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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    traps are gay
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by bling bling I'm in love with my religion
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher School really does make you dumb now. If you think I'm retarded now, you should've seen me when I got out of school

    Also, I've ever in my life used anything I learned after the sixth grade other than geometry and trigonometry but that's because of my career

    i become progressively more retarded as school progresses

    i mean im not stupid and i can get good grades when i need to apply myself for something, but fuck man i have become so reliant on the habits ive developed from years of bullshitting in school to do things outside of it

    maybe its just because i started doing drugs in highschool
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby nurses don't give lobotomy's , doctors do. Step up your game and your pussy game cause I'm sure its pretty week, you simp,

    and also I suffer from bipolar d/o and its just something I have been coping with and that made school a challenge for me. I mean I graduated and I never failed classes. Except I opted out of chemistry because that wasn't my thing.

    bipolarity disorder is just a faggy way of saying that youre an angsty manchild
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Child neglect. As in, having two kids who's lives you aren't in and signing away parental rights whilst complaining that the government is 'extorting you' for child support and talking about suing them back for your lawyer fees.


    deadbeat shitter of a """"parent""""
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR No but they are literally prohibited to get work until they are cleared which often takes years and forces them into criminality.

    Imagine you are a refugee of a war torn third world country without education, do you think you could do your taxes? Or the taxes of a business? They literally can't read our letters, bro. I see them daily, struggling to get a train ticket.

    Do you think one of them could just sit down and do your job? Don't be silly.

    even with little shitter retail jobs alot of them have trouble with it

    we have alot of arabs in this area for whatever reason and alot of them work in jobs that require little communication or foodservice

    take a look at a place like new york city where some of them get into an entrepreneurial pursuit and open a halal cart or a restaurant, thats about the only thing they can manage to do because you dont really need good english speaking skills to make and sell food
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock the situation just before the French Revolution was worse.

    that didn't save their necks

    but it also wasnt in a globalized and digitized economy
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hey fucctoi I saw my kid the other day and I arranged her birthday. The mother made everything so difficult. And she always goes on about how she's a proud single mom bullshit that women are indoctrinated into. It's all her fault. Get over yourself with your self righteous bullshit you're an asshole.

    no im just a kid who grew up with an absentee parent who didnt pay a dime of child support in their life

    eat a dick and never quote one of my posts again
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR I'm actually not even talking about the thread. I just don't think that weed gives a shit about laws and all the Califags I'm talking to act like they have this amazing, superior quality Cannabis disregarding that the plant has been in human use since thousands of years.

    I'd like to grow outdoor in Cali because of the weather but that's it. Indoor the plants don't care where the empty warehouse they grow in is located. The plant doesn't care about funky names, either.

    It's been over 10 years that I made my first BHO. Y'know, it's like being at the first Beatles concert in Hamburg and you chill out with the guys and you don't really like John Lennon and then like almost 2 decades later they become famous and some noobs who downloaded their Best Of (cover versions by really bad bands) and listen to it on repeat are trying to explain you what it's all about, maaaaaan.


    "strain" meme names are corny and gay

    i just want regular weed
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby dude I didn't want to have a kid with that girl, it was best thing to do to leave her for everyone. You know people make mistakes, but it was such a push and pull with her and she was selfish and she
    lied about being on birth control.

    And you're right I do have mental problems but, I'm diagnosed with high functioning bi-polar disorder. I struggle with it every day. And no I'm not scum, I have people that love and care about me.

    Just because I make drunken troll rants, doesn't mean I'm a bad person. Like take bill the cat for example he says stupid shit all the time but I'm sure he's a normal guy IRL.

    And another thing I'll be forthright and let you know that the pizza shop isn't getting a lot of business and some days we just didn't open it. Not my decision though.

    And also fuck you guys, even when I make a legit non-troll post its ruined by you guys.

    And another thing I'm not the worst person on this forum, hts is, the dude sits in his room all day and ordering hormones with his Canadian cookoo Canadian hand out.

    Not hating on his though really, just saying there are worse people on this forum. But even he can be an alright guy.

    And another thing, who cares if I attacked my ex gf, she deserved it. She's a spiteful person, I haven't seen her since mid june, and she's still hitting me up, emailing me texting me.

    I'm going to have a relationship with the nurse lady.

    fuck you

    you're a piece of human trash for having a child and not sticking around to make sure she has a good childhood

    dickheads like you make the world such a shit place to live in

    it wasnt about having a child with whatever bitch, its about the child you had... theyre gonna grow up without a father now. probably wouldnt have missed much anyway

  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    >actually caring about which brand is """better""" when they pretty much just make the same product, rehashed with some different colored plastic shit on the metal
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    he is probably altposting
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR Hahahaha… The faggot tried to pull a Schopenhauer but neither had the balls to go with it nor the wit to use it to his advantage.

    I'd love to destroy that boy in a public debate and then have him apologize with a blowjob.

    but thats gay
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject Because it's true

  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    what happened to the bong alien
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject It's all well and good just ripping him and taking the piss, ultimately that's just words on a screen so no big deal, but, I dunno, I guess in hindsight posting his number and letting people find his address is probably too far. There's one thing just having a laugh on a forum, another to take it into real life.

    That's just my opinion tho and I'm sober right now, he does bring about 80% of the shit on himself just by being a massive frothy cuck

    but its not just taking the piss, most people actually believe what they say regarding Bill Krozby
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR Fuck off.

    fuck off
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR At least a gallon of cum, though. I guess that's something. Keeping family traditions alive and all.

  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR I got some Narcs, a couple of Feds, maybe one or two rats left, a snitch and four cops.

    come through i got feds for the low right now
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
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