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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I meant European not Americans.

    was that wrong of me?
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I Guess.

    Fuck, I got up at 2am.. went back to bed after taken my meds, got up at 3:30 tired.. left for work at 7:30. got one ride today. went to see my mom who wasn't there.

    drove out into the tri-valley and only got one fucking ride offer in 2 hours. but they had some fucked up star rating so I was like "FUCK THIS"\

    should of stayed home. cost me more money than I made.

    the summer sucks the most because everyone is graduating at Cal and unlike Stanford where it's year round, Cal is out from May to Aug.

    I hate working in San Francisco during the early tourist season. they smell funny and don't tip.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader then how did you know they spoke chinese ???

    Oh not this shit again.

    Hey, Benny did the same thing to me once. Just let Benny be right on this.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Sometimes I’ll drink water that’s been sitting by my bed all night.

    Pussies and germaphobes aren’t going to survive when the end happens. Well the middle class ones at least.

    only if it's in a closed bottle with or without cap (because the hole is so tiny)

    but a cup is kind of gross.. you can taste metal and shit in it. and dust. I think the metal is probably just a guess... radioactive particles floating around?
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut


    aldra.. did you test out the meditation with the blinds, yet?
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra yeah because that totally won't result in mortar fire leveling half of the island

    You missed my point. It is believed (like in that Rogan/Franko film) that much of the Government employees dont like him either. they would call a cease fire at once if someone grabbed his ass. it could be set up this way. some people will protest but they will be hauled off to jail just like the opposing side today is.
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel dirty bomb!

    What about it?

    Everyone gets a knock on their door. You shouldn't joke about doing this though. Flag for Fed for real reasons. don't test them to come to the door. it wont be pleasant.

    but yes,, Dirty Bomb and a real nuke in another dream I had. And it was fucking sureal real. in movies Nukes just happen like all at once. But I think in the real.. it creeps up closer and closer outside of the core.. and just sets spot fires on people here and there at the outer core. it's going to be a really fucked up way of dying.. trying to get over first degree burns if you survive and yet dying from radiation poisoning that's melting your innards and you shitting out part of your colon track
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Siouxsie_Q When I eat french fries, I always leave about a half an inch at the ends that I don't consume. When my kids and I are at Mickey D's, they always look over at the pile of french fry stubs in front of me on the table and they …shake their heads like omg, MoM!

    Is that weird or what??

    Oh I see what you mean. I thought you meant leave 1/4th full fries uneaten. I used to do that as a kid.

    Do you check doors and windows more than once? It's called OCD
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Ill watch it later.. going off to work in a bit. thanks MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING.

    and most 9/11 stories are bullshit. Like "No plane hit the building" that coming from John Lear. I mean come fucking on. he's brilliant in his observation of the wrong engine? perhaps.

    but they were 767 and 757 planes.. just not commercial planes. they were a bit fatter.. they were most likely belonging to FedEx type courriors or Military Surplus sold off to someone. and modified.

    Who here spoke about buying surplus jeeps. I want one. but I wont drive it into people like some psychotic fucks would. I am going off road and beat the shit out of it the way it was design to take a thumping. otherwise what's the fun of off roading?]
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Paws Yeah and his gf sounds just as messed up as he is. I think she’s Asian? They’re always volatile

    We're not volatile at each other. you don't know us. so stop speaking for me

    We yell at what other people do. She though often says "everyone has a buddha nature"

    She's like a strict catholic with her beliefs but a different religion.

    I on the other hand believe strongly in god and Rabbi Jesus yet most humans who run churches are con artist today. I believe the bIble even tells us in John's last book of Revalations that the churches become corrupt in the final days.

    Buddhist believe they are in the final days

    Some jedi religions are now saying it's closing in on Sabbat the final hours.. prepare for tomorrows Sabbath

    and so on and so forth. I never said it was the final days until recently.. and I'm happier but not my happiest.. so it's nothing to do with Me being a Sky's Falling kind of guy. I even preached against it saying "No one shall know the hour" but now I see the signs of the hour that will come.. eventually.

    We argue at stupid shit someone says to fuck up one of our days. I tell her to not let it get to her and when she calms me.. she tries to say "They too have a buddha nature.. to forgive them for they have a kind side somewhere and will change"


    then she talks to me about (and I'm serious.. this isn't a silly meme) WWJD

    so I chill out eventually. I still think the person is a fucker but know it's pointless to argue about it.

    Zan I know you were on TOTSE during the 2000-2001 startup of the web version. talk about the 9/11 manifesto that existed 6-7 months prior to it happening for real.
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Meh.. different thread. but MKultra shit
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Voice to Skull technology.

    take a mannaquin and place a mic in the center near the inner nose region and left and right channel in each of the mannaquins ears.

    record on seperat channels.

    then you use Hyper freq ranges above 25k-hrtz range

    which creates a squaretooth signal that bounces off the back of a board you're holding (A tile like 16sq inches) and it directs the sawtooth sound into a persons head you direct the paddle (tile) at.

    no one around them can hear it.

    wait this has been said on here already (looks up)
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats

    I wonder if anyone has made gummy-dildos before
    But obviously not for Podesta kids

    like as a gag joke.. Double Entendre.. see wat i did thar?
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Slaynk I watched a YouTube video where people are up in arms about how trump covers his drinking glasses.
    I assume it's to keep dust out. That stuff can ruin perfectly fine water

    So can the dust from the cloth napkins. He doesn't want someone putting a micky in his drink.
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    "I always enjoyed HIS music"

    -Good morning America

    "HIS MUSIC"? really?
    Bill Burr stole my bit.. literally word for word I posted on

  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor

    Story says the Tow Yard's own equipment detected radiation coming from a vehicle. Hmm , that is surprising to me that they would just have radiation measuring equipment and routinely check their lot with it?

    Then authorities narrowed the emissions down to an oil pressure sensor and said oh yeah totally normal…. no big deal guys. COVER UP!?!?!?!?

    Do auto recyclers , tow-lots etc have to protect themselves from inadvertently being irradiated ???!?!?!?!?!? This reminds me of reading about the GROSS AND BLATANT NEGLIGENCE of management at PG&E and the atomic energy commission about worker and public radio safety at the humboldt bay reactor ( still being decomissioned , even though it hasnt produced sincce the 70s ) book by Bob Rowen who was the whistleblower that they retaliated against in many very dirty ways.

    anyway among their many crimes was knowingly shipping out contaminated materials and sending it to a recyler who wasnt aware the material was radioactive - exposing everyone that handled it and potentially everyone in traffic on the way there etc

    I told you it's washing ashore

    and you told me about this?

    fucking people are trying to sneak in a dirty bomb into our country. If I dream about something (nightmare in this case) it often comes true.

    I'm like the twisted version of MONK

    lol isn't dougs last name Monk? always the connections

    Also, watch out for the first name of Mario Mario is a code word.

    just more than a million times Mario has come up in shit.
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Damn u Beercat how can u drop that word

    but yes.. Chinese too are racist just like everyone else. but you can't be self racist.
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    North Korean war officially ends after 70 years of oppression
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader synthetic jedis.

    Oh yes.. Hollywoods Hip-2-b-jedi Faux jedis.. got it
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