Originally posted by Sophie
Nigga, ever take any of the 2c-X NBOMe family? I had a shitload of 2c-D NBOMe. One time i took way too much and the world was flashing like a night club on a friday night.
I took a high dose of 25C-NBOMe one time and decided to eat some Chinese lo mein noodles when I came up and was tripping out so hard it felt like they noodles were moving around in the bowl like little serpent creatures and it was an epic struggle/battle to eat it, felt like it took hours to finish it but in reality it was only a few minutes. I had a huge sense of relief and accomplishment when it was over.
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Originally posted by Madman
So what, you're a "fuck the police" faggot? You would be taking it up the ass daily if it wasn't for the police you dumb nigger, stick up for all the faggots of the world but I will still be more effective at fucking them over. I don't have a criminal history, I am not a criminal so I guess I don't give a shit about violent criminals and think they get what they deserve, especially when they fuck with me. The police are the only thing that stops your ass from being vacant real estate. You are unbelievably a pussy and a faggot.
lolmfaohalolha, their system of propaganda and control has totally worked on you ya faggot. hasn't occurred to you for even a single minute that all that over-hyped, hyper-sensationalized fear-mongering generated by the news media and thrown in your face constantly minute by minute 24/7, is designed to keep you so shit scared of your environment to the point that you now think your whole existence is completely and totally reliant on the police and govt being there to protect you, and keep you safe from all those exaggerated monsters. you just can't see that its a fucking protection raquet, and that you are just as capable of making your way in the world and protecting yourself as any man who ever lived through the history of the human race was. and there were just as many, if not more threats facing the peoples who lived before any police force was ever created. they've made you a prisoner of your own fucking mind you moron. see this is what not learning to control your own fear does to you. snap the fuck out of it you fucking sheep-ass motherfucker.
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Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文
Definitely organized-personal. I feel like anybody who says they'd be an impersonal serial killer probably is probably not being honest with themselves. Like, realistically, if you decided to kill somebody and you aren't mentally deranged, you'd probably kill someone you know because that's what it would take to drive you to kill, you DIG?
the point of an impersonal serial killer is that it's the murder that's important, not the victim
an organised killer makes a point of avoiding leaving patterns
with no desire to kill a specific person and a desire to avoid detection, family, friends or known acquaintances would be last on the list
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Originally posted by RestStop
Damn this nigga went hard RIP :
this is the quintessential peep/tracy track. I thought it was a lot cooler when I thought he said "I Just dropped a pill in my chevy" as the opening line versus champagne.
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Originally posted by Lanny
Just watch the faux clip, as soon as anyone tries to talk about the case we get fake outrage over a dead white girl (guess how many preventable deaths of homeless people have happened in SF since this case started).
People care about healthy women of reproductive age more than smelly old mentally ill hobos. That's normal.
But the real question is do you apply that standard of cynicism to Black Lives Matter?
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Originally posted by Captain Falcon
Life sucks. Doesn't matter how well your doing. It just sucks to exist. To be is to suffer. But it's such a beautiful pain.
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While we are on the topic, though. This year we celebrated the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's nailing spree but somehow nobody talks about his true passion - the hatred of the jedi. Good guy.