2015-08-28 at 6 PM UTC
TTFN I had it.
I'm sort of flattered, dark rodent, that you would create and log in and out of an account, as well as select and host images, just to try to make a run at little old me. You go ahead and keep practicing, and maybe someday you might slightly amuse someone.
2015-08-28 at 5:54 PM UTC
I Never Tell The Truth.
Seriously, folks, this is about as good as it gets when dark rodent posts. Bottom of the barrel, 2/10 thread.
is clonazolam recreational and/or worth ordering? better than etiz? better than fubromazolam, or worse?
2015-08-28 at 2:51 PM UTC
I'm cute
I have a beard right now, it's still partly attached to the face of the guy I ripped it from.
2015-08-28 at 2:48 PM UTC
TTFN I had it.
from post #39 on down, I actually knew what everyone was talking about.
so proud of myself.
2015-08-28 at 2:41 PM UTC
Why minimum wage is bad.
you guys are all retarded, I neverf said anything about fascism, I was just ridiculing lanny's response to someone else saying something about fascism.
to me, 'fascism' is just a term thrown around to demonize one's enemy, and it is just as ridiculous and irrelevant as any other 'ism'.
2015-08-28 at 6:15 AM UTC
Why minimum wage is bad.
If you rhink its a good thing to micromanage and regulate transactions between free individuals, then sure, it sounds like a great idea. to me, however, it sounds like fucking bullshit, and a sneaky and weasely way for the government and unions to create revenue streams for themselves.
2015-08-28 at 4:38 AM UTC
How did religion begin?
ok fine zanick, fine. all of human culture, religion included, are just compulsive behaviors akin to how hamsters in a cage sometimes gnaw their own hair off when stressed. every type of human expression, art, music, 'love', industry, technology, religion, are just a hysterical reaction to various stresses that affected the human race in the distant or recent past. I am thinking of possibly one or more massive population bottlenecks that stressed humanity as a whole, causing changes in our lifestyles, cognition, and physicality.
2015-08-28 at 4:27 AM UTC
I'm cute
you look soft, you need your nose broken and set badly, and a scar under your eye
2015-08-28 at 4:23 AM UTC
attack of the ratch
just don't get her pregnant and you will be fine.
what, because I'm not ridden with social diseases like you?
You see, dark rodent, this is how much I care about your insinuation of revealing my PI. I switched accounts just for you, so half the job is done already. Knock yourself out. Literally.