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Posts That Were Thanked by CASPER

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Sudo I always liked you dude, dont do it. I am horribly miserable all the time but I dont want to die, thats so dumb and final. There are a billiom avenues to take in life and just quitting is selfish and weak. Believe me, I want to die everyday but would never do it by my own hand

    Which is why Im painting myself in blackface, buying a pellet gun and doin the ol suicide by cop

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Esplender Tuskegee Airman [my gynecological profit-maximising katar]
    Scottish bands

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by ORACLE It would definitely be a pretty fona way to die

    I can even picture the threads leading up to it in my head. All of us suggesting nice hydraulic jacks and decent jack stands, him ignoring any piece of real advice and using a milk crate.
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  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Haha A10 goes brrrrrrt
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  5. rabbitweed African Astronaut
    Do black people kiss each other without tilting their heads because their noses are so flat they can just go in there at the same angle? With two white people you gotta both tilt your head different ways to prevent snoz collisions.

    Especially with a majestic beak like my own. CAW!
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  6. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Originally posted by CASPER A window inthe chimney. Jimmy hat on the fire hydrant

    Correct on what is incorrect.
    You win!
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  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Hey krotz did blink 182 perform for your bar mitzvah?

    i wish, i had to settle for sr71

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. G African Astronaut
    Forward Observations Group finally got their book out & mine arrived today. Sold out limited pressing, only the OGs got one.

    Support these guys

    Proper setting

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Originally posted by ORACLE For breakfast tomorrow, the butter and jam. Man I love blackberry jam.

    I just picked some from my grandmas garden today

    Cherries too, she wants to make cherry brandy for christmas

    I guess it needs to be fermented or something idk
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  12. frala Avant garde shartist
    The parents have returned

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  13. frala Avant garde shartist

    We just found these little birbs
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  14. WellHung Black Hole
    that guy pushed it to the limit.
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  15. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace If you actually read it, this is addressed.

    Conservatives are more protective of their fellow citizens than liberals. This is not the same as having empathy. Empathy is helping your neighbor, not trying to keep your neighbor out to protect yourself. Selective empathy is not empathy, it is tribalism. Even Hitler loved Germany, you know?

    On the topic of tribalism and empathy, it's not so cut and dry. Liberals don't empathize well with conservatives, for instance. Are liberals still empathetic? Yes. In-group/out-group preference plays a role across the political spectrum (this is - allegedly, according to the abstract at least - corroborated by Hasson, Tamir, Brahms, Cohrs, & Halperin, 2018) - at best you can say liberals are more likely to be empathetic towards out-groups than conservatives, not that conservative empathy doesn't exist because it doesn't include [as many] outgroups. Liberals are less tribalistic, but they're still tribalistic. It's still selective. Not really interested in going down a research paper rabbithole here though, so I'm totally willing to concede that the study you posted in the OP represents the most up-to-date and accurate information on the subject (whether that be true or not).

    What I'm mostly interested in is if this is the same study I was thinking of (that got it completely backwards at first). Or if it was a different study. Or if that study even exists and whether or not I'm going crazy.
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  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Those all suck i cant dance to that shit, thanks for ruining my life.
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  17. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You're wrong.

    The web has completely changed.
    4chan isn't even what it was like in 2010 and even back then it was a shell of what it was from 2003 to 2006.
    MySpace is gone. is a freeze dried corpse.
    Forums are dying out.
    Kikes took control of everything.
    Flash is being phased out.
    I'm going to be 30 years old in December.
    You can't wait into best buy or EB Games and buy a brand new ps2
    Staples is no more
    American culture is dead and being replaced with judeo-shitskin "culture".

    4chan is pretty much exactly as it was. A bit more genuinely racist, maybe. And less child porn. Have the memes changed? Sure. Has the general atmosphere of irreverent banter surrounding niche autistic interests like papercraft and anime disappeared? Nope. Forums are dying out though, sure. But they still exist. They're just not the primary means people have for communicating with each other online. Forums and forum culture still exist. You're fucking in one.

    A lot of those are just... side effects of the inexorable passage of time. There aren't many products in this world that you can buy "brand new" in every store after 20 years. Guns, maybe? I can't think of any other thing you can buy after that long, least of all some form of electronics. And MySpace was actively shit - good riddance. You're lamenting the death of the "internet spirit" with one breath, and the death of the first major social media platform with the next. Make up your mind. If you think the internet is dying, MySpace was the HIV+ cock that riddled it with disease. Last.FM? The site created for the social media parasites spawned by MySpace to jerk themselves off by broadcasting what tracks they've been listening to like people post food on Instagram? Yeah. It sounds like you supported a lot of the things that got us to where we are today. Maybe this is just the fate you asked for. The fate you deserve.

    PS: And fucking Staples? Still exists. But even if it didn't (or doesn't in the same form it did 20 years ago) that is comically specific to the point it borders on actual autism. Jesus Christ dude. Get your shit together.
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  18. hts has a "TOTSE" tramp stamp so anyone fucking her knows exactly where she came from
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  19. Originally posted by D4NG0 No, no. Hang them.

    We could use that door opener at Talladega
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  20. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Conflicted Hormonal Overlords Zoo
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