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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL General Electric and all them sold billions of dollars worth of goods and technology and even weapons to the Nazis during World War II, all sanctioned by governments worldwide, including the United States. Money and greed favors no side, and it reaps a harvest from all sides of the bloodshed.

    Thank you.. yet stop worshiping Jeff Hunter.. not in the meme sense nor the serious sense.

    we clearly see eye to eye on so many fucking corrupt fatality related issues yet I'm confused as fuck why you worship Jeff. I don't have a problem with him, he had one with me. but clearly he's like a brother to you. Doesn't it seem like Jeff Hunter went from the protesting protaganist hero, against government corruption to being apart of the 1%?

    But you're 100 percent correct on this statement. perhaps you're just trolling my beliefs and don't believe it yourself. or perhaps you're seriouslly brainwashed by one of the few known cults out of Walnut Creek?
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Tracks beaten into the underbrush by frequent travel, and might = right are the public utilities and laws of nature. Water is free in nature also.

    couldn't you just say that your homestead ancestors have first rights to utlities without government taxings
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinks I am hella 29. Idk where the 40 shit came from.

    Boy you really got it stuck in your craw regarding my statement.

    yes you look a little younger. You look Russian or like a Russian lady I once knew (as in straight from Russia)

    Also, everyone here should think about the comments regarding Mexicans. they're the working class like 99 percent of the white anglo fuckers on this site as well as us celts (American)

    most of them are decent people who would care for you when you're down if you got to know them.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I like the white one.. maybe I'll get it and post a photo of me in it. But I feel like I need to change my life around. everything I have come to know is truth in my eyes yet I face of wall on all sides. we're never going to be able to put people of power in prison for the most intense crimes in human history, unless by individuality they turn on the club of violators of humanity (pick one of the many refered to as illuminati)

    so my goal is to buy land when I can get my hands on money and build my retirement hole. it is where I plan on cealing it up one day when I feel I am on my last breaths and bury myself in this hole

    maybe have a lever I can pull which seals the very top with concrete and cement. someone can buy the land from the banks and never know there was a subterainian level where I will spend my last days. just buy the land above
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover
    My shirt.
    Subtle but it gets the message across.
    Or black.

    I'm sorry.. are you product placement'n on here?

    you're being an Alex Jones and trying to take advantage of us by selling shirts to us? WTF man.

    So how much are they?
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Too late. We’ve already got all of your socials.

    Get out of my existance
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine She was the most mentally ill person there for sure and she was just suffering from brain damage I think .. but she was pretty lucid and coherent.
    There was an actual schizophrenic guy there and he was just derpy and typical, talking non sequitur like "You're star, she's train and he's horse" or about people flying rockets into the ground ..
    Judeo crazy chan was batshit … but she was funny and we got along pretty well … I hope she was really mentally ill and not a mossad plant fucking with me.

    but were the drugs good?
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Some of the employees were literally gaslighting me

    That's common these days

    They forced me to take medication, even though I don't need it (resperdol)

    it's pretty good fro a while but then makes some people have quivers

    The sandnigger "doctor" was extremely arrogant and no matter what I would say it was always his word against mine

    OK, this part is weird for me. did he touch your poo hole and you complained about it? other than that.. it makes no sense. you're sharing your personal time with the doctor with others and he comes out to tell everyone you're telling a lie? that sounds false

    As I was walking towards my room one night one of the employees walked by me and said "We control you"

    That's better than them taking creepy photos of you at night.. especially with an instamatic camera

    There was a jedi there who drew a picture of moloch

    Haha.. that's awesome. you should of told him Hitler was kind of like a moloch and follow up with "Am I Right" in kind of a woody allen silly voice, bugs bunny or Jerry Lewis.

    there was a nigger girl who walked around making the 666 sign with her hands, she was yelling out about the illuminati and jay-z apparently her and her mother are part of the eastern star masonic society.

    You mean The Morning Star. 6th Planet, Saturn

    It was one of the most extremely awkward and trialing periods of my life holy shit

    Don't worry.. there will be more of them.. they're fun. these people just need Jobs and have to have some kind of Fiscal Budget Bullshit story going on all of the time. Treat people with hardcore meds and then cure them with in standard 6 weeks in order to get the following year funded to keep the place going active.

    that was like a month ago or so now I have a job

    this year has been batshit

    Well that's a bright ending to an experience you aquired. do you feel all better now? also, tell them to change out Risperdol with Olanzapine and Lexapro cocktail.. if possible a side of Gabapentin. good times! did you at least have decent food and cable tv?
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    is Lanny running one too?

    Datehookups is on a watchlist for deepweb behavior

    be careful especially with these users here. I might be taking off for good soon
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    try getting stabbed by a cone shaped piece of steel and then tell me it was only flat
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL General Electric and all them sold billions of dollars worth of goods and technology and even weapons to the Nazis during World War II, all sanctioned by governments worldwide, including the United States. Money and greed favors no side, and it reaps a harvest from all sides of the bloodshed.

    were like living video games to these people. as they always used the words Chess Pieces. it's as old as the game itself. it is older than that. a new variation of being pawns will creep in. but it truly is a virtual version of the classic game.

    and I wouldn't be surprized if they bet on sides of who will win. perhaps giving even chances for both sides in some battles. they don't bet in the standard way of laying money down on the table, but rather purchasing stocks in trade.

    sadistic evil being, Spec. as you mentioned. without a persons real knowledge of why they decide to be naughty one day.. its evil spirit acting through people while others truly have taken over bodies. there is no one method but many. this is to help utilize humiliation tactics of telling people "you're insane" when it's really fact.

    yet some people like the rothschilds aren't slaves of satan, they're willing players.
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    old age.

    often the wrong people are falsely accused to make the people of society feel safe again when in fact it's blackop kind of shit.

    I can only guess why it was happening but I'll leave that to others who may have a better understanding. I just know it wasn't 1 or 2 guys who did this as a team or as a lone wolf.

    Also it was followed up with the Z Channel murders in San Francisco. the person who came forth and confessed did so in an odd way. saying "I knew they were going to blame me" not "I felt they were onto me and I am turning myself in" but rather "Be blamed for it" that isn't really an admitance of guilt, though traditionally it will always be seen this way to close a case up. and often when someone falsely is accused, more than not, the person(s) responsible will stop doing it.

    it seems perhaps, that maybe they wanted to create a military protection system like that of which is happening today. with Cops being giving shit that military people wear. I want honest cops to be protected to the fullest but militerizing the police force (at least in the USA) I believe is considered a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover

    money makes the world go round.. the world go round

    why did Mr Ford sell engines to NAZI's not prior to WWII but Prior and during. then sell engines to the US Military and it's allies?

    we all know but we don't collectivly stop this. because it's not cool
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    there is no longer denying this. EA games bought MAXIS from Orinda in which the guy who ran that was a friend of Jeff Hunter and MAXIS hired Toiletduk who often joyfully expressed his thanks to Jeff Hunter for getting him a game testing (beta tester) at MAXIS which was eventually purchased by EA games in which Jeff Hunter was known for working with and was a Cheif of Operations (COO)

    look up his linkedin.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL *holds out microphone*

    How exactly were you blacklisted, Mr. Warlock?

    "If you don't shut up about this and stop bothering me about it, I will make sure you never work again"


    go to 0:25

    Editing this part in
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Make sure you buy a good magnifying glass. Then you can always start a fire if the Sun is up, even in the coldest winter. Matches and lighters will eventually run out.

    I will.. yet I learned you can dry out stuff from a how too on youtube. the survival guru guy

    you don't have to rub sticks together. you just need to make this bow like device from wood, a stone to drill through it and some tree bark (under the outer bark) which is like string when you peel it off.

    then you take another stick and stone a slight hole in a piece of wood and use the bow to rotate the other stick really fast, back and forth with some kindle like bark (it's shredded from the tree but has to be dried out first. then you will cause it to smolder, then blow gently on it and it till kick up a flame.. enough to get kindling going and eventually logs on top.

    but sure.. I'll bring a magnifying glass for other reasons too and probably just stalk up on a shitload of bic lighters. a case should last 20 fucking years. My main goal was not to go organic.. but tech. electrical solar panel system, low yeald battery with low voltage monitors (like 19v), tablets 5.2v, phones 3.+v etc. low voltage LED light panels. these things last tens of thousands of hours. and a sunroof in the center of my cellar dweller. and place a 14x20 tuffshed on top and just spend days barking trees to use as a facade to make it look like a cabin (because honestly I'm not going to build a fucking real log cabin. it's the 21st century.. just for aesthetics. maybe even place a bell tower on top like victorian houses have and make it look like a miniture victorian house/cabin.

    most of my sleeping and working will be downstairs, with breakfast and meals upstairs in a more naturally lit cabin room. and spare beds for whoever. most of the heat i create downstairs with solar powered low running space heaters will probably be enough to heat the top since heat rises.

    I would love to find property near a stream or natural spring. what would forest land outside of say BC run me per acre? like a 2-3 acre lot. I don't need much for growing shit. like greenhouse gardens
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by esbity I need an explanation.

    I just told you


    “Taking the Fifth” refers to a person’s invocation of his or her Fifth Amendment right under the U.S. Constitution to refuse to give statements
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by esbity There is still no explanation of the number 5 and its purpose.

  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    off topic:

    Is Ghost HTC?
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