Unless you're black, i mean, go do something for your race fam. Make niggers great again, you weren't kangz but if you get your shit together you can be, as long as it is in Africa.
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Originally posted by Jesus Christ
I have a sixth sense for this type of stuff. You can tell when someone is a plant or being used indirectly as one. They're using this "sophie" character to make the viewpoints of people opposing the jewish agenda seem as absurd and irrelevant. Also, she was on fucking infowars for fuck's sake.
She's called Sophia actually, i know because i have been following her for a long while. Also, InfoWars wasn't always the Donald Kikenstein promoting Ziocon mouthpiece it is now. Alex Jones is basically the mainstream American right now, so it would make sense for him to reach out to her and give her a platform while she is being targeted by (((BERNSTEIN))) and company.
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Originally posted by WellHung
What can you logically and reasonably do about that, sophie? If the answer is nothing, really, then don't you think it's wise and prudent to quit wasting emotional energy on something you can't change?
Meme magic is real. The more we talk about it and make memes about it the more Mosque and Synagogue shootings there will be. And that's a win in my book.
I never wanted to play identity politics, but leftist lunatics and J'ews forced me to, and if i'm gonna play, i'm playing to win. Gas the bikes, race car now.
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I have a job, i have a girlfriend. I am fairly well adjusted, i come from a pretty wealthy family. But the J'ews run the media, and AIPAC is real, the Zionist lobby and the military industrial complex is a match made in hell.
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Well. If you end up dying Juice, it's been an honor and a privilege to shit post with a person as fine as you. Just thought i'd mention that, we never really got to say goodbye to Malice. (T_T')
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Originally posted by Misguided Russian
Ok, now translate please.
Don't trust freebies the NSA gives out. They had this whole big deal about helping the cyber community with their special program built for programmers and security researchers. Turns out it was a trick and they purposefully made it in such a way that your system is at risk if you use their program.
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Originally posted by mmQ
Anyone here listen to the radio maybe at work or something ?
Heard that McDonalds commercial where the guy says "GIVE ME MY FILET O FISH. GIVE ME MY FISH."?
Listen to Coast to Coast AM. I like their paranormal stuff even though it's mostly silly. Only know about them because Missing 411. Which is actually the most interesting they talk about.
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Hey look i'm 30 pages behind on TRT again. What's up niggas.
Originally posted by Octavian
It makes for a silly gif, but the interview this is taken from is pretty interesting. Right before Manson starts to act like this the interviewer asks: "Who is the real Charles Manson?" To which he does this little act then leans in real close and says in a whispered voice: "Nobody... I'm nobody".
The guy was crazy but that part was pretty real.
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Really interesting project Gad, looking forward to seeing Aldra's schematics. Personally i think i would just go mostly low tech on this one and set most of the stuff up with either relays and/or transistors depending on the voltage. I'm not much of a hardware guy, but i'd probably rig it so that when the buzzer goes it triggers a relay or transistor to supply a current to a simple receiver in a switchboard like setup, depending on what the receiver is designated for and whether the signal is on or off you could probably trigger a script to programmatically follow up with the steps you want happen next, if you are able to monitor what is happening on the switchboard. Like send some data over wifi to your phone where you have an app that can send data back that controls the rPi driving the switchboard or whatever.
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Originally posted by vindicktive vinny
how about miser ?
Not sure how the word "Miser" originated in English, but the Dutch equivalent would be "Vrek" which is derived from a name one gives oneself. Which we call a "Guezennaam" derived from "Geus" which funnily enough comes from the French word for Begger "Gueux". But that's not all, "Vrek" is a fairly modern word, it came from a publication on saving money called the "Vrekkenkrant" named after the institution the people that called themselves "Vrek" set up.
A more historical synonym in Dutch would be "Gierigaard" from "Gierig" which means greedy and "Aard" which means something to the effect of "By Nature" or "essence of" so "Gierigaard" would translate to "Greedy by nature" except we're dutch so we can smack words together and it makes perfect sense.
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If you stop your canary i bet they'd try to hit you with an obstruction charge anyway. However, all of you, should not trust Lanny with your data anyway. Not because he's a bad guy, but every service that has/deals with data you produce is an automatic adversary and you should treat said service as such. You are responsible for your safety/anonymity on the intertubes.
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