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Thanked Posts by Sophie
2019-06-09 at 3:34 PM UTC in Malice's Autopsy Report
Originally posted by CASPER @Soy Nigga
Yeah. But they were also his parents. Being a low income Mexican family who didnt even have him daignosed at a young age, they probably had ZERO idea how to handle his shit. Imagine having the school call you for the 5th time in a month because some little girl tried to play tag with him and he thought she pushed him, and then he hit her with a rock…or some shit.
Theres always another side to the story. If i killed myself, my mom would probably talk about how i was lazy and unmotivated and selfish and a slob.
In any case, if your kid killed themselves, would you even want to know why? Would it matter?
If your kid kills themselves you have critically failed them. -
2015-09-24 at 10 PM UTC in The apocalypse starts tomorrow september 23rdWhere's the apocalypse you promised me Bill Krozby... WHERE!?
2019-06-01 at 12:17 AM UTC in I think Juicebox is gone.
2019-06-05 at 12:32 PM UTC in Your PI
2019-06-04 at 5:25 AM UTC in Your PIPretty brazen soliciting people for their PI and money. Lel.
2019-06-04 at 7:38 AM UTC in how to get cellphone storage to show as drive on PCGet an EPIC hacker ROM for your phone like Kali Nethunter
And you'll have DriveDroid, the whole purpose of that app is to be able to mount your phone's SD storage as external USB/ISO/HDD basically if you have a couple of small distros you like you can carry your lab in your pocket. Since with DriveDroid i can boot into Debian for instance as long as i have an ISO file of the distro on my phone.
I think it should work without a special ROM, as long as your phone is rooted. -
2019-06-04 at 9:19 AM UTC in The biggest issue in my life is people taking issue with the fact that I'm not taking issue with enough things.
Originally posted by HTS I'm not sure how this relates, but sure. I don't know what feeling like a guy or girl feels like though. That's kind of a lie, but also not really. I mean shit what does feeling like a man or a woman feel like? I just feel like my regular ass self. Best I can figure it's really just a measure of how adequate/inadequate you feel when measuring yourself against an external set of of prescribed ideals for each gender. You don't feel like a man when you fail to live up to the expectations of what a man is. You don't feel like a woman when you fail to live up to the expectations of what a woman is. Beyond that, does "being a boy/girl" even have a feeling? 🤔
And yet, even as I question this, I always go back to that dream I had as a kid where I was a girl and I felt happy. Was that what it was like to "feel like a girl"? I don't think the girl aspect had anything special to it, I don't think I felt any different aside from being elated with that existence. I guess the thing that elated me was that "I felt like a girl", but really it's even less tangible than a feeling. I just was that, and it was right. No feeling to it. Haha.
Thank you for sharing your personal mentality and attitude towards this. My point was really more to say that a real man, a good man takes care of the ones he loves. It doesn't matter if the significant other is trans or not, that's really not what i'm going after. I just feel that if he really loves you he should want to take care of you. And i don't mean like treating you as if you're a princess, but trying to build towards something greater for the both of you.
And before anyone starts firing up the pedo bashing rhetoric, where they'll claim i can't possibly know what a real man is supposed to be like because i am [insert derogatory slur here]. I'll have you know i've been with a girl my age for a good long while now(I never said i was exclusively attracted to younger girls), and i definitely think there are some things a guy should be doing if he genuinely cares. -
2019-06-04 at 8:02 AM UTC in Anyone installed ethernet throughout their house? Give me tipsThere's an advantage to using Ethernet as opposed to WiFi. Especially when you want to port scan the entire internet and still have time for dinner using wires is great.
Also, if everything is wired you effectively reduce a potential adversary's attack surface. -
2019-06-03 at 6:33 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Edition
Originally posted by DietYellow help
I've been getting pretty twitchy around when I started trama and seroquel. I don't remember it much when I started seroquel, but I remember it getting much moreso when I started using more and more trama in a shortperiod of time, but idk what is causing what.
I'm not as keen as taking seroquel as I once was. I don't think there's much more I can do to prevent the spasms
You should taper if you were/are in the habit of regularly consuming. Anti-psychotics fuck a lot of shit up, and tramadol has SNRI effects, and SNRI's need to be tapered as well. Just like SSRI's and most medications psychiatrists give out...
I know Tramadol is a painkiller, it just acts like an anti-depressant in some ways. -
2019-06-03 at 6:11 AM UTC in What do Arabs bring to the plate?
2018-05-23 at 10:39 AM UTC in im fucking sad as always, putting aldra on drop this time, nice knowing you guysHere, here. Aldra is an amazing person. Not only does he have skills and talent as a programmer and security person, traits i admire a lot in him. He has a deep understanding of geo-politics, foreign policy and other world affairs.
He is kind, helpful and someone i respect a lot.
<3 Aldra
Also, you aren't leaving right? mQ? -
2019-06-03 at 6:28 AM UTC in BASH THE FASHCan't wait for the commie left to normalize political violence to Wiemar Germany levels.
2019-05-31 at 10:16 PM UTC in Vice News broke into Jim's house.
Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 old news also I didn't peg you as an imageboard user Sophie
I have mixed feelings about 8ch tbh I think the entire place is a honeypot made by the nwo people, I mean, the fact that it just sprung up exactly around the time of DJT becoming president.
And how he moved to Thailand for whatever reason and all the attention he's getting.
As an imageboard user since 2005 I can see what site is organic and what's not and there is nothing organic about 8ch.
Also this is odd considering he claimed people snuck into his house previously to place a Q pillow on his desk.
I mentioned on multiple occasions i used to hang out at Masterchan, also last time i was at 8 chan was like 3 years ago, i just keep up with the news and i follow Benji on twitter.
And you're complaining a lot about the people here not knowing 4chan, but Totse was the original forum my negro. Totse was already big when moot first copy/pasted 2channel source code. -
2019-06-01 at 5:02 PM UTC in Discussion as to why China doesn't shut down fentanyl/RC/drug chemist operationsBecause in China everything is possible if you have the right amount of money and connections. Much like in the rest of the world. but in China, basically the entire society is run like that.
2019-04-09 at 4:58 AM UTC in Official JB thread
2019-05-27 at 10:38 PM UTC in just railed 13 mg of 3-ho-pce
2019-05-28 at 10:58 AM UTC in U ever buy a 4 liter box of wine and just get drunk, watch TV, jerk off, and repeat
Originally posted by Dregs make your own wine than you'll never run out…i knew a fella that did it on his own. damn good shit by the way. the jugs were like 60 ouncer if not bigger he made over a 100 or so a yr and did that for almost 12 yrs i believe. nearly his whole basement as filled with wine. it was all for him…well he might have given away a few but thats about it.
Me and a buddy of mine used to be big into making our own alcoholic beverages. What we did was get a big ass copper boiler, and convert it to a still. We ordered special packages of yeast that were selected for the great sugar to alcohol conversion rates. We'd fill up a 50 liter vat we had with an insane amount of sugar and add the yeast and a water lock. Put it in the garage and let it sit for a week. Then we would measure the alcohol contents and they were usually around 15+% or 30 proof if you prefer.
Then we would get the big still we made ourselves from the boiler and other copper parts, we'd fill it up and put it on a big propane burner. Like a camping cooking type of set up but scaled up some what. We always did this in the summer, so we sat in our yard with our still doing the distilling. And talked, joked, all day. Then in the evening we would collect all of our ethanol, no methanol. You separate that out in the beginning by applying a certain temperature, we'd always throw the first 500ml or so away because the first liquid to come out is methanol and other types of alcohol. But the rest we saved and tested. We'd get up to 70% or 140 proof on the first go because we used a long column we designed so that it would give those results. Now if you wanted you could clean out the still and run the 140 proof again and it would go up to around 85-90%. But we only did that if we needed to store it for a while.
Most of the time we would take our freshly distilled batch and reduce the alcoholic content to a more drinkable 80 proof, just by adding bottled water and measuring often. Then we'd get like fruits and spices and we'd put those in jars and add the booze and have that sit for a while so that all the flavors would be absorbed. I have a small oaken barrel to this day, that we used to use if we were making something a bit more fancy. Just like the flavors of the fruit, the the flavor of the wood would end up in the drink, and also a slight pleasant brownish hue. Now the longer you kept it in there the better of course. The stuff we didn't process with fruits or herbs and spices and/or the oak barrel. That would be bottled, and we'd add artificial coloring and flavoring if we were in a hurry, or just kept as basically a type of Wodka.
Shit was good fam, we sold some we drank some but all in all it was a great investment of time because it was fun to do, and for around 75 bucks in supplies we'd usually end up with 10 bottles or more of the 80 proof stuff, and whatever we had cooking up in the barrel. So all in all we got an ass load of booze out of it and we made the investments back by selling some of the finer drinks we made for a good price.
Would recommend. -
2019-05-28 at 12:53 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Edition
Originally posted by Sudo My Grandparents were integral members of an Orange lodge in a rural area whose only purpose was to keep french people out of town. My mom did some digging and found out they would say they were Dutch on the census for unknown reasons too, but likely something to do with now much they hated french people (and by extension Catholics)
I think it may go all the way back to the rise of Protestantism in Western Europe and the Dutch revolts which would culminate in the 80 years war. During the 1500's The Netherlands were a province in the Spanish Hapsburg kingdom/empire. Staunchly catholic, the Spanish considered Protestantism heresy. Persecution of Dutch Protestants by the Spanish was one of the main reasons if not the reason for the Dutch to revolt in the first place. William of Orange, or William The Silent as many native English speakers may know him as led the rebellion so to speak and members of his family played important roles in the 80 years war and the events that transpired. Spain wasn't going to tolerate protestant revolts and they were certainly unwilling to give up on Dutch territories, because of the ports and trade routes that went through here.
Anyway, the 80 years war happened and it left deep resentment between the two factions of Christianity. Henry VIII of England had made England Protestant as well of course, some years before. As such i think it's fair to say that William of Orange was seen as the protector of Protestantism, because he stood up against the Catholics. And The Netherlands did in fact gain their independence from Spain after the long struggle.
Due to this status, and the fact that the Dutch supported the Protestant cause during the Williamite–Jacobite War, orange lodges, or orders went up bearing his name, as fraternal societies dedicated to the protection of core Protestant values.
I guess what i am trying to say is that perhaps they didn't just hate the French, they felt resentment towards all Catholics and Catholic nations for the way their religion may have been persecuted. Which would be perfectly understandable in my opinion. -
2019-05-28 at 11:17 AM UTC in U ever buy a 4 liter box of wine and just get drunk, watch TV, jerk off, and repeat
Originally posted by WellHung Good job Removing the methanol. That's the biggest danger in the whole process.
Yeah absolutely. Thank you for pointing that out because it's something you need to look into if you plan on doing something along the lines of what we did. Methanol is quite poisonous and we really did our homework with regards to it because of safety concerns.
Originally posted by WellHung Why did u stop? Seems like a good money maker.
Well, i moved to an apartment for one thing, no garden sadly, and my buddy went off to further his education, so we didn't really have the time or the right place to do it. I still have a lot of my kit, like glassware for testing the chemical properties of samples and bottles and other types of equipment. I'd love to brew some top tier moonshine again in the future, but scaled down a bit. Mostly because it's just really fun to do, you get to create a product from start to finish and if you do good, you can drink it and enjoy the proverbial fruits of your labor. Not much concerned with the money aspect really, but yeah, i am sure there is good money to be made if you'd want to, because you can undercut the liquor stores big time. -
2019-05-27 at 9:41 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Edition