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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by a·nom·a·ly ^What a fucking surprise. Cops treat people who hate cops and riot like shit. What a motherfucking surprise.

    I'm calling out the hypocrisy of how the same behavior from two different groups is treated differently. The situations were almost completely identical, large group of people not doing much and a few idiots breaking shit. When the anarchists do it, the police rampage through the whole city causing almost nothing but collateral damage. When black people do it they barely get involved.

    I don't really like anarchists but I wanted those banks to go bankrupt so badly.
  2. how

    also i didn't blame anyone
  3. samurai books
  4. other kids my age go out with friends all the time, get laid and go to parties

    i sit around in stupor playing runescape, taking psych meds and fapping to pure evil

    i will never be a person who has normal social relationships, friends and functioning

    i want to cry

    i'm trying to figure out if there's any way to explain this degree of social failure that isn't autism
  5. fml
  6. Originally posted by SeanyDigital I hate to break it to you buddy, but she aint all that. I fuck badder bitchez on the daily. You're whack as fuck nigga.

    but you're retarded :{
  8. Originally posted by snab_snib telling someone they seem upset when they communicate to you that they consider you garbage is strange, but it's predictable for the way a leftist ideologues mind would work.

    consider the following.

    situation A. I am not upset. You say I seem upset. You have confirmed my suspicions that you are frequently incorrect.

    situation B. I am emotionally disturbed because someone has taken it upon themselves to champion the collection of idea's that the state, the media, academia, and the current mainstream of 'hip and trendy' entertainment and culture vectors all express with rabid vitriol, while condemning their opponents as everything evil under the sun, in a place on the internet where people who are characteristically different from their peers in some way or against authority, common ways of thinking, 'the system', etc gather.

    if situation B is the case, and, as implied by your snarky passive aggressive tone, you take pleasure in having brought consternation upon someone, that does nothing except establish your lack of good faith in the people you have chosen to speak with, and the moral quality of your inclinations - you would be using your intellect (such as it is) for the purpose of despoiling and agitating in the name of some ideology which you would, hopefully, consider virtuous and beneficial to the human race, or at the very least, yourself. such would be a natural and wholesome use of your capacity to think and communicate with others, and even if i disagreed with you, it would be shameful of me to take your good faith and abuse it by appearing to speak to idea's, while really, i was only seeking to make you feel bad.

    it would be shameful because for a person to make other persons negative feelings a goal would prove that they were rather not a man, but a crab, a slimy bottom feeding crustacean, who feeds on bits of hurt from others out of some fucked up psychological predicament on their part.

    i would propose that if a person had such psychologically degenerate tendencies, it would be necessary for them to conceal, not from others, but from themselves, the natures of their actions, by replacing their own thoughts with some sort of given code - no, not a code, an alignment to a group that they imagine supports them, or in any case, gives them the sensation of a tribe having their back. it would not be necessary for you to really believe that i am enraged or saddened by your words; it is actually only necessary for you to make me believe that YOU believe it.

    the kind of behavior that we see here expresses that what is important to you, is what you think i think about you; i have become nothing to you but a fetish, a mockup of some internal conflict that you use as a mirror to place yourself in exactly the conflict narrative which you have, through years of self neglect, become accustomed to.

    we can probably make a correlation between the left's perpetual dissatisfaction here. you choose this, of all places, to ply your trade - because it affords you the pablum for your replacement-fantasies. similarly, there is no end to the cry for 'equality' from the left, no matter what has been given as concession, it can never be enough, it must end only in a perfect inversion of values; strength is mocked, truth is denied, structure is destroyed, what was, is not, what was not, is. foul is fair and fair is foul. when the generation of german jedis who saw hitler died, by necessity, studies indicating that trauma can be passed on genetically will be required, because trauma is the foundation of leftism. when an employer is no longer free to hire who he pleases, and exclude blacks if he thinks that they aren't suitable, that will not be enough: because of some supposed crime against blacks in the past, we will be required to hire the dis-proportionally. nothing will ever be enough. if the time comes that all money is redistributed, the outcry will come that 10% of the population experiences 90% of the happiness, and they will demand that law is put into place to rectify this. we see the outcome in several of the european countries farther along that path of 'progress'; the idea has actually become, and i do not paraphrase, "that all interactions between citizens are inherently unequal, and so citizens must only interact with the government in all meaningful ways, so that inequality can finally end".

    what depravity.

    You're wasting your time, Lanny only argues with people when they lack the ability to argue back. When they raise valid points he deflects with a patronizing quip along the lines of the response you got.
  9. who cares. science will destroy the world
  10. Originally posted by Sophie Strength - 5
    Perception - 8
    Endurance - 5
    Charisma - 8
    Intelligence - 9
    Agility - 3
    Luck - 2

    Do you even lift?
  11. think about killing everyone i see
  12. Strength - I N F I N I T Y
    Perception - ||-4||3|||53|4|||
    Endurance - check my kegels 8=>~~~~~~~NNNNNNMMMMM saw wave cummies at accelerating frequencies
    Charisma - *recites every digit of pi*
    Intelligence - flowers for mongolroy
    Agility - all the positive traits of niggers with none of the negative traits of jedis
    Luck - 777

    hahaha im lanny im so fucking clever
  13. Originally posted by Lanny Strength - 2
    Perception - 3
    Endurance - 1
    Charisma - 4
    Intelligence - 6
    Agility - 2
    Luck - 10

    My build kinda sucks, but fortunately I was born into the privileged vault-dwelling class and as such can exploit petty distinctions like human/mutant and bandit/merchant to keep the surface dwelling class divided and productively occupied in generating huge piles of ammunition and caps for me.

    you left 12 points unused just to be contrarian
  14. Originally posted by the holy ghost cummies uwu

    This is the original. It's always good to start with a solid foundation.

    i just want a girl thatll dissect a dog while i fuck her in the ass

    Find a psychologist, friend. Seriously. I'm sure it'll make you feel much better.


    plargies??? XuX

    scroogies? ^OV

    It's an abstract sort of feel.

    lol i had a dream of someone fucking a toddler

    Don't put yourself down mate. We all have dreams like this.

    get MAD

    I'm not mad at you. I'm trying to help you.


    Getting a bit excessive, isn't it?


  15. why doesn't anyone turn my post in a quote ladder?
  16. cummies uwu

    i just want a girl thatll dissect a dog while i fuck her in the ass


    plargies??? XuX

    scroogies? ^OV

    lol i had a dream of someone fucking a toddler

    get MAD


  17. Laddy gave me administrator privileges and I'm making whoever gives me the most btc mods.
  18. Liberal protests that turn into riots gets no punishment. I went to a protest/riot that was for anarchists and the police were DICKS.
  19. I read Herman Hesse and Carl Yung, I also like Kafka, especially the pit of babel.


    If it had been possible to build the tower of Babel without ascending it, the work would have been permitted.


    What are you building?--I want to dig a subterannean passage. Some progress must be made. My station up there is much too high.

    We are digging the pit of Babel.
  20. i had narcan (naloxone) nasal spray and i wondered if i could use it as a substitute in low dose naltrexone

    dilute in water volumetrically for daily dosing
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