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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by benny vader didnt contradicted with what i said.

    theres no such thing as victims other than what we make of it.

    children who had sex with adults voluntarily arent victims, its the society that insisted they are.

    they stop being victims if the society stops telling them that they are.

    sex with children stops being bad if and when the society no longer says that its bad.

    it ain't that simple and straight forward benny and i think really you know it isn't. like i said especially the really young children can easily be coerced into going along with something at the time, especially with an adult there that can be intimidating for a child to say no to at the moment. sex can be confusing even for adults, surely you can understand how a child afterwards can be left feeling really confused, guilty, scared and have no idea what the fuck is going on. and if they are convinced or even threatened into not telling anyone, then that can leave them even more frightened and confused. i mean if you cannot see how that would impact a young developing mind in a very negative way then you seriously are a fucking moron of the highest calibre. personally i think you are somewhat in denial about the situation as you know that it conflicts with your sick desires towards children.

    tell me benny, do you find adult women sexually attractive?

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  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i fucked a 12 year old before. it wasn't the best shag ever but i did really enjoy it at the time tho.

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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell If more people would morally explode everywhere over pedophiles abusing innocent kids and prevent them from promoting this mental disorder as if it's normal maybe there would be less victims. Leftists who cuddle pedophiles are more of a danger lacking morals and not helping society.

    yeah clearly mass hysteria concerning the problem really helps

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach

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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell I guess you never read about the Bay of Pigs or how close we were to disaster…much easier now. The EU are only reasonably equipped by the US and if funding stops good luck surviving attacks from Russia or China. Most likey it will start as a conventional war in the ME with Iran and escalate fast. A few hits like Japan in WW2 from both sides and then every man for himself. Man has no ability to stay peaceful and socialism is what will trigger the final battle where people don't want to be slaves. You forget many within communism will fight against their own wanting freedom also even if they don't survive.

    the bay of pigs brought us no closer to nuclear war than we were in 1066. you know the people who really run countries, they are the ones with all the money. think about it, why wouldn't they be? and they're the ones that really control if that red button ever got pressed. you really think they're gonna give up their lavish life of reilly and destroy everything?

    one thing people with money have in common is their fear of losing it, losing that lifestyle, it becomes an obsession. they're not pressing that button for shit, neither is the russian guy, nor the chinese, definitely not the chinese guy coz they got shit going way too good.

    they love to use fear to control everybody tho. the fact is that if you are the guy that stands between every bodies destruction, or that they just perceive, let me repeat that, or they just perceive that you are the only one who can keep them safe, you are then king of every single one of those people. forget who got what votes or who was fucking heir. if everybody believes they will die without you to prevent it then you are their king, simple. and that is the sole reason for all the medias constant scare-mongering. its a protection racket, they convince everyone they are in danger, then offer protection from those perceived threats. every system of authority in the world uses that concept to varying degrees. they have done for thousands of years. its where all the old stories of monsters and demons etc comes from.

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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    and again, i didn't flood his fucking apartment. i don't care how fucking high i was, there's just nothing i could have done that would put that much water on the floor. we're not talking about a couple of litres here, this must have been like 5 to 10 gallons of water that ended up on the floor. you think i've done that while high and not left a single trace of anything, like i've cleaned everything up again while so high i couldn't even remember anything?

    just coz i can't explain this doesn't mean there isn't an explanation. but then i'm no plumber.

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  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by aldra lol, dissolve in a solvent and use a syringe or something to measure the liquid

    lol, funny story actually. so i had 100mg of the xanax powder which is supposedly pharmaceutical grade, and i now belioeve probably is. so what i did was to line the whole 100mg up into one long thin line that was as even as i could judge it, then i measured it, it was exactly 22 1/2 cm, which was ideal as i wanted to start by splitting it into 5 equalish portions. so i did them all into 4 1/2 cms and wrapped 4 of them up. the other one i lined out again and split it into 10 which should all have been around the 2mg mark. i took 1 and wrapped the rest up.

    so about 20/30 minutes later i could start to feel it but it didn't seem that strong, i was thinking at this point that there was powder stuck to the mirror and the cards and shit i was using, so maybe that affected the dosage, so i took another one. half hour after that i was buzzing like fuck. i went for a walk down the shops in the sunshine, it was lovely, then came back here, smoked some smack, had a small spliff, fucked about online for a bit and next thing i'm waking up next morning.

    if you remember a few weeks back i broke my bed when banging some chick, well i still got a mattress on the floor that i'm sleeping on which is about 3 feet from my bathroom door. so i've woken up now to fucking water everywhere. the bathrooms flooded, my front room is flooded, the mattress i'm laying on is all soaking. and whats more i've no idea what's going on here. i check in the bathroom expecting a leak of some sort but there is none. the taps(faucets) are all off and everything. at some point while i was in xanxanland i must have flooded water everywhere. i dunno wtf i was doing, i have an absolute mental block. anyway i've barely been up half hour when i gets a knock, i scramble all my durgs and shit in the draw and go answer it to find heidi. heidi is one of the support workers from that hostel i was living at, and because its the same firm that own these flats they are here from time to time nosing up on us and shit. she's proper fit an all, i would totally bang. anyway she's on me about the water leaking and telling me the guy below me is furious because his tv and playstation all got soaked and are fucked. she said they were banging my door really hard last night trying to wake me up and asking why i didn't answer. i was still half asleep so the best i came up with was that i get insomnia, hadn't slept for a week and it had all caught up with me and i slept like a log. then i said i just woke up now and found the water everywhere but have no idea where it came from.

    so i got a plumber coming here soon to check all the pipes and shit, altho i'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with them. but i cannot for the life of me remember what the fuck i did that night to make all that fucking mess and flood my fucking flat. i went and saw the dude below me and he was ok tho. apparently they're paying him from insurance or summing so he seems over the moon about it actually. my other neighbor who is next door to him shoved his phone screen in my face showing that the dude was in prison for diddling with a 4 year old tho so fuck him the sick cunt. if what that's saying on google is true then i'ma think up some even more insidious ways to fuck with the sick cunt. that xanax powder tho is some pretty sick shit, but yeah i know it definitely requires caution when making up a dose hahahh


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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    yeah we had one just like him on zoklet called darkhunter. we've had quite a few over the years. you can always spot them coz they'll post that shite but won't follow it up with a coherent discussion. obvs because its not really their opinion so they are unable to discuss it in detail. as soon as you pull them up on it they resort to name calling and other stupid shit, anything to avoid getting into a real debate on the issue.

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    he's what we call a gullible mug.

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    and no, its not just to sell newspapers. people want to be informed and connected, they would buy the papers no matter what the news was on any given day.

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    a little tip for you, the media have been scare-mongering about a war with russia or china since before i was born and i'm now 45. its just scare-mongering, its never gonna happen.

    what you should really be asking yourself is why would they scare-monger over that for no reason. another little tip for you, there's always a reason.

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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain You are free to say whatever you want. Someone else is free to be offended by it and say so. Your employer is free to fire your ass because they don't want to be associated with whatever you said.

    You are basically bitching that you shouldn't have to face the consequences of your actions like a cuck ass bitch.

    its understandable if its a high ranking board member or somebody with a very public role in a company. but ain't nobody gonna stop buying say sony products because one of the guys that packs their phones into boxes or sweeps the warehouse floor happens to be infaggotryshack or summing. what an everyday joe thinks or says in his private life has fuck all to do with the company if it doesn't directly affect it. i mean if infaggotryshack was posting his nigger hate on the company website or from his email address, then again that is understandable. but not if its done as a private individual in their own private life.

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  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    was just in town and went to buy a coke coz i was thirsty. anyway they were selling pasties and shit which looked pretty nice. they had it were they were all out in a hot cabinet and you put one into a paper bag and go pay for it. so i put one in a bag, went round the shelf and slipped it in my waistband coz its hot and all i was wearing was jeans and a tee, so nowhere else to conceal it. so i goes picks up a coke and went to pay for the coke but this pasty is starting to feel a bit too hot around my belt. so i was using my hand to try and hold it away from my skin a bit so it wouldn't get so hot while i waited to pay. next thing i know my finger went straight through the paper bag and the pasty and its all falling apart and starting to burn my nuts. so i ducked back round the shelf putting the coke down on the side to go sort it out where they wouldn't see that i'd just tried to steal one of their pasties. and its all starting to fall down my leg now. and the filling is hot as fuck. so i try to let it all fall down the leg of my jeans but these tight jeans these days, it got half way down my calf and all got stuck there. and now its burning my leg to fuck so i've just squished it down and out the bottom of my jeans and just left it on the floor. hopefully they'll think somebody just dropped a pasty on the floor and it got trod on or summing. anyway so now i thought i'll just buy this coke and get the fuck out. but as i'm going back to where the coke was i'm thinking where did i put that £10 note, and i'm checking all my pockets just as i hear a guy at the cashier saing 'somebody just left this bottle of coke and ten pound note on the side', so i quickly called it as mine, paid for the coke and got the fuck out. i had to go and get some envelopes and copier paper so i was rushing to get them so i could get home to check my leg coz it was burning like fuck now. anyway i got home, ripped my clothes off and got in the shower. there is a huge blister bigger than a tennis ball on my calf and its sore as hell now.

    moral of the story is don't go putting hot pasties in your waistband to chore them kids.

    i've got hot pasties like that tons of times and never had anything like that happen tho. that was one seriously fucking hot pasty man.

    i'll take some pics, you guys gotta see this.

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by S6x Also what is a good brand of Caffeine pills. I don't want to look like a drug addic and ask a pharamacist.

    you can just buy anhydrous caffeine powder on ebay. it usually comes with a little 1ml plastic spoon for measuring it out. way cheaper than paying someone to just fill up some pill machine and pop a load out.

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny It would probably say my ancestors come from Wales.

    or FINland

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by benny vader your skin color indicates otherwise.

    i seen pix of candy and she do be fly

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Lol number13 got it. That was the exact line that inspired the Fred title. Well done mah man.

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl Uhmmm so what about when you're using a public restroom? Is it the same procedure narcissist?

    No, that's what I meant by whenever possible, lol. If I came to your house tho and used your toilet you can be pretty fucking sure that I stuck my ass in your handbasin and rinsed water right up into the darkest corners of my asshole tho. I wouldn't even bother wiping your sink over afterwards either.

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    a lot of crimes shouldn't even be crimes these days so ima go with the first.

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what are you all a bunch of fags or what? this is like what 12 year old girls play ffs.

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