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Posts by NARCassist
2024-09-13 at 10:05 PM UTC in We should make this a Niggas in Space AnthemA Space Nigga in your premises
I had some shroom chocolate earlier btw, am nicely trippin right now lol
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2024-09-13 at 12:53 PM UTC in Help me with Biology!I find the idea of space(not the universe) to be an extremely mind boggling and fascinating concept. Its just nothing, vast empty nothingness that extends in every direction forever, it never ends, not in distance or time. And then the idea that its always been there too, not in the sense that its always been there since the beginning, there was no beginning, there was never a start or point before there being never ending nothingness. Time can't even really be applied to that, its infinite time both forwards and back. Imagine how much vacuum pressure that would hold? Those sorts of forces would have resulted eventually in bearing energy that eventually would bear matter and explode into a big bang. But if space was so never ending how many times would that happen? Infinite times, which would mean our universe would likely have been played out many multiple times where everything happened as it did over and over, and differently too. Which is why I don't fear death, because in death you have no concept of time so in a flash you will be reborn and do it all over again.
Sounds fun doesn't it?
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2024-09-13 at 12:38 PM UTC in Best & Worst User on this site (Opinions)Hey Risir, how you doing bro?
Thought you were dead mate
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2024-09-13 at 12:36 PM UTC in Help me with Biology!So how thick is this flat universe exactly?
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2024-09-13 at 12:34 PM UTC in Best & Worst User on this site (Opinions)FLIP MODE MUFFAR FAAAARCKERS
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2024-09-12 at 10:19 PM UTC in Help me with Biology!
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood another flat value and the only way to determine someone's size is by calculating these values and adding them to create the final 3D sum so thanks for proving my point
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
looks pretty flat to me
technically there's no axis if you really think about it and this seems to be confirmed by Anti-de-Sitter space
The dimensions are clearly representations of flat spacetime in flat "dimensions" that don't actually exist.
^flat representation on a flat screen in a flat universe viewed on flat eyes in flat spacetime
We're talking about space not the universe you dummy
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2024-09-12 at 10:15 PM UTC in Help me with Biology!
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The fact that you can measure a room with a flat ruler pretty much proves my point that the reason you can measure things in the first place is because everything is flat
If everything isn't flat than why are humans measured in 1 degree? Height gives you no idea what the volume of a person is, it can only be determined by adding the sum of all flat values which our brain does automatically to create the illusion of 3D space
If you had a sheet of paper that was 6 inches by 4, and was zero atoms thick you wouldn't have a sheet of paper. You'd have no substance to even measure length or width by. Hense two dimensions only exist in our imaginations. You could imagine you had a sheet of paper and even measure the imaginary paper, but thought processes in our mind do not exist in physical space.
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2024-09-12 at 10:08 PM UTC in Thr Surgery That Proved There Is No Free Will
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood NARCassist's original comment clearly shows that he was taking the conclusion of the video to it's logical end. This is a Elon dog whistle because he thinks 2001: A Space Odyssey will happen on the way to mars
I don't think that at all dummy. I think AI is just complex algorithms that don't really think at all, they certainly don't feel. It takes emotion to kill, something no AI could ever posses.
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2024-09-11 at 1:34 PM UTC in Help me with Biology!Two dimensional space only exists within a three dimensional structure. If a flat surface has length and width but no hight then it has no structure. It only exists in the imagination.
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2024-09-11 at 12:38 PM UTC in Thr Surgery That Proved There Is No Free Will
Originally posted by Obbe I generally start each day with a cup of coffee or tea—sometimes two. This morning, it was coffee (two). Why not tea? I am in no position to know. I wanted coffee more than I wanted tea today, and I was free to have what I wanted. Did I consciously choose coffee over tea? No. The choice was made for me by events in my brain that I, as the conscious witness of my thoughts and actions, could not inspect or influence. Could I have “changed my mind” and switched to tea before the coffee drinker in me could get his bearings? Yes, but this impulse would also have been the product of unconscious causes. Why didn’t it arise this morning? Why might it arise in the future? I cannot know. The intention to do one thing and not another does not originate in consciousness—rather, it appears in consciousness, as does any thought or impulse that might oppose it.
To understand this is to realize that we are not the authors of our thoughts and actions in the way that people generally suppose. Of course, this insight does not make social and political freedom any less important. The freedom to do what one intends, and not to do otherwise, is no less valuable than it ever was. Having a gun to your head is still a problem worth rectifying, wherever intentions come from. But the idea that we, as conscious beings, are deeply responsible for the character of our mental lives and subsequent behavior is simply impossible to map onto reality. Consider what it would take to actually have free will. You would need to be aware of all the factors that determine your thoughts and actions, and you would need to have complete control over those factors. But there is a paradox here that vitiates the very notion of freedom—for what would influence the influences? More influences?
What do you put in your tea? Sounds like some pretty potent stuff, I want some
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2024-09-11 at 12:54 AM UTC in Thr Surgery That Proved There Is No Free Will
2024-09-11 at 12:51 AM UTC in Thr Surgery That Proved There Is No Free Will
2024-09-11 at 12:46 AM UTC in Best & Worst User on this site (Opinions)Trans folk having a get together
You know like music, drinks usually served, drugs taken and people socialize and usually end up fucking and shit, you know, a party
Just with trannies
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2024-09-10 at 8:52 PM UTC in Help me with Biology!
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood This picture looks "3D" like everything is encased withing a cylindrical grid but that is actually not the case.
Now lets say you are actually viewing a lion in a cage in real life
Clearly the Lion is on top of the grass, and behind a cage. You can perceive the depth because it does exist and you are viewing it all in one clear picture with your eyes. You can put your finger in front of your eye and it will always be in front of the cage, unless you put your hand behind the cage and view it on the other side.
It might seem like you are interacting with a 3D world and viewing the 2D image of this but its actually a 2D world.
Our mind crates the depth between objects and their arrangement, its all just an illusion. Thats why you see fractals and trippy shit when you do certain drugs because thats actually what reality looks like when your brain can't trick itself into viewing everything as 3D.
naw uhh
The lion would have eaten you already
A 2 dimensional reality couldn't exist, it would have no depth, therefore no mass. Even a particle has 3 dimensions
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2024-09-10 at 8:46 PM UTC in Help me with Biology!
2024-09-10 at 8:43 PM UTC in Help me with Biology!
2024-09-10 at 8:37 PM UTC in pot smokers are arrogant pricksCross_theline
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2024-09-10 at 8:36 PM UTC in Thr Surgery That Proved There Is No Free Will
Originally posted by Obbe Free will is actually more than an illusion (or less), in that it cannot be made conceptually coherent. Either our wills are determined by prior causes and we are not responsible for them, or they are the product of chance and we are not responsible for them.
But you are free to choose how you respond to any environmental factors or bodily functionalities
That is the free will part
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2024-09-10 at 8:31 PM UTC in What are you thinking about....
Originally posted by Kafka You could hide a body in this.
Not for long you couldn't no
How long you think it would be before it started to stink?
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2024-09-10 at 8:21 PM UTC in Thr Surgery That Proved There Is No Free Will