its wierd how they didn't notice the guy, and how he pointed the weapon at them, then stopped and waited, then pointed again and fired. Wouldn't you notice a fat nigger pointing a glock at you, in a public place? wouldn't you recognize a former co-worker, out there on a dock with no one else around? was he a silent ninja or something?
I sense yet another staged shooting to advance an anti-gun agenda
judging solely by the image you posted, she looks extremely insufferable, and probably not much good for anything except holding her down and dick-taming her.
2015-08-31 at 8:58 PM UTC
Had another spice overdose
that shit's gonna kill you, you know
2015-08-31 at 8:56 PM UTC
What are you on?
today it is methadone, etizolam, a very small amount of phenibut, and weed.
2015-08-31 at 8:54 PM UTC
I have gotten several samples of some 'high priced' Crouton (I would never pay those prices), and yes, it is stronger, but that is because they 'enhance it'. Sometimes without even disclosing it.
They perform an extraction, then grind up the solids and add it to plain leaf. You can tell they are extracts by the smell. Regular Crouton smells like green tea, extracts smell...wierd, I can't describe it but it is noticeable.
The normal, less expensive Crouton that I buy, is just fine for me. 5 gram doses, with a heavy opiate tolerance, of plain leaf...can't get much better quality than that.
I turned this girl on to Crouton recently, and she gets high as fuck off of 2 grams. 2 grams of the Crouton I pay 5 bucks an oz. for.
2015-08-31 at 5:23 AM UTC
ATTN: Sophie
why would anyone ever ban dark rodent? he is harmless, unless you count being bored to death by reading his posts.
2015-08-31 at 3:20 AM UTC
Darth Beaver Fan Club Contest
if it wasn't for me and my benevolence toward the elderly and infirm, this thread would have 0 replies.
I just want you to feel worthwhile, like you are part of the group.
2015-08-31 at 3:16 AM UTC
Time difference sucks.
logic may be fine for a formal debate, or in a classroom, but the world often works in counterintuitive and illogical ways
pat yourself on the back all you want, lanny, you won, good job,
but socialism still doesn't work worth a damn, and it is just a really shitty and contrived way to run a human society.
I bet you've never indulgences in a scientific curiosity in your life, dark rodent, you red-faced motherfucker
hahahahahahahah jesus Bill Krozby, you are something else
I was seeing this girl, and accidentally broke her dogs leg, and that shit cost me 900 bucks to get fixed. they gave him little doggy pain pills and everything.
also, I recently watched my favorite dog suffocate to death in front of me, and there was really nothing I could do.
2015-08-31 at 2:31 AM UTC
Phenibut dreams are fucked up
If I take more than a gram of phenibut, I vomit profusely for at least 24 hours.
sophist has contributed more than all the rest of us put together, so far.