Think about how a particular dish symbolizes the culture of the people that make it. Buffalo wings are a pretty "American" food. What is it really? It's the cheapest, least meaty part of the chicken.
But if you batter it, fry it in fat, roll it in salt and spice and serve it with more salt, we will eat shit by the bucket full.
And also suddenly the part of the animal that you wer about to throw away, you can now sell for 5x the original price. #america
In the 1940s, we assumed that in the year 2020 we'd have jet packs and hover cars and robot butlers n shit. Well...we're not quite there yet, but our concept of "celebrity" has kinda gone wildly off the tracks so instead everyone is watching videos of a poor genetically defective boy having his grotesquely misshapen neck licked by a Snapchat prostitute.
Enlighten him. Saddle him with your spawn. His request is legally binding, so if you do the easy work of growing it n pooping it out, he has to take care of it
Originally posted by Technologist
Nothing is made for us tall folks. I’m at work and I just had to hunch over to a desk that is below my waist height. I’m gonna be a hunch back at this rate. I try very hard to pay attention to my posture, because of this short people’s world. I’m getting one of those veridesks so I can bring it to my height.
Casper, Straighten that back up and be proud of your gift. I saw your pic the other day, you’re a good looking young man. You got it going on doll!😋
<3 validation, while not necessary for a Mans appreciated nonetheless.
Yeah I'm trying to get in better shape. Once I lose some weight, some of the pressure on the vertebrae should lift, so the cumpulsion to hunch over won't be so pronounced. All in all though, a small price to pay for superior genetics.