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Posts by crazy mike

  1. crazy mike Houston
    maybe when I get home, I been staying across town with this girl. going home soon, fucking sick of being here, sick of her talking to me, and sick of her junky ass laptop and filthy house.
  2. crazy mike Houston
    yeah, same old dark rodent I remember from zoklet....still posting his no-content, awkward, obnoxious catch phrases and barely relevant 'inside jokes' that no one ever gets or even gives a fuck about. maybe one day soon we will all get lucky and he will fucking die of old age, slapping his knee and laughing hoarsely at some joke from the early 1970's that doesn't even make sense anymore.

  3. crazy mike Houston
    fuck runescape

    MUME for life, nigger.
  4. crazy mike Houston
    I bet you have a Hispanic neice or nephew, or maybe even grandchild.

    I bet you will never have grandchildren.

    because your son is afraid of vaginas
  5. crazy mike Houston
    I just now got that, roshambo
  6. crazy mike Houston
    its fallacies you stupid old fuck
  7. crazy mike Houston
    don't be too hard on him, guys, this is one of the few victories he gets in life. stunted, malnourished children, a face that looks like a set of balls, and the dry wit of a tree stump....tdr just can't catch a break.
  8. crazy mike Houston
    its a shame that all this has to be on you. it's not even your mom. is your girl just being passive about the whole thing, or is she taking one side or the other?

  9. crazy mike Houston
    no, clonazolam, not clonazepam. I want to make sure I get the most 'recreational' one that I could possibly get.

    also, thanks 1337
  10. crazy mike Houston
    its kinda like a conversational double entendre

    Sometimes Bill Krozby has flashes of actual brilliance. It's just too bad that the syphilis will eventually destroy what is left of his mind.
  11. crazy mike Houston
    The commercials make me want to kill spics

    I appreciate you, roshambo
  12. crazy mike Houston
    with all these computer folks around here, you would think that we would form an alliance and start a darknet marketplace. maybe one selling stolen goods and car parts as re: my suggestion
  13. crazy mike Houston
    It worked great if anyone cares. I ended up using baking soda instead of sodium carbonate and got 20+g of T-PAIN sodium for $30.

    I care, do tell in detail, if you feel like it.
  14. crazy mike Houston
    the littlestnigga is my lil nigga
  15. crazy mike Houston
    ^you wish you could, you follow me around as well. Obviously you and crazy mike has some pent up frustrations. Just telling it like it is. You're extremely transparent.

    I am the only one with pent-up frustrations here.

    dark rodent is just an aging man-child trying desperately to stay relevant in a world that long ago left him in the dust.
  16. crazy mike Houston
    dark rodent, you are quite a object of ridicule and pity all in one package.
  17. crazy mike Houston
    The only fool I am making is in your mirror.

    thread just became 1/10
  18. crazy mike Houston
    nothing like getting surprised, cuffed and frisked by hot-dog necked steroid freaks, while cartoon niggerball plays in the background.
  19. crazy mike Houston
    I was detained and arrested once while this movie played in the background. I was innocent, but I ended up having to cop a plea to avoid more serious charges from another incident.
  20. crazy mike Houston
    And yet you still couldn't stop yourself from posting in it first, twice! 😁

    thrice, you mean. I never pass up an opportunity to allow you to make a fool of yourself.
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