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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. flasks and beaks
  2. Had a hooker shit on my chest at the peak of an LSD trip
  3. Itt: people who have never had superglue on their dick before. Protip: Don't.
  4. Hey now, babies are cute. It's newborns that are ugly.

    Can confirm. My son looks like shrek.
  5. I heard that BrainSurgeon might have relapsed on heroin, or is about to. Probably spurred by the downfall of redfern, that pitiful soul. Dear god I hope it's true, I've been waiting for this day. I want to see him do it live on TinyChat.

    Riptotse was in there today, he said brainsurgeon was living with him so yeah, he's probably relapsed. I saw him as well either yesterday or the day before. They both looked worn and disheveled although I didn't ask about heroin, I know rip has definitely been using though.
  6. any chance he was away during that time and it was too late for him to to do anything about it?
  7. I can't get off without fetish porn being involved
  8. It could be and was worse already. Looking for a new job but I'm smoking a lot of syncans lately and they fry my brain a bit.

    I'm going to bed now fellas. Have a good one.
  9. women meat?

  10. Totally not weird.
    He's my brother. What did you expect?
  11. women meat?

    Obviously, from woman farms. Haven't you ever been to a woman farm? When I was in kindergarten my class took a field trip to the local woman farm, for Halloween we were all allowed to pick one head and bring it back to school, we painted ours the next day. It was probably one of my favorite childhood memories looking through the heads and watching the women bitch out in the pasture.
  12. Post an example picture and I'll judge your choice. I've been getting most of my meat from local farmers and separating the meat yourself saves over 100 bucks so we do that.
  13. The layout isn't optimized yet and activity is pretty low but I have a good gut feeling for this place.

    Thanks for sticking around everybody.
  14. I'm glad to hearr that. Are you back at sucking dumpster bags of methadon syrup already?

    Jst kidding, I hope you're doing well.
  15. You guys are banning flags? WTF?
  16. A beautiful woman offers a drink of her breast milk and it is considered repulsive.

    But we will look at a holstein's udders and say 'Yeah, I think I will have me some of that'.

    Would you eat ground up beautiful women meat stuffed and cooked in its own colon? I probably wouldn't.

  17. No, but my brother humps the air/couch when he's really spaced out on Molly with headphones in listening to 90's psytrance. It's pretty awkward because he goes all in. Full on boner and everything.
  18. 1S+1N+1B = 1Meth

    Can't teach me shit, nigga.
  19. I got so so many huge and crazy old trees around my place, it's really cool but I sadly don't have a camera.

    Trees are cool.
  20. How's the dogsitting going?
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