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Posts That Were Thanked by NARCassist

  1. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Enter,
    Lj is a beautiful woman. A woman with curves and an actual body. Her bathing suit pics were hot.

    You’re used to 20 somethings whose body hasn’t developed into a womanly figure. It’s part of life. You’ll end up appreciating a woman’s voluptuous body one day.

    then why do all older guys with status/options go for women in their 20s, whereas LJ was forced to receive compliments from losers like this on a dating forum:

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Enterita African Astronaut
    lmao, get fucked.

    inb4 a bunch of lies that he signed up earlier. SpectraL 2.0, folks.

    wait, SpectraL 1.0, because he has 1 leg.
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  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Should I still fuck this chick even though she's on her period? I'd probably have to get a hotel, because she's my roommate's ex, and I pay him rent and don't want it to cause problems. But I haven't gotten laid in a few years and don't feel like waiting another week.

    A real sailor sails the red sea too.
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  4. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stupid noob Maybe you're just fucking ugly.

    now listen here, that argument doesnt have two legs to stand on!
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by EllariaSand case in point below

    Please direct all further comments here

    Thanks in advance 👍

    I think his point is that you claiming to know with 100% certainty what happens to us after we die is no different than a Christian or someone saying the same thing, which you've brought up as foolish. The Christian believes they know, too. Why are they wrong and you right?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by EllariaSand Exactly

    Like Xlite said….we’re familiar with and attached to what we know as our current lives

    I think not knowing what comes next coupled with the nonsense religion teaches us makes people fear crossing over into the next phase of our existence

    This and the fact that no one seems to remember what came before birth

    Where does your belief stem from that we're on a never ending journey? How strongly do you believe that, how confident are you that that's the case? Could we simply die and not know anything, like before we were born?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by NARCassist its prohibition that makes it such a problem. its because of prohibition that nobody knows the purity of their supply from one bag to the next. you can't judge your dose properly when you don't know the purity and this is why people accidentally overdose.

    the only two statistically significant causes for overdose are A) intentional suicide attempt and B) hotshots, ie. people using (usually shooting) way too much because they underestimated the purity of a new batch
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL I watched President Nixon on live television, kid. And you think I was just twiddling my thumbs when computers first came out? I was on the Radio Shack Tandy and the Amiga and the Commadore64 as soon as they came out. And you think when &Totse came out in 1989 I didn't ALREADY have a computer and a modem and couldn't dial in as easy as anyone else? I was there, kid. None of this is new to me. I've been along for the ride the entire time, from start to finish. From the start of the Net to now. Who else do you know who can say that?

    So you're trying to say you're an OG nerd from way back whose actually very stupid and just had the time to devote a life to nothing, learning nothing and still being a dumbfuck roofer who can't read properly?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Enterita African Astronaut
    I don't believe this only because -SpectraL posted it.
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  10. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by stupid noob The face eating thing is so stupid. I've done shit tons of mdpv and even shot it and the only thing I ever wanted to do was fap constantly. It's John McAfees favorite drug lol.

    So that means everyone else who takes it behaves exactly the same way...huh Ignorant Ian?
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  11. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Cootehill I don't get this. In my experience by the time you get a girl into bed she usually hasn't already seen your dick.

    At least around here getting laid does not involve going up to a woman and pulling your dick out for her to examine.

    U dont think word gets out in a social circle? Especially among the slits? Son, ur naive...
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  12. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    looks like there's a bunch of fags around here
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    cut your pubes into an explosion shape and yell BANG as you drop your pants
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  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    You didn't win shit you fucking liar. Remember your lie about being in a Frosties commercial? Faggot, you never got a bike.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah, don't watch tranny cartoons
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  16. 🐿 African Astronaut
    But why would anyone want to? WHY?
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  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Hard to believe, but technological advancements will soon allow the government to read your actual thoughts, just like you'd scan a debit card. They will have scanners everywhere, in the streets, in the pubs, in the bathrooms, at your place of employment, in your car, in your own home, and they will be able to detect thought patterns remotely. It's all coming down the pipe. Another 20 or 30 years and we'll be there. After all, your thoughts are basically nothing more than electrical and chemical reactions, so all that is required is a device/system which is sensitive enough to "read", measure and interpret them.

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  18. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    I ordered a prostitute off of adult work or back page or one of those sites. She showed up at my motel room a couple hours later.

    Without thinking, i said "Hey, you look just like one of my aunts. I couldn't tell in the pictures."

    She said "oh" in a kind of disappointed manner, and then "if you'll just pay for the gas..."

    "I've always wanted to fuck her," I interrupted.

    Her face lit up. "Oh really? That's...pretty kinky. What was her name?"


    "You can call me that if you want to."

    I took her up on that offer.

    Best dream ever.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by mmQ By coin purse I meant vagina.

    that's a sausage wallet
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  20. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Enterita Seriously.

    §m£ÂgØL will probably oblige you, he's a shameless whore. 😜
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