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Posts by crazy mike

  1. crazy mike Houston
    rob halford fucks trannies
  2. crazy mike Houston

    its an inside joke from before you started posting here. Bill Krozby made a thread asking how he could be more was hilarious and sad at the same time.
  3. crazy mike Houston
    the avatars are way too small here. some of us here have impaired eyesight. fuck my life.
  4. crazy mike Houston
    sometimes, when I take a big hit of really good weed, and hold it in for a very long time, I get a vision of what I call 'thc worms', that look like paramecium with eyespots, swimming in my bloodstream. Whenever I mention them to anyone in real life, they imply that I am schizophrenic or something.
  5. crazy mike Houston
    you should be sophisticated enough to figure it out on your own by now, right Bill Krozby?
  6. crazy mike Houston
    I know stress can be a boner killer but with the urge to pee but not im at a loss

    your prostate is shot

    and guess how they check that at the doctors?

    you are gonna love it
  7. crazy mike Houston
    but I saw this scene today and now I want to watch it.

    sorry, it won't upload for some reason, no matter which version I try.

    I don't know the first goddamn thing about watching tv online, should I just look for torrents or something?
  8. crazy mike Houston
    intosanct and redfern are your idea of good?

    damn, you are more burnt out than I thought.
  9. crazy mike Houston
    woah, you actually made me laugh, dark rodent.

    hell must be freezing over
  10. crazy mike Houston
    its a rare person that is actually happy in life, most people are just so distracted by careers and family that they don't notice their existential misery
  11. crazy mike Houston
    I only smoke 25$/gram shit

    but I pay 10$/gram for it

    that makes me better than you
  12. crazy mike Houston
    a long time ago, I went through a phase where I specialized in stealing childrens books and clothes and returning/reselling them.

    all you have to do is find a way to easily liquidate the merchandise, and the rest is easy.

    the best I could do was consignment, though, so I gave up on it.
  13. crazy mike Houston

  14. crazy mike Houston
    I totally missed the flat earth angle in the OP, and focused on this: 'We are living in a computer generated multiverse controlled by advanced robots created by aliens'
  15. crazy mike Houston
    Technically I do not have a driver's license but I do have a nice car. How much is rent?

    you would have to work it off, for reference, read oliver twist.
  16. crazy mike Houston
  17. crazy mike Houston
    o.0 maybe I'll go get a job at this tropical smoothie place nearby me that's hiring… smoothies and salads and sandwiches for my health!! I THINK I'M GONNA DO IT!!!!!!!!

    damnit, mq, you should come live in my spare room and live a criminal lifestyle under my tutelage

    matter of fact, my house is just sitting empty right now while I lay up with this ho

    do you have a drivers license? I need a driver because I lost my drivers license and I refuse to pay the reinstatement fee

  18. crazy mike Houston
    arnox is spying for his totse2 faggot friends, since they are too afraid to come here themselves. They fear my verbal and literal wrath.
  19. crazy mike Houston
    Probably pointless posting this considering how small the userbase is but anyone gonna be in San Antonio today?

    Bill Krozby and his fucking cat live in texas, maybe he will come hang out with you.
  20. crazy mike Houston
    ok found it, fuck all of you.
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