathy and psychopathy are diseases that kill people. Sometimes psychopaths will rape/kill children. Sometimes they'll rape/kill adults. Like i said, it has nothing in particular to do with pedophilia."

    No sociopathy and psychopathy are mental disorders that can make you kill and rape children, adults or even animals. If progression is not monitored or treated it can create a monster and even individuals who are dormant never lead normal lives. It has everything to do with pedophilia…there are only differing levels of the mental illness. Like I said treat those who are found and execute the ones who have no purpose for living after destroying innocent lives.

    has it even registered in your mind what the implications of a society that executes pedophiles even means? you will be giving the power of life and death of every man to children. children who will have a limited understanding of the implications of life and death and the effects and knock on effects of having somebody killed. so every man would be at the mercy of any child who decided to take a disliking to him for whatever reason. so for instance if a guy hooked up with a woman who had children from a previous relationship and a child decided they didn't want this strange man replacing their father, then they could just make a false allegation and problem solved. the state will just take him away and eliminate him forever. simples.

    so do you really want to live in that world joerell? because you strike me as the sort of guy that a lot of people would likely take a disliking to irl.

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell Life would be incredibly amazing…if you would just STFU.

    But I'm not going to so it looks like your life is gonna suck balls. Sucks to be you I guess, lol.

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Technologist So OP,
    You truly think people will try to make this a norm? I can’t see that, I think that would cause outrage. I can’t see it being one of those things that “people just get used to”!

    parents are notorious for absolutely hating the very thought of their children having sex. most parents don't even like the idea of their kids having sex when they are over the age of consent, there's no way in fucking hell any parent is going to be ok about a law allowing their 5 year olds to be fucking sexually abused. and it would be abuse.

    do any of you, especially you op, understand how and why the age of consent is decided upon?


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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine

    nobody would argue that even a toddler can say yes or no and so give consent for something. however it is ridiculously easy to trick a child into thinking they are ok to do something when in reality they probably are not because they don't really understand the implications involved with a sexual relationship so they don't really know what they are giving consent to.

    why do some people have such a hard time understanding this?

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  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by aldra how did you get that from what he posted?

    i'd just woke up at the time, guess i didn't read proply.

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    got my recipe from an old 4chan post

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Glokula's Homabla how do you make bash? i want in.

    well the first rule to being successful selling bash is to closely guard your recipe and don't tell any fucking idiots because its only costing about £40 to make a kilo and it then sells for 10 times that. you especially mustn't tell those types of little idiots who literally live for telling all their other little dimlo pals anything they can to show them how big/clever/grown up/cool/gangsta they are. because those sorts of idiots will mostly think 'oh that's so cool i'm gonna do that too' and then not only do they start doing it, but they show off to all their divvy little pals about it too. and then they start doing it and they also go telling all their divvy little mates too. and they start doing it and telling all their muggy little pals too. before you know it you got idiots everywhere making the stuff and there's so much around that you're lucky if you can make even a 10% mark up on the stuff. so obviously i can't tell you how to make it sploo, ya get me fam?

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i hate both fascists and anti-fascists pretty much equally

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Long Dong Silver

    Famed for the apparent size of his penis, reputedly 18 inches (46 cm), he appeared in several pornographic movies in the UK and US during the late 1970s and early 1980s. However, photographer Jay Myrdal has revealed that although Silver “was immensely endowed… a good nine or ten inches,” the penis featured in his porn shoots was faked. After at first successfully using “complicated multi-exposure techniques” to enhance Silver’s natural endowments for still photography, Myrdal later persuaded Christopher Tucker, the makeup artist for the film The Elephant Man, to create the prosthetic which greatly contributed to the notoriety of Long Dong Silver. Myrdal comments that, “It was very light, a very delicate foam latex sleeve that fit on over the cock, carefully glued down underneath by the pubes and then made up.”

    i'd be seriously fucking pissed off if i had a dick that size. that would literally be your entire whole life experience completely ruined. imagine living as a man and never getting to experience the awesome feeling of being balls deep, like not even once.

    like not even once, dayaamm

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i never could imagine him as the capable guy type, he was too much of a dumb soppy cunt.

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I just got a pm from 1337(bipolarhighroller) saying that hydro died in that nursing home today. he hasn't replied anymore so far, but i don't think this is a troll this time tho. didn't say how it happened or anything. has he messaged anyone else about this saying what happened exactly?

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by aldra FLOOR PILLS BEST PILLS

    don't ever call me a junkie

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