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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Oh, look… all the cowardly rats are assembling, Isn't that just so special?
    No, seriuosly what happened to your teeth?


  3. I don't think it's normal to ignore a child sitting on the street, I'd be like hey are you okay?.

  4. I run the meth trade here in Perth ya fucking cunts.

    Pretty hawt for an old dude :3
  5. Damn specky did the Tim Hortons manager kick your teeth out when he tossed you out in the alley or was it the shitty meth you make in that bathtub at the junkyard you moved into?
  6. Think I got a job! Fucking finally. They have a min of 24/h a week too so no more fucking 16 hour weeks. 75 dollar checks really suck. Goddamn I am good at interviews. There's only one interview for a job I haven't gotten and I'm pretty sure that was because they called my references like they said they were gonna and found out i lied on there (oops). I didn't call back and didn't exactly wanna work there either though. Fuck the food industry, may be great for some, not for me.
  7. I thought mr happy was from australia. Maybe that's why he would never respond to my australian-baiting.

    God bless the queen. I smoke meth on the beaches of Perth, bitch.
  8. Name: Will Taggart.

    Location: 255 Botanica Pvt, Ottawa, ONTARIO, K1Y 4P8, Canada.

    Age: 50's.

    Telephone number: 613-729-6990

    Social Media:

    IP Adress: Didn't bother because spectral at least knows how to proxy.

    Recent Photograph:

    Source for adress and telephone

    Lmao, whitepages, really spectral? You're an idiot.


    oooh just down the street from me :3c
  9. Starting from A BOX OF 25mg EPHEDRINE AMPOULES for injection. Mostly water and salt in the solution, ephedrine was extracted all at once from the box to yield 1500mg pure ephedrine.

    "What the fuck are u doing nigga??"

    From AMMONIUM SULFATE 1kg you add 1kg SODIUM HYDROXIDE which produces a vigorous reaction generating ammonia gas and water.
    Run a tube from the flask into a VERY COLD beaker sitting in an ice bath to produce CONDENSED LIQUID AMMONIA.

    Like in the video LITHIUM METAL was placed into the vessel containing the condensed ammonia along with 500mg FREEBASE ephedrine in chilled ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL. Solution went from blue to dark purple and eventually a hard black.

    RXN fluid was quenched with water and enhancemented the lithium out. Aqueous sodium hydroxide solution was added until PH 14 and methamphetamine freebase floated to the top of the water

    TOLUENE was added until all the freebase meth dissolved and the TOLUENE separated from the water.

    TOLUENE containing freebased methamphetamine was gassed with hydrogen chloride gas to produce hydrochloride salt of meth.


  10. I miss riding escalators. Living in the country fucking sucks.
  11. quit treating women like this.

    Fuck that noise. Start recording and uploading this shit.
  12. I like longer hair too. Harry potter girl, lol.

    *I put on my robe and wizard hat*

  13. I see... As usual you haven't a clue...
  14. I'll just leave this here...
  15. I already know who all of you are, where you are, and what you've been doing… you included. It's just that I don't need a crutch to leverage that in a debate, like you do. You're a coward, son. Plain and simple. You can't hang with the big boys, so you resort to your petty duck and dives and your shameless security blankets. Don't worry, kid. We know all about your kind.
    Who am I and what am I doing?
  16. Why bad idea? I mean, I understand they're untested as fuck but you can see why the idea that it'd be good for infants would come from.
  17. Well in geopolitical terms The Netherlands is basically America's bitch. When we get told to go fight the sand niggers in Afghanistan or wherever, or bomb some ISIS fellows my government is like: Lol, ok. In return we get to have good old American made medium yield thermonuclear bombs, 16 in total to be stored at the millitary airbase in Eindhoven. Guess you didn't know that, well most people from abroad don't. In case of emergency scramble the nuclear bombers and all that.

    But in terms of the internal politics of our country The Netherlands is pretty democratic in the true sense of the word, our government usually at least makes an effort to accomodate what the people want.

    as an american, that last line seems like science fiction to me
  18. Anyone see this show? Am I alone in thinking this show is absolute garbage aimed at the bottom of the barrel as far as intelligence goes?

    The show features some weird looking dude, Benedict Cumberbatch is his name I believe, who is supposed to be super smart and a really good detective, but the way they go about portraying him as smart just makes me think this show was made for stupid people. The dude just walks into the room with an air of "i already know everything and am never wrong" and kind of cocky and weird, and immediately just deduces exactly what happened at the crime scene.

    It's funny because anyone who's ever been around someone who's smart or knows a lot about a subject knows that smart people aren't like that. They are smart because they have a lot of experience and have taken the time to learn whatever it is they are good at. But to dumbasses who don't do or know shit, it probably just looks like they are pulling information out of thin air, like sherlock does on the show.
  19. Apparently you do if it bothered you enough to comment on it. Has living with hydro caused you to become one of those people who think opiates are the solution to all the world's problems? I swear to god junkies will defend opiates like you personally insulted their mother when they hear someone talk ill of them.

    Lol u mad?

    This woman is doing a good thing, providing shooting supplies and naxalone to people at no cost. There are people who have trouble getting needles, people who have loved ones and wouldn't wanna see them die in an overdose, etc. Your opinion is just negative as fuck, that's alI I meant. It's good that there are people out there who aren't negative as shit all the time and want to do good to help people who want help. NATURAL SELECTION is just a silly and shallow way of seeing an overdose.

    Also no, opiates seem great and they sure do have a lot of uses but I don't quite share hydro's love for them. I don't need them. Most people who use opiates don't. I lived with hydro for about three months, her life would definitely benefit without all that pain. Her dad definitely needed them.
  20. Good thing nobody gives a shit what you think poc.

    Apparently you do if it bothered you enough to comment on it. Has living with hydro caused you to become one of those people who think opiates are the solution to all the world's problems? I swear to god junkies will defend opiates like you personally insulted their mother when they hear someone talk ill of them.
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