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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. you try too hard

    Takes no time to copypasta
  2. ^it smells like goddamn asshole in here. Aka cptn. Falcons butt hurt

    My butt only hurts because your posts about your encounters with women gave me ass cancer.
  3. ^I'm not mad brah. I was just talking shit back last night because I was drunk.

    It's okay, I love you bro
  4. lemoved

    Post last edited by Iam at 2017-02-04T04:48:27.939259+00:00
  5. <?php
    echo 'hi';

    so fucking awesome...
  6. I agree. But hebephiles on the other hand are god's angels ....
  7. op my friend thinks your inb4lock... please confirm
  8. Was spectral the old crackhead you almost let fuck you in drag?

    lol this explains everything.

    The old crackhead wanted me to fuck him.

    With my penis.

    In his butt.

    But there was no lube. And I don't like fucking butts. Poopdick is icky. So I bitched out. I'm waaaay bottom.
  9. Lol, I didn't realize Max Stirner and Marx hung out. I knew they were contemporaries but not that they had ever met.

    Wait, so I was with you for the "read my post" part, and then it went into me fanfic (which sounds pretty cool but I don't know what it has to do with anything) and then it's women and the proles are inhuman fools? I'm kinda confused. Like I get each point individually, but I'm failing to see the relationship.

    So the pleasure/reality tradeoff is always going to be a point of tension but it comes back to the "useful lie" situation I mentioned earlier. I think we can agree, at least on an intellectual level, that there is no transcending human subjectivity. There may well be an external world that closely fits our mental models but it's still incoherent to talk about an objective experience. The only things we'll ever have direct interaction with are our experiences. That's pretty much the gist of what defines an empiricist (interesting since it's almost opposite to the usage of "empirical" as a synonym for "science stuff"). Given that, so long as delusion or mental illness or any other functioning of the mind does not cause meaningfully harmful state-change in whatever level of external world we want to suppose, we can find no reason to find fault with it. If my subjective experience is of being a maniacal tyrant taking immense pleasure from the suffering of others but my objective actions, for some reason or another, are of a doctor or a great writer or inventor then how can we say that discongruency between reality and mental experience is wrong, or undesirable?

    Of course there's the question of what our power to cultivate those acceptable deviations between experience and biologically implied value judgments are (and I'd argue there's a long history of this being something within the reach of the everyman, not prescribing any particular lifestyle) but if you put that aside you should realize there's no rational objection to be had. Since Socrates we've been carrying the albatross of The Truth around our collective cultural necks, and the truth is important, but conflating it with goodness has been a bane upon our people. Socrates was a man so concerned with the truth, with shoving it in other peoples faces, he managed to get himself democratically voted to die. The Apology may be a seminal work even now but it didn't convince many Athenians and while foundational I don't think it convinces many moderns either. The stoics on the other hand, they didn't have anyone go get crucified for their ideals before that was the cool thing to do but sometimes I think in a few generations of, as far as we can tell, genuinely happy human beings, not through ignorance but willful happiness, may have been a better thing that anything philosophy jesus ever gave us.

    So are you hyping the suburbs or not? Either way, I'm happy to pay the toll for urban living as long as it stays the same. And when it gets ruined there's always Portland, or Seattle, or whatever other city becomes a hub for the things that make SF appealing. I do think the "work in the city, live in the suburbs" lifestyle is kinda harmful. I don't think I'll ever have a kid (posted about the subjective reasons for this before but it felt incoherent, ultimately I'm not an antinatalist but I am a eugenicist. More of me is not what I'd like to see in the world) but if I did I'd send them to school in the city. If I'm going to be in a place, live there, make my living there, it would seem disingenuous to act like it's not good enough for children. If I make money somewhere and I fail to ensure its habitability, or my government fails to extract the resources from me to do the same, then there's a deeper problem that divestment is only going to pass onto someone more poorly equipped to deal with it.

    And tremendously lower numbers of women were in the workplace 50 years ago. Someone then could have said "women have such strong biological drives to stay out of the workplace that they'll never be significantly represented there" and they would have been dead wrong. Yes biological pressures exist that affect our behavior but so do social pressures, the latter of which is amenable to intra-generational and human driven change. It is also empirically more powerful since we can find all sorts of divergences between biological drives and social drives wherein humans largely conform to the social model. Tabla rasa or no, human history is a history of curbing ("sublimating") our natural inclinations.

    Do you actually believe that? All of our ideas evolve with time of course, but last I remember you thought morality just didn't fly, looked at the is/ought gap and sat down with the conclusion that there was nothing more to be said. Has that changed?

    Bleh, I don't know if I should pity the author for being such a profoundly broken human being or hate him for being so inauthentic. I don't know Bryan Caplan from a hole in the ground and have no idea what he did to consider himself "elite" but even putting aside the issue of how one proposes to elevate their situation without incurring infrastructural debt to the system that assigns them their wealth there's still no logic to connects "I have material resources to isolate myself" to "I'm going to blind myself to the condition of other human beings". And the tacit implication that being disadvantaged somehow entails greater responsibility to the community is not only absurd but frankly disgusting.

    "America's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there"

    I always assume the right's chest beating over "making place great again" is disingenuous rhetoric but thinking about this I really hope people really are deluded enough to believe that. Because the alternative, "place is broken, not my problem" is tantamount to malice.

    This is impenetrable.

    I'm not even going to attempt it.
  10. Ashley's a catholic, then she took an arrow to the what the fuck is this satanism?
  11. You said I'm a knowledgeable poster :D
  12. I have never been mad in my entire life.
  13. I'm the same. I can feel the Alzheimer's coming.
  14. My coworkers give me shit for this, but my IQ is so high and my skills so vast that I actually merge with the computer, my brain becomes one with the operating system and I gain full and absolute control. Anyone who uses "sudo" is an inferior mind, but I might cut you some slack if you use NOPASSWD.
  15. I have shed my human form and am almost 99% pure energy only existing in space and time and on the internet. My purpose is to travel through time and bridge quantum mechanical gaps in reality

    You must be one of the few who's mastered combining physical combat with energy manipulation
  16. The Mad Max game was good. It is insane what video games have become. Perfectly presentated with well writting, thrilling stories and specifically designed to get you addicted.

    They are beautiful drugs but their side effects are manboobs and a neckbeard so consume with caution.
  17. No, no. The thermometer measures temperature. This one measures how gaping wide the asshole is. The more gaping it is, the more you know its ready.

    It's not even related to some 20 year old forum bullshit. I guess...
  18. too bad you can't buy her 15 years of her life back and an entirely new body, face and personality

  19. I am objectively cooler than everyone in this thread because I am the frontman for a punk rock band from the 1980's
  20. 👏 [FONT=helvetica]👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 neato stuff neat౦ stuff👌 thats ✔ some neato👌👌stuff right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌neato stuff 👏[/FONT]

    you try too hard
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