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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. You missed the part where i said. "The solution is not subsidizing bad practices, the solution is taking on the underlying more fundamental economic problems that got you there in the first place. " My point is, in general when you have a healthy economy it's easy to out-compete other nation-states, problem is the current US economy is anything but healthy. and of course like Malice pointed out, there are some countries which can cheaply produce product A or B, nothing wrong with that, not every country produces as efficiently, getting certain resources cheaply is important for domestic growth as well.
    Sigh... No point in continuing this since you don't seem to understand the basics of International trade that have Ben established for many centuries.
  2. And now this thread is about furry little ewoks.
    Aren't you glad somebody else came up with that Ewok thing. That way you can imagine you're saying something funny.
  3. Nice job trying to be Lanny's butt buddy DB. We all know you are just trying to suck his dick because you are on thin ice for being such a sad little faggot.
    THIS not Zoklet. Users don't have to suck up to staff you jelly lil turd.
  4. I like that this is a five page thread for I made for Sophie because he is a bretty gool dood but only about five posts recognize the actual topic of this thread. kek/kek would not kek again.
    THIS is HB there are no topics in HB. This thread is now about frozen jello hockey.
  5. If you need tarifs to keep your market viable, you have a bad economy. That's like subsidizing people to eat at your restaurent, hey look we suddenly have a lot of customers now that we pay them 20 bucks to eat here. All it's actually saying is that your food is worth -20 dollars and normally you'd go out of business which is good. Market forces work like that, they get rid of the bad businesses and keep the good businesses. The solution is not subsidizing bad practices, the solution is taking on the underlying more fundamental economic problems that got you there in the first place.
    I like you Lan but that was a horrible analogy. Your scenario has all the restaurants in the same market. In other words they are staffed from a common labor pool, they purchase their raw materials from the same pool of suppliers, they lease or purchase their locations from the same real estate market, and they cater to the same customers. In other words a level playing field. The International market is not a level playing field and you are smart enough to know that. In the real world some markets pay (let's say for example not real figures) 4 or 5 times more wages which affords the people who live in those markets a higher standard of living than those people who live and work in the markets which pay 4 or 5 times less. Without fair and balanced tarrifs corporations can buy all their goods in the poorer markets, and sell them for obscene profits in the richer markets. If this continues unchecked the people living and producing goods in the richer markets soon find themselves unemployed or working for substandard wages in a market they can no longer afford to live in (see Walmart employees). A real world example is when Bill Clinton gave China most favored nation trade status thereby vastly reducing the tarrifs on goods imported from China to imbalanced levels. This has driven a great number of manufacturers from the US to China to take advantage of cheap labor and still be able to sell in the developed markets a much higher profit levels than before. The only ones who enjoy an imbalanced trade situation are the multinational corporate kings. The workers in China are no better off than before in terms of average income/quality of life and the workers in the US have suffered loss of income/quality of life. I know you are smart enough to already know this and therefore must take any further statements supporting a no tarrifs stance as trolling.
  6. Ear bugs, that's why you don't do drugs kids. Fuck, I could handle withdrawals but bugs in my ears? Fuck that shit.
  7. 1000 mg at once then 200mg each subsequent day would be best.
  8. Nice job trying to be Lanny's butt buddy DB. We all know you are just trying to suck his dick because you are on thin ice for being such a sad little faggot.
  9. I like that this is a five page thread for I made for Sophie because he is a bretty gool dood but only about five posts recognize the actual topic of this thread.

    kek/kek would not kek again.
  10. Yeah, spec be 'tarded as usual but I guess it's worth saying for anyone interested: I'm never going to ask anyone for their password ever. I can trivially reset passwords and with some gymnastics log in as anyone I want (I can't actually see anyone's password since they're hashed and salted, meaning I (or someone with unauthorized access to the database) can't log into other accounts you might have using the same password). I'm pretty sure everyone knows this by now but on the off chance someone doesn't I'll throw it out there.
    What he said...
  11. I didn't, I just know stuff intuitively
    Once more the fact that you responded shows everyone how you simply cannot control your fascination with my posts. I'll tell you what. Since it's obvious you and SpectraL are infatuated with me I will hold a contest which only you two will be eligible to enter. The winner will be awarded the title of President of the Darth Beaver Fan Club for life. Contest conditions and rules to be announced in a yet be created thread.
    TheDarkRodent is like an overweight buffalo with 20-25 coyotes hanging off all sides of him.
    Do the people you hang with IRL laugh at you like the people you hang with on the internutz?
  12. I haven't logged onto slashnet in many moons but isn't #totse still up? As far as I'm concerned that is and always will be the only channel. If it's not up anymore I can whip up a bot to manage it but if you're talking about a chat box type situation then no dice.
    Thanks you.
  13. Split I think it was Crazy Mike who told the only things that are going to make your brain right are abstinence, time, nutrition, and exercise.
  14. But why do border enforcement and military have a special status while other things do not? Why isn't universal healthcare a primary concern of the state? If you ask me that's far more important.
    By universal health care do you mean everyone gets the same level of care regardless of what they produce?
  15. Ok, but I would think you would be opposed to tariffs because they are fundamentally government intervention in the free market. Me, I'm perfectly willing to endorse them as a legitimate tool if they're needed but then I don't think there's any issue with restricting freedoms for the greater good. I don't think there's any amount of mental gymnastics you can do where you both endorse tariffs (the government functionally setting prices on imported goods, contrary to the free market) and reduced government control/no government control/anarchy.
    Tarrifs are necessary to ensure the market's viability. If nations had no tarrifs richer more developed nation's markets would be destroyed by cheap foreign labor. Simply put if an item can be made for $1.00 in your market by your labor force but can be made for $.10 in a foreign market economic security for the people whom the government is responsible for dictates that a fair tariff be imposed upon the goods imported from the nation with the cheaper labor source. A fair tariff in this scenario would be one that that raised the retail price by $.90 cents. That way both the domestically produced goods and the foreign produced goods will be sold at prices which are competitive with one another. Without fair tarrifs corporations would rape both nations by under paying workers in developing markets and decimating the manufacturing sectors of developed markets all for their own profit.
  16. Its called a guesstimate faggot
  17. I think you just have a fetish for stuffing your animals full of drugs.
  18. What did you gamble on? That's quite a lot of money, did you have a plan to launder it? I gamble a bit on sports, not much as I used to cos I'm broke now but I always wonder wtf I would do if my bank roll ever amassed to some unexplainable large amount.
    Delete this thread please
  19. I want to die
  20. NAMBLA
    North American Marlon Brando Look Alike?
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