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Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    bug chaser

  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by mmQ I think Lanny is the only person here to have never used a needle besides me obviously. That would be my guess.

    um no, I'm not retarded either.

  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Lanny You should check out Jizz Jiberatorz if you're into that kind of thing.


    and yes, that is exactly what he's into

  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie Pedophilia is a sexual preference, no sexual preference is inherently wrong. And i am not of the opinion that CP is wrong, rape certainly is but no one is hurt by a picture. Also IDK what delsuion you speak of, i am pretty sure i could actually get a 12yo gf if i tried if i would and she would consent to having sex then i would do so. Only thing i have a problem with is rape or actual abuse. If you think a CP picture is abuse then whatever, that's your opinion but it simply isn't objectively the case.
  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie IDK about that, but he has the emotional maturity of a 14 year old.

    funny how you say that, referring to how unemotionally mature a 14 year old is. yet your last post talked about how you recon you could get a 12 year old and hinted that you think she would be emotionally mature enough to give consent to sex, to which she'd have very little experience of and would barely have started puberty.

  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I really only use Xanax for come downs

  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    there's also a big contradiction in society. check out how many school girl costumes are in this list

    its by far the most commonly featured. but if you get your wife to dress as a school girl as a bedroom fantasy, then that must mean you lust after school girls. I'm really surprised how much this fact is conveniently over looked in society.

    I get a real feeling with how the pedo situation is blown out of proportion in society, that it is being exploited by the control freaks to spread fear amongst the general population, as people in fear are easily controlled and exploited themselves. and nothing scares people more than when their kids are threatened. I certainly wouldn't put anything past those sick fucks.

  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    you're a retard

    its not the same thing at all.

  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    when guys go for young teens, there is very little difference physically between young and the older teens. so it cannot be a physical factor. if it was simply a physical attraction then you'd go for the older teens. they go for the younger teens because its more dangerous, which makes it more exciting.

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    also, I can't speak for any girls, but I was having a sexual interest from at least 5. not that I knew what the fuck to do with it, but the impulses were definitely there. I would imagine many other kids, including female, would have similar curiosities.

  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    yeah sophies just a cunt. but I'm sure what attracts these sick fucks is the forbidden fruit aspect. which in my perspective means that by forbidding it in the first place, you just made thousands of innocent children the fucking target of sickos. fucking dumbass control freak mentality thinking you can just make a law and everyone will suddenly be living in utopia.

  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach

  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by 1337 I'm not against pedophilia, but I am against watching CP and abusing children. We can't control to whom we are attracted, but you can control the consumption of porn and fucking children. Pedos should be in therapy at the very least to make sure there is no chance of acting on their feelings. I can't definitely see why they don't want therapy though because of the stigma around the condition even if they never act on it.

    One of the things I don't buy at face value is how so much somebody having sexual relations with a child supposedly fucks them up for life. if an adult had sex with a 14 year old, this would be assumed. not even taking into consideration that the child may not be a virgin and may have already been having sexual encounters with other kids her own age. so what is it about the adult that is supposedly so psychologically damaging, yet not the other encounters? I wonder if a lot of this thinking has been born from over zealous parents not wanting to think of the idea that their child is in anyway sexual. children are just adults in training anyways, and are generally pretty resistant to many of life's hard knocks.

    Also its well known that a parent abandoning a child or a child having to watch the parents messy separation/divorce, is very psychologically damaging. if causing psychological trauma to a child is considered so highly in society, then why are some parents not jailed for abandoning their children?

  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump How do I tell the shadow people I love them?

    just blow them kisses bro

  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    were you turd smasher on &zok?

  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach

    I take any beatin you got girl

    I won't even use the safe word

  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon That's the gayest shit I have ever heard u fuckin limey get that shit out of hare u stupid British mother fucker, your people's food is garbage lol

    no, you are the gayest shit you ever heard when you take a cock in your mouth.

  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    egg is too think

  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    fo real^

  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL What I do with toxic people is limit my interaction with them to an absolute minimum. If they try to interact with you, answer with one-word replies, such as yes and no, and don't volunteer anything else. I mean, it's not like they are really going to care about your input anyways, right? Hello, goodbye - that's about it. Never go to them for help or advice with anything. Be self-sufficient at all costs. When you see them coming, do your best to avoid them. Make it a habit to stay away from places they frequent, at least until at time you don't expect them to be there. Never borrow money from them, or ask for anything from them; being indebted to them only makes them feel like they have more power over you. The key is to strip away every single faucet of interaction with them. If you hear them talking, turn up your music to a level that drowns them out, but doesn't bother them. Don't do them any favors whatsoever, as that only reinforced their delusion that you care about them. If they say something you disagree with, do not bother wasting any of your time refuting it, just nod your head and try to get away as soon as possible. Don't use any of their stuff, even if it means a sacrifice to yourself, because that only leaves a window open for them to manufacture complaints about your use of their stuff. Find out their schedule and habits, and create your own schedule and habits to be out of sync with theirs, that way you limit possibilities of having to interact with them. Always remember, family or not, they are not your friends. They are not there to help you. They are only there to enrich themselves at your expense, so you must recognize that fact, and stop letting sentimentality and your own needs get in the way of that basic truth. Good luck.

    I agree with that all but the bit about disrupting my life and what I want to do just because somebody I don't like is somewhere I wanna go. fuck that, just go there and ignore them anyways.

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