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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by Bill Krozby She believes that fruititarianism, is the the most humane diet, because you're not pulling the tree out by its roots, you're just eating the fruit and then shitting on the ground to build and respect more trees.

    But she prefers to eat vitamins, bone broth and large amounts of dairy lol

    *hereres a video about a chemtim ud unund skippy woo*

    I keep checking up on her vids but she hasn't put anything out lately

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-01-05T05:36:12.410234+00:00

    I'm not so sure about that. The technocratic extreme opposite version of that is green bio farmed algae nutrient cakes like soylent green except its actually Algae and not people this time (really)

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-01-05T05:51:44.928654+00:00
  2. I talk to lots of girls like this, hydromorphone kinda reminds me of this type and theres this girl I was kinda in a long distance relationship with in fall of 2015 when I was using heroin and meth every day we would stay up all night and talk and send pictures, I think I posted a few of her nudes here in the TRT.

    Why the fuck can't any of these girls figure out internet and computers and technology and shit? I dunno.

    But when I see a girl knitting vs a girl playing on her phone I'm more interested talking to the one on her phone because shes reading something??? who knows.. probably just facebook.

    Anarcho primitivism is cool but when push comes to shove you will die first without technology. Also an anarcho primitivist in a car is kinda hyprocritical.
  3. She has a video about making deoderant lol.. seems kinda pointless to me. She does seem pretty cool, you should get her to post here, we could use more positive energy in the community like ourselves. I like her videos.
  4. HEy man who is this chicken you keep posting? I followed her and posted some lulzy comments but she seems kinda like a derpadew to me.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-01-05T05:27:28.774172+00:00

  6. And remember even if you fuck this up completely and everything goes horribly wrong you can always fall back on the veterinary profession.

    And those niggas have access to ketamine and cathinone precursors.
  7. Every time I take benadryl theres a meeting at work.
  8. i run on methahol
  9. dissolve in acetone
  11. Originally posted by RisiR You need to get off whatever it is you're taking.

    Bill Krozby can't even work at a pizza place without getting in trouble for threatening employees and customers.

    Hospitals aren't fun to work at and good luck cursing out a nurse who has been doing this shit for 30 years. Bill Krozby would get fired from a German hospital within one week just for being filthy.

  12. lol irish are the niggers of eruope. An irish told me that once.
  13. A whole generation of hormone ridden teenagers uninterested in sex. What have they done.
  14. Every time i go there some faggot flashes his ass and balls or theres 2 people pretending to have sex on cam its fucked.
  15. Originally posted by greenplastic this guide is straight garbage


  16. you are allowed in trash can bling
  17. xanax???
  18. Well let's hear the whole story of what you did now that you already did the time for it.
  19. this guide is straight garbage
  20. All credit goes to tramp for writeup, RIP.

    Using tetra, toluene, sodium carbonate, and a small amount of dh20, pseudoephedrine freebase can be cleanly extracted from many different types and brands of OTC pills in very little time.
    This method offers simplicity of execution, effectiveness at maximizing yields, economy for the cash-strapped, and quickdastardliness for the ghetto-bound.

    Pills – any OTC pseudoephedrine compilation (with pseudoephedrine as the only active ingredient). Includes: 30mg “Red Hots”, 120mg “12-hour” name brand and generics, 240mg “24-hour” name brand. Pills exist as such only long enough to waltz with washing soda (sodium carbonate) in a blender on high.

    o Beaker – 400ml
    o Other heat proof glassware for evaporating or cooling solvent
    o Hot plate
    o Safety glasses, latex gloves
    o enhancement paper or coffee enhancements or cotton balls
    o Glass or wood stirring implement (1/2 of a wooden clothespin is splendid)

    - Chemicals –

    Tetrachloroethylene (brake cleaner, red can (not green) at your local skunk-boys auto supply.)
    Toluene or VM&P Naphtha (if you enjoy evaporating solvents, choose Toluene. If you are safety conscious and have some extra time, choose VM&P and chill instead of evaporate).
    Sodium Carbonate (washing soda, ph minus pool stuff at dome hepot ).
    DH20 (tap works as well)

    - Abstract of Procedure –

    Grind pills with sodium carbonate in a blender
    Dump formed powder into beaker
    Saturate powder with tetrachloroethylene
    Pour toluene into beaker until the toluene stands about 1” above the pill mass
    Heat thoroughly while stirring (let the heat from the bottom transfer into the toluene long enough to bring just to boiling point.
    Decant liquid from solids through a cotton ball or other suitable enhancement.
    Evaporate decanted solvent (Toluene) or Chill (VM&P) to precipitate freebase crystals.

    - Standard Procedure -

    1. Combine approximately the same volume of sodium carbonate as unground pill volume: put the pills in the blender, grab a handful of carbonate and toss an eyeballed estimate on top of the pills. A reasonable approximation for 1 box of 96 30mg “red hots” would be about 2.5- 3 tablespoons. Cover the blender, run on high for about 1 minute. Let stand 5 minutes before removing lid.
    2. pour the powder created in step 1 into a dry glass beaker – the dry pill mass should not be more than 1/3 of the beaker volume.
    3. Carefully hose the powder-in-beaker from step 2 with tetrachloroethylene straight from the can. Hint: direct the stream to the upper part of the beaker onto the glass wall to prevent scattering your dry pill mass. Otherwise, spray the tetra in a glass first, then pour into the beaker. Saturate the pill mass: this means that all of the powder should be wet, but there should be no free-running tetra. Tip the beaker just to make sure that the tetra doesn’t run. The mass should be one glorious whole. If you added to much tetra, the application of heat at this point is prudent – not only to evaporate the extra tetra, but to drive the tetra into the powder more thoroughly. 120mg pills can soak up quite a bit of tetra, so saturate, heat, and add more tetra until you reach this point of saturation. Extra tetra can be soaked up easily from the top of the pill mass with a couple of cotton balls.
    4. pour toluene into the beaker until the level of toluene is approximately 1” above the pill mass. This will vary with the overall magnitude of the extraction you are performing – experiment with 3 boxes of 96, using this one-inch approach. You have the option of using VM&P naphtha at this point instead of the toluene – in the precipitation stage, you’ll chill the naptha to crash the crystals. You’ll evap the toluene. Evaping hydrocarbon solvents is nasty business. Just ask Geez. The naptha chill takes 1-2 hours, possibly endangering your position. Your pays yo’ money, you takes yo’ shot.
    5. add a dash of water. (for 3 boxes of 96, use 2 tablespoons). Start with little h20 – you can always add more toluene and another shot of h20 if you want to try another pull. You’ll screw the whole gig if you add too much h20 for the first pull.
    6. Apply heat gently while stirring until the contents of the beaker are at the boiling point, then back off. Practice makes perfect. Keep the temperature just below that boiling point for 2 minutes (4 minutes if using 120mg 12-hour pills). Stir continuously with appropriate implement.
    7. Remove beaker from heat source and let settle for 1 minute.
    8. decant all liquid from beaker into a suitable heat-resistant glass pan, bowl, etc. Visionware rules the roost. You may choose to decant through a enhancement/funnel, or just keep a cotton ball at the lip of the beaker as you pour.
    9. Evap the toluene on low heat for clean crystals easily lifted. Or if using VM&P naphtha, place in freezer for 2 hours, enhancement, and place the crystals on a coffee enhancement to dry.

    Micro crystalline cellulose precipitates out of cold xylene, preboil in straight xylene will remove the bulk of it right away. throw this out or distill it to recover the solvents.
    proceed with standard anhydrous extraction into xylene/tetra using Na2CO3
    reflux it for a good long time then enhancement it fast and gas it hot
    enhancement it hot
    rinse it with cold dry mek
    recrystallize it from mek/water
    then again if you want from either water or an alcohol and acetone.

    Investigate the solubility of your particular set of inactives against possibly toluene.
    different solvents have slightly different characteristics
    some report good results adding about 25% naphtha to the xylene preboil
    sometimes pills have unlisted gaaks in them.
    pills are hard.

    toluene has lower boiling point than xylene but its thinner and more aromatic
    its a more selective solvent than xylene
    xylene is real aggressive, eats plastic and wax.

    Toluene is real nice for extracting final product into
    xylene is best all around pill extraction solvent.
    Ethyl acetate works really well, too but it needs to be mixed about 10% with ethanol for best effect
    and crystallization of the HCl back out of the azeotrope is a pain in the ass

    xylene is generally best.

    Avoid water and avoid reagents with really high pH... that is, avoid KOH and NaOH with pills as the high pH activates certain gaaks... or so they say...Na2CO3 is plenty high enough pH but doesn't seem to effect the gaaks... water sets the gaaks loco! avoid water unless you can duplicate the human digestive tract in the lab... i mean, people do swallow these pills and the shit does wind up in their blood... so if the body can separate it, so can we, but water methods normally result in a mass of plastic goop... alcohols are treacherous as well...

    (not Pseudoephedrine extraction but still pretty useful info)
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