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Thanked Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Its too difficult to not hate smarmy cunts who constantly go on like they are better than everyone else and put others down when they also happen to be ignorant fools whose put downs are based on mass media prejudice and stereotypes used to stir up fear and hatred amongst the population. Dumb smucks don't come much dumber than jokerell, lol.

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  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell There's a difference between fake news ( CNN ) supporting a corrupt side and independent researced information.

    you know you guys should really start to have a bit more appreciation for jokerell here. i mean just imagine for a moment what you'd all do if he wasn't here to point out to us that there is a difference between fake news and independent researched information. we'd all be truly fucked without somebody to point out this complexity to us and explain it in the nice, simple and easily understandable way that he just has done. you guys really should stop giving jokerell such a hard time here and start to think about just what we'd all do without him.

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  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by joerell Thanks to corrupt Democrates, Leftists, Socialists and Globalists.

    10 Signs That America Is In Much Worse Trouble Than We All Thought…

    July 29, 2018 by Michael Snyder

    #2 America is absolutely teeming with sexual predators. When I read stories like the one I am about to share with you, it makes me want to vomit. According to a report that was just released, more than 300 “predator priests” were identified in just 6 Pennsylvania dioceses…

    A landmark grand jury report identifies more than 300 “predator priests” in six of Pennsylvania’s Roman Catholic dioceses, the state Supreme Court said Friday in ordering the findings released. (Tap here to read the court ruling.)

    The justices said the report on clergy child sexual abuse going back decades and allegations of cover-up efforts will be made public but without the names or “individual specific information” of priests and others who have challenged the findings, at least in the initial version to be released.

    #3 America has a massive problem with pedophilia. This is particularly true in Hollywood, and actor Elijah Wood has decided to go public about it…

    The actor, in a new interview with the Sunday Times, is accusing Tinseltown of having a pedophilia problem, saying “a lot of vipers” are preying on children in the business.

    “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organized. There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind,” he said. “There is darkness in the underbelly. What bums me about these situations is that the victims can’t speak as loudly as the people in power. That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people: they can be squashed, but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”

    when an article starts with a line like that it is a clear indication that the report is biased and that line is intended to sway your opinion. its one of the main tricks the media use to sway the readers opinion into thinking the way they want you to think.

    now i'm not saying i oppose the view of the writer of this particular article, but on the other hand this is exactly what i am getting at when i say that the media is not helping this issue by stirring up such strong public opinions surrounding the issue.

    you will notice lines very similar to this are used in newspaper reports all the time. the line isn't reporting news or informing the reader of anything. it's only intention is to instill the opinion that the publication wants to instill into the minds of the masses. this is exactly what i mean when i tell you that the media controls you, they control your mind and in doing so they control you and everyone else.

    seriously, media is such a powerful tool and its stuff like this that is really very subtle and is missed by most people, it goes straight over their heads exactly what is going on and they just fall for it hook, line and sinker. this is why i do not read newspapers or view mass media anymore. it is mind control, there is no other way of putting it.

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  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny Isn't that sad? Like insofar as we have the means to control how much we interact with our neighbors, we elect not to? Community, or even acquaintance, with neighbors is something we tend to try to buy our way out of. I kinda loath the 50s suburban ideal but one thing I do admire about the affluent people of the era is that they seemed to consider participation in the community a virtue.

    There are a lot of problem in the US that can't be solved by local communal action, and the "thousand points of light" is a euphemism for pawning the responsibilities of the state off on the citizenry, but it does seem like there are some real problems that really could be solved by people participating in a strong local community, collaborating to provide some simple community services. And aside from the material benefit (in some cases there probably wouldn't be any, staffing a neighborhood trash collection initiative with doctors and lawyers probably isn't economically effective) I think there's a level of simple human well being that comes out of being knowing the people you live with and laboring for an immediate and external good.

    the worst people are those that take a disliking to one of their neighbors for some reason or other and then go on some mission to remove them, like they think they can control who lives where by using all sorts of methods from simple intimidation, to just being awkward to the point of making life unbearable, to constantly reporting on them for things that are often exaggerated or even completely made up. those types can cause so many problems in a community that has a knock on effect that affects more than just their intended targets. and there are a lot of people like this these days who seem to think they have some kind of right to choose who their neighbors are. they can't just accept whoever they get and make an effort to get on with them or at the very least be civil like most people do. that's just life, if you really don't want to live around certain people then make more money and buy somewhere more secluded ffs. we all have neighbors we don't really like, but we still manage to be civil, nobody says you have to go out with them regularly or even have a conversation that consists of much more than just saying hi for the sake of keeping the peace.

    see this is also the sort of shit they should be teaching kids in school. its a very valuable lesson that would be of great benefit to society as a whole.

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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by A College Professor You know someone is a druggie when they say "You know someone is a judgemental fuck when they say 'druggies' "

    he's also a fucking hardcore hypocrite. look at all the shit he's given hydro for using tpain and me for using heroin.

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  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I wish, I'm on a train, I would miss my stop. I did just smoke half a ten bag in the toilet tho and will go and finish it off in a minute for something to do.

    While were on the subject. What is it with people who go to open a public toilet door like on a train, and when it doesn't open they start ragging at it real hard trying to force it open? Do these people not understand how public toilet doors work? I mean its not complicated, if it won't open then it means its locked from the inside and somebody is clearly in there using it. Doing that is not going to cause them into inexistence and magically make the cubicle vacant for you to use.
    I could imagine if some little old lady with a nervous disposition was sitting in there taking a dump and someone started doing that she could be the first person to shit herself while simultaneously shitting herself.

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  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by A College Professor is narc still black-deviling his downstairs neighbor to justify being a retard from hell?

    i most certainly am yes

    what you gonna fucking do about it?

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny What if someone flooded your apartment and be like "man, that guy's just some junkie scumbag. I'd like to do worse than that to him!" Would you be OK with that?

    lanny do you actually understand what a child molester is? do you understand what they actually do to children?

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  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what the fuck makes these people think like this in the first place gets me. i just went in mcdiks in town while i waited to get a phone unlocked in the shop. this girl at the next table, very emo looking with colored hair and cutting scars all up her arms was chatting to this goth lad. she wouldn't shut the fuck up about pride, literally every word out of her mouth was pride. she was banging on about how she'd never been to pride before and this will be her first time this year and how she was sooooooo excited she was going to pride. then she got this bag and started pulling out a tshirt and was saying 'this is by pride'. i could see it had some rainbow colored pic on it, lol. i stopped listening after that but kept hearing the word pride being said every other word. the girl was obviously obsessed and it reminded me i was thinking just the other day that a lot of these fags these days you very much get the impression that they are being gay as a fucking fashion statement like they've perceived that it is trendy to be gay and so to be seen as being as trendy as possible to all their peers they've taken to sucking cocks.

    can you imagine growing up in a world where you are given the strong impression that if you want to be popular and liked and accepted by people, then you have to suck cocks, and not only that but you have to be seen to be a cocksucker. so you go to gay festivals and wear clothes with gay support groups logos on them.

    the world i grew up in being gay was very much something to be embarrassed about and hidden. i mean i get that a lot of people think that was wrong and ok maybe it was to an extent. but i really think that being completely flipped into a world where kids are given the idea that they won't be accepted or will be a social outcast if they are heterosexual is so much fucking worse than that ever was. that is just seriously fucked up beyond all recognition.

    also, just before this happened i was finishing a cigarette just before going into the shopping mall and there was this very butch looking lesbian with a little boy. the boy kept whinging on and on at her that he wanted some toy and the lesbian was saying no. the kid then said 'but dad you never let me have anything', lol. then the chick joined her with the other kids. i was thinking about saying to her 'did that kid just call you dad?, but i didn't really feel in the mood to be having my old fashioned prejudices publicly challenged by a butthurt butch lesbo. i had my phone out so thought i'd take a sneaky pic instead and have a rant about it on nis, lol.

    have a look you can clearly see its a chick, she got tits and everything, lol.

    i was gonna start a fred about it but this one seemed perfect already.

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  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Lanny is the man of a thousand faces.

    and two thousand fake boobies

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  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    you know your constant and desperate need to justify your sick fantasies just go to prove that you know it to be wrong.

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  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    everyone knows fred flintstone invented the wheel retards

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  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny What's your plan with this place you're at? Like are you trying to live there forever? Like I know I've poked some fun about the apartment flooding thing but I'm not trying to talk shit, that just sounds miserable having state agents looking over your shoulder indefinitely. Lord know there's no special dignity in wage slavery, but at least you don't have to live under a microscope if you can pull your shit together for a shift now and then.

    yeah i know you're all just trying to wind me up, no worries. the plan is that these people are supposed to give us assistance in finding our own accommodation. apparently they have a number of connections they can help you access. i should hopefully be moved into a private place that is all mine within six months but i'm a bit skeptical about that time frame as they seem to have a lot of staffing issues and these key work sessions which are supposed to be every week or two depending on your needs keep getting postponed. i just switched key worker to this chick who is suddenly starting to seem very intrusive into my private life, way more than any of the others were. i get the feeling she is trying to prove herself someway or is just a general control freak type who gets off on the idea that she can get to control someone like me. i'm hoping she'll back off otherwise i will just pack my bag and fuck off on road, but that will fuck it right up if i have to do that. basically it will all be for nothing and i'll be homeless and back to square one. i can't put up with that kind of shit myself tho, its not in my nature to.

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  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    luck got nothing to do with it

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  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm not supporting it. :)

    k cool

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  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by apt Ripe for the taking

    i think the same way about your kind only i dish out my love with a bat, a very hard bat.

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  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ Yeah but to be fair you see that shit with all sorts of people who never had any childhood sexual abuse.

    that really isn't the best argument to support child sex mmQ my man.

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  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by apt Just look at her petite figure, smooth little legs and flawless skin. Imagine what her tight, hairless, underdeveloped pussy would feel and taste like. What man wouldn't want to mount this goddess on his cock and take her for a ride to O town?

    underdeveloped being the operative word in that sentence. its underdeveloped for a reason.

    what do you think the word underdeveloped means when referring to that?

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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Technologist Total Bullshit!

    Do you realize that many victims of pedophiles have a difficult time with seeing their sexuality in a healthy manner once they reach the appropriate age to have sexual encounters?????

    very true. a girl i was seeing last year was abused when she was young and it was very clear she was constantly going through her own personal hell because of it. its not a nice thing to see somebody you care about going through that knowing there is pretty much fuck all you can do about it to help.

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  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny ACTUALLY when you molest children you strengthen mother nature by preparing the youth for their eventual role as reproductive machines. Your 20th century notion of childhood as non-sexual is an artifical and wholly modern construct that is actively weakening our population. We should instead be applauding people like benny for their selfless devotion to reversing the degeneracy you soft minded liberals have brought upon us.

    Bravo benny, bravo. Godspeed on your sacred mission!

    i do agree that society has gotten ridiculous in this notion that children are 'innocents' and that anything even remotely associated with sex has to be totally shielded from their 'delicate little minds'. but i also think that it is puberty that prepares a person for reproduction and that nature had it covered perfectly long before benny and his ilk came along.

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