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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Can't imagine smoking crack from a lightbulb, I think it needs direct heat. A $20 should be about two good hits, duration of each depends on user but I wouldn't expect a 20 to last longer than like 30-40 minutes if that.
  2. Hey Chronic, who are you?
  3. I get that this is the dickheads forum, wasn't sure if this would be a better fit in DIY or here, but what the hell.
    Anyway, neither my ten-speed or my BMX are fuckable at the moment and I've realized that I've got very little clue how to fuck either one. So I want to learn how to fuck my bikes.

    I'll obviously need some tools, and while I've got a some wrenches and condoms in both jumbo and standard sizes, I'm sure there are certain specialty tools that make pounding on bikes a lot easier.

    Also, any good recommendations of learning resources? Bike porn or magazines, YouTube channels, websites, etc?

  4. You guys can say what you want about Idio and you guys can cry and beat against the walls like some spoiled kid and make it out to be everyone's fault but your own but in the end, it IS your fault. It's been your fault 3 times in a row. Are we gonna make it a fourth? Let's wait and see! Part of the reason why I keep coming back here is I like to sometimes watch you guys. Just watch. It's just so fascinating, you know? Like watching a bridge crumble slowly more and more.

    Idio was one of the NICEST people I've ever met. If you guys drove him away, that was YOUR doing. And you can complain about him not having thick enough skin or not protecting his PI or whatever the hell you guys want. You guys just want the most perfect and exact admin though. And if he doesn't meet your specifications in any way, you guys just toss him aside and whine non-stop until another brave soul comes to you, thinking he's got it this time. It's also pretty insulting to Idio too when you consider that he had a family and good job going. He didn't have to waste his time on you guys. He didn't have to break away from Sanctuary and put his time, money, and resources into RDFRN. But he did. For you guys. And you guys just… That just wasn't good enough I guess. And it's not just the admins that suffer. The actually good community members are suffering too if they haven't already LEFT your crap behind for better waters. They're all just slowly leaving. Why? Because they're tired of it all. (not including outside problems, of course, like jail time)

    But hey, I know what you guys are gonna do. You're gonna laugh at this post. Mock it. Debase it. I don't care. I liked writing it. And also, maybe, just MAYBE, some of you will actually listen before Lanny puts a bullet in his brain next because of your stupid crap.
    You guys can say what you want about Idio and you guys can cry and beat against the walls like some spoiled kid and make it out to be everyone's fault but your own but in the end, it IS your fault. It's been your fault 3 times in a row.

    I dunno, man. Maybe it was your fault that one time (twice) where you got your asshole trolled by your SUPER NICE buddies who ended up betraying you to appeal to the cool kids? Maybe.

    Let's wait and see! Part of the reason why I keep coming back here is I like to sometimes watch you guys. Just watch. It's just so fascinating, you know? Like watching a bridge crumble slowly more and more.

    It's probably like seeing you go in all in autism mode where you rock back and forth, tug your earlobes and make screeching sounds.

    This is where he starts projecting like crazy, fantasizing about what a tragic hero he is.

    You guys just want the most perfect and exact admin though. And if he doesn't meet your specifications in any way, you guys just toss him aside and whine non-stop until another brave soul comes to you, thinking he's got it this time.


    He didn't have to waste his time on you guys. He didn't have to break away from Sanctuary and put his time, money, and resources into RDFRN. But he did. For you guys.

    No, he actually did it to get away from your incomptent mongo ass. He never respected you, just like the rest of us. He just didn't have enough spine to tell it to your face.

    And also, maybe, just MAYBE, some of you will actually listen before Lanny puts a bullet in his brain next because of your stupid crap.

    Nobody has to listen to you, faggot. Lanny is cool and has nothing to worry. We don't hate "admins" (as if you were special kind of creatures) on principal. You and Idio just got what you deserved. Simple.

    But hey, I know what you guys are gonna do. You're gonna laugh at this post. Mock it. Debase it. [size=150]I don't care. I liked writing it.[/size]

    And that's all that matters, Arnie. Now go and kill yourself.
  5. When I'm logged in with my PS4. On my phone it seems to work.
  6. Yea, hahaha. Thanks. Oh, man.

    The "Today's Psts" feature doesn't work at all for me.
  7. I'd welcome a downgrade to 4 a lot. I don''t know how hard it is to fix this shit, though.
  8. I just read the funniest Arnox post while taking a shit and now I want to make fun of it but I can't find it. This forum is weird.

  9. It's 4am and you've all made me hungry
  10. What would you do with my timeline, malice? I'd make you have an insatiable urge to kill. That'd be a fun watch.
  11. One of the greatest joys in life is having experiences people call bullshit on, my god does it make me laugh. I could do nothing short of post a porn video before you guys would believe me. Maybe we will.
  12. Well, it did happen. Her husband rammed me from behind as I fucked her, at times our rhythm was like a hillbilly pendulum. It was hard deciding on what I wanted more, to push back against his cock or to plunge into her depths. Decisions, decisions. Anal sex really hurts at first without generating lubrication and massaging. She once fingered my asshole while sucking me off, with gloves on. I don't blame her on the gloves, my asshole is nasty.
  13. I bet §m£ÂgØL is going hitching to get gay married to hydro's husband
    Oh the stories I have. Would you believe me if I said he fucked me in the ass or would you think I was trolling?
  14. He needs to move away from his parents and do his own thing.
  15. I bet §m£ÂgØL is going hitching to get gay married to hydro's husband
  16. This thread needs piss balloons
    Im collecting all the piss jugs around the park
  17. bitches don't know shit about my Big Bear.

    real compton blood space niggas drink OE.
  18. I could have made one to message a girl to do molly with and probably eat her ass out and snort lines off her tits tonight but I'm literally too lazy to go through with the effort of registering a facebook account.
  19. Those are crappy trees, especially if they are black walnuts - fucking garbage all over the yard. If I had one, I'd cut that messy fucker down.

    It's definitely an English walnut tree. I don't mind the crap on the lawn. At the same time every year my lawn is just plums and walnuts and everyone in the neighborhood knocks on my door and asks to take a bunch home, people even bring ladders over.

    OP you should try making candied walnuts while they're still young/unripe. My favorite sweet Armenian delicacy.

    I can do that with those green pods in growth on the tree?. I'll do some research. I just wait for the green spiky things to fall on the ground and open them all up and roast all the walnuts on top of a wood stove. They are good with ice cream.
  20. I'm currently reading "On the road" by Jack Kerouac. I've been taking my time with it, reading in 30 page intervals. It's good, but I feel I really need a taste for travel and adventure before I read it or I don't really appreciate the attitude of the book. Wish I read it before I went hitchhiking.
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