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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I was liking the neighbors but suddenly their behavior is strange.

    Living in California, it is normal to say hi to a neighbor but people tend to keep to themselves. but when you see a group of neighbors tight and doing things in patterns, you figure they're neighborhood watch or something

    but in general, a lot of Californians just shut out and are just nice when they walk past someone. it's not hating neighbors but it's just such a crowded area. I have been to NYC. I know it's massive but the density in croweds is simular in San Francisco but only smaller in size. but instead of having 5 large bureos we have like a hundred small cities all about 100-120k in size on average all packed together. a property is usually built in row houses rather than having a big lot like in LA. LA is huge. about twice the population of the entire Bay Area yet land wise it's 4 times the size so people have more breathing room around them.

    The bay area was friendly for the most part growing up but now it's honestly become a "Move the fuck out of my way, Asshole" kind of place when driving around. people shut in here. it's friendly during drinking hours. people have the luxery to take work home in the tech industry but when the city of Oakland or San Francisco is busy because of an event.. there is always some kind of crazy shit where someone gets shot or fights break out. it's not the same here as when I grew up. Oakland was just a scarey city unlike today (with the exception of events going full retard) so most people didn't hang out in Oakland even though it always had a beautiful lake to do so. Because it always had a negative conotation that it was one of the most violent west coast cities. now it's the trendy "must buy into" city on the west coast right now. San Francisco is just always desired to own a home in. but unless you're a coporate big with with 7 figures a year or retired wealth.. most people can't buy a house in the city. unless you're willing to buy out in the avenues which is an hour drive into the city.

    there. that is the new Bay Area. I expect when a 1906 quake happens here.. Everyone will pack up and move to Atlanta Ga (The Silicon Valley of the South) or Austin Texas or NYC. there is a lot of betamales out here with few old school out of control types in the beta Male mindset. Don't give a fuck what Cops think. those kind of party all the time with a gangsta mentality.

    it exist.

    -Hunter S. Thompson Jr
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Wow.. I feel like a bouncy pong ball

    the rest of the world seems chaotic
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Nothing ever happens.

    I've spent 25 years of my short life waiting for society to collapse, aliens, zombie virus, world war, nukes.

    Nothing. Ever. Fucking. Happens.


    In the half century plus change, that I'v been alive.. it's the fucking worst I'v seen it. except it feels safer to walk around the streets of the USA these days.

    Even Oakland seems friendlier and safer. at least West Oakland. East Oakland still feels sketchy a bit. perhaps time will change this. perhaps school shootings will be a thing of the past again (because they seemed to stop for a decade?)

    and umm.. yet, the population going up is becoming harder to control.

    But on the bright side, people in LA can see the mountains. from the 1950s-2000 LA was Smog City?
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost

    was this played with the orange gun?
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Oh Also I had a DMV send me my license plates with FOX on the plates (which is clearly on purpose for another reason) which according to this 0-9 rows of 3

    FOX spells 666 with the last of my 4 digit phone number next to FOX

  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Press F5.

    This happens to me all the time with 666 views.

    I have hospital card numbers ending in 666, 2 credit cards in the past ending in 666, several credit cards in the past with the 3 digit security code as 666, 1 health card that if you rotate the number on the back set to read 234 and then do the same in the front it reads 9/11/01, I was born on the 6th day, 6th child (with adopted brother), my favorite tv cult show was The Prisoner with Patrick McGoophand as number 6 and 6 and 9 is my astology numbers

    come at me, Asteroid 2036
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    9/11/1. Joggabii Jihnsin
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I thought it was regarding this film

    (The Little red balloon)

  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost HE CAN'T HAVE A HOBBY?!

    a 100k a year hobby as a minister? where can you sign me up?
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost I prefer Hogans Alley

    Is that in Concrud? u local boy?
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Cocaine and wine is better, I hear its the most popular beverage in Vatican City next to virgin boy sweat.

    Cocaine is probably not as evil as meth but both are probably linked to heart issues when done as a lifestyle drug.

    probably even over a few years of use.

    though I heard that people who did meth often lived longer than people with weight problems.

    why don't we outlaw fat. I'd be breaking the law right now
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra into a back alley

    where you can experience more force

    I'll drag you into the back of dan's ally like old school totse.dome
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Bill Krozby.. you told us your dad was a minister
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor Yeah that is good . If you want we can just get a party ball and that way we are super-refreshed, always. Yeah just kidding, sounds cool.

    What is a party ball?

    kidding or not. is it like a disco ball? with mirrors. where we line lines of coke on each one, spin it with lasers shooting off of it and try to sort each tile mirror of cocaine.

    C O C A I N E

    all kidding aside, i'm against drugs except my rx and booze. but I have to be honest and tell you alcohol raises my blood pressure, but fuck it.. i'll drink most of it and get my ticker going for the rail coaster. lets hit the scariest thing there first. natural addrenalin is natures cocaine.

    Docdor told me I should have wine. but that might be a bit gay
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    That's why I'm freaking out about a coup about to take place.

    Would it be a Revolutionary Event or a Civil one?
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Oh yeah well in Germany when you say "NINE!" it actually means no.

    Thats why the number 9 is unlucky there and hotels don't even have a 9th floor only 6,7,8,10

    Nein means no. And it has a slight ch (ksh) sound to it .. doesn't it?


    In the USA.. many buildings don't have 13th floors. except federal buildings. They won't let me just walk into their buildings anymore. the Liberal Left and FBI have a new policy since Trump came into power :(

    they won't take my thumbdrive of evidence neither. They wouldn't listen to anything I had to say this last visit except they were interested in Zoklet being a former FBI employee. I was told they would get back to me. they never did :(
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Tru story bruhs
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Captain is planning something.

    Fun Fact: Pakistan is the first nation in which 2 college bozo's wrote the very first worm for home computers that raped the shit out of what was to become email (webmail..whatever the term was in the day ARPANET??)

    Anyways yeah. 2 Paki college kids in the middle of camel-fuk-nowhere, were sitting in some adobe office and felt "What better to do than be a bunch of trolls and fuck shit up"

    Ever since I read this years back, I always invisioned Pakistan as the land of Beavis and Buttheads. How are we not shocked they harbored Osama Bin Laden.. even though he had nothing to do with 9/11.. even the Feds stated this.

    It was Osama's aunt. what a wicked bitch
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Park Closed June 22, 2018 for a Private Event.

    Those Mother Fuckers! who the fuck has "Rent an entire theme park" money

    oh wait.. it's silicon valley :/

    OK lets go Saturday. don't back out on this. Tell me were to pick you up

    we go half on parking? I'm not supposed to drink but maybe we can off a 40oz each in the parking lot to get a buzz then go ride that trailblazer and see who yacks first!
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor GREAT AMERICA?! Never heard of it, they r closed tomorrow tho, L O L.


    You mean for good? It's the first day of Summer you twit. why would it be closed tomorrow?
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