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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell

    what's his problem?
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Marriott Hotel. Spotted it right away. Only downside is that it must be on the last of the list for renovation. it still has the old decore.

    don't just tear that page off. get rid of the entire notepad because you left behind deep impressions on the following page.

    this mystery game is also boring. kill someone. order some champain and drag the first person in and murder them .. i want to see blood everywhere. and tie a noose to the sprinker head on the ceiling.

    Hahhaa Naw don't do that.. that's just sardonic humor cause it reminds me of a facebook crime solve thingy!

    seriosly, dont!
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover

    Is this true ?

    Who knows.

    It's hard to believe anything anymore.

    Even real jedis will go corrupt on his own people. or he's not really jedi. the variables are too many which complicates everything

    having a CIA in place to identify people who turn and turn again is an all day job. but we also know that the CIA is broken into compartments and this gives a better chance for fuckers going rogue.

    the CIA needs to be shut down for some time and restructures. or any other countries version of the Central Inteligence. Not all CIA guys are bad. perhaps the majority aren't bad people. though my gut feeling is the CIA and FBI have been hand picked for acceptance for some time.

    our world maybe to far gone to save right now. exponetial tech growth in such a relatively short time still blows my mind everytime I drive around and have flashbacks of years not long ago. this is as if were' in sort of in an experimental phase of being something we never were before while digital analytic is being done for market research to fund the ultimate control of all living species like cattle in a way that no one will be able to object and fight back. maybe just have been seeded in the mind to chose not to fight back.

    that's when the wealthy truly will be able to control us from a table top like Greek G-ds watching over people as chess board pieces. from a little orb window like a crystal ball.
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Number13 Cootehill is a good dude

    Nigga fuck off with that shit, this thread is about Israel and Palestine and if you didn't know in Israel you have to be a jedi to be a full citizen, so they're not fake jedis, they're very much real and have a great amount of power.
    If it looks like a jedi, shekels like a jedi, and oy veys like a jedi, then it probably is a jedi.

    that's what I'm saying. we go over this so many times. pay attention

    Real jedis would not form a State of Israel. it is a violation of their own belief. it was to be given to them. until then, they are guest or nomadic people. that will be the general area.. but I can assure you "Israel" by G-d will be dozens of times larger.

    this is criminals using the name of Israel (a name to be given to Jacob) for their power hold on Oil and the region by force.
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 Quantum Computers 100 times faster and injecting RFID chips

    No, the computer processors are the same, the type of math used is shortcut which calculates faster using this time of blueprint of computing. at least that is how I came to understand it. but it still can do what you're saying.

    as for RFID chips.. they don't need to be injected anymore. they can be swallowed so they don't pass through you. then a wand like device (such as the one they use on dogs with no tags that are lost) can program or read what your info is.

    I question if this is actually an analogy of Number of the beast. because I take it man is already inherently an evil greedy person from childhood years and must be taught in a way.. then when they reach a certain age, they are given the option to accept God's spirit of doing right and be servitude towards man.

    but I'll be damn if I'm forced into being a slave for the 1% if given an option to put an end to their claw over us. but that takes many men. until then, I am a victim of the claw of Muloch
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    1-9 5 is centered

    0 is an eye
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover

    You can't even properly draw a caricature of a Faux Euro Joo! this guy looks more orthodox than the average guy who looks like they're running the show over there.

    Draw someone who looks like Soro's or some shit.
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    PS Happy big 25

    You're a quarter of a century old

    6 of you back to back is when President Lincoln was still alive.. doing his chubby wife.
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Which means Bill Krozby's bday is right around the corner! Honk!

    Send them coins fam.

    I'm 25 so I need a new 5 year plan.


    Do you know what this means (If you're in the USA)

    You can have your auto insurance cut nearly in half. 25 years is one of the last "look forward to" ages for auto insurance.

    congrats.. unless you don't drive or have a dui. -Geico
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    any moment I sense Infinityshock will come out of hiding and start his ranting about "handsome and well tanned individuals taking over the world"

    only because when you believe you got rid of him for good.. he returns or returns with an alt
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor who, the fucking MEXICANS!?

    Just comments on here that seem to hate mexicans like they're all drug dealing and pushing prostitution rings. like any other race, it's a tiny percentage. maybe less than 2 at best

    what the fuck is wrong with this place. I can understan the Zionist faux Joo fucking statements and ghetto people who care about nothing but themselves (regardless if they're black, hispanic, asian and few whites) but you hammer on blacks and everything else.

    no way was Zoklet a White Supremist.. was he? If so, that's even funnier.

    and you.. what are you. Like part white and french..or umm Indian (india) or Native American?

    Some Dark european (again like French or Spanish)

    Come out with it pal. Sorry I couldn't go yesterday. go message me if you got my text. apart of me thinks you might be half mexican because you look a lot like Bill Krozby
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra you just need to read a bunch of unsubstantiated religious texts apparently

    You might laugh at people living 800 years but recently, for the first time, a man in indonisia died at 148 years of age. nearly 150 years old. nothing is impossible.

    You are really deep in a bubble
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    5 is neutral
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I promosed to stop spending so much time here.

    fucking shit. grasp

    2 things needed

    File forms first once and for all 6 month procress

    finish project

    Full free time on Java and push myself as hard as I can.

    how much money do you guys pull in a year. Including you Lanny. Lanny you in the 6 plus figures? dont lie and say 7
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by EllariaSand

    This one Joerell 😘

    So Greek people are like White Mexicans? -Donald Trump
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Stop hating jedis.

    Hate the Faux Joos.

    you people can't sort so you have to throw away the entire package because it's easier.

    well the world isn't easy, Mother fucking haters. half of these fuckers probably aren't hebrew. they're just fucking guys using "jedi" to control shit. they control other jedis. Real sects of judism.. which there are a lot.

    over and over.. same anti-semitic shit coming out of half of this site.

    jedis come from Shem. Many Arabs who are islamic were once the original jedis. many of those Arabs were chased out of Arabia to escape being murdered for not converting.. they're the closest thing to Davids bloodline.

    the devil is a false JOO a fucking piece of shit Faux Joo
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so how alive is he out of 10 right now?

    Did you get my text message.

    try messaging back a response you black op Washington DC ass motha fucka. wuteva that means

    we'll try next week .. i need a rush.

    My girlfriend says "you're not a kid anymore, I don't understand why you need to ride these things.

    My Response. "I need a Rush"
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost When I was in the mental hospital I stole other peoples food and bullied to control the TV remote.

    Normally I would probably just roll my eyes and maybe chuckle but the moment you came up on me, I would of fist your pie
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