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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. Originally posted by Bill Krozby dare to take the red pill fam?

    is this you? you look more fat and mexican than usual
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  2. I'm... going normal.

    I'll just fit in... take on a normal life. Meet a nice job, hold down a well paying family.

    Goodbye forever, old self. Clutch the dark purple hairs of the galloping orangutan of normalicy and ride, nigga, ride!
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  3. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    posting because this is the sort of activity I'd like to be associated with
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    To be honest m8,this is old hat.

    Like over a year ago.

    Lanny and everyone else already knew he weighed more than Bill Krozby, like no SHIT, but Bill Krozby made a cringe challenge and didn't show up. That's really the end of it.

    I can't deny that lanyard has made some biased bans on Bill Krozby in general, but it wasn't because of this weigh-in thing.

    And ultimately, if it was a matter of butthurt, Lanny could have permabanned Bill Krozby many moons ago, yet Bill Krozby Is still the highest post count member with essentially no restriction.

    Its just whatever. I don't really think twice about this shit normally.
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  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    You're a faggot OP, that's what you are.
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  6. Originally posted by Enter I don't know why the fuck I didn't do anything. I didn't want to get in trouble? I was told fighting was wrong. Fucking hell, that's so fucked. :(

    Yeah it’s kind of this fucked up double standard where our education systems try to indoctrinate children into thinking that standing up for yourself is wrong and violence is never the answer. That way we grow up to be obedient yes-men in the corporate machine who back down when challenged and just do as we’re told.

    Yet at the same time we glorify the state-sponsored violence of our militaries and call all soldiers heroes. So violence is ok as long as it aligns with your government’s political interests.
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  7. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    stop raising him like a girl
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  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Enter these grown men and women were treating it like it was a goddamn company.

    I definitely take this place more seriously than the company I work at. I've never stolen from and I don't hate myself for running it.
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  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Noice soph. One issue, I don't this this line is going to work:

    			if not command == 'q' or 'Q':

    The equality operator has a higher binding prescedence than the logical or operator. The way you'd read this line is "does command not equal 'q'? If not, then what is 'Q'?". You probably want "if not command in ('q', 'Q')`. The following code might make more sense than a written explanation:

    >>> 'foo' == 'bar' or 'foo'
    >>> 'baz' == 'bar' or 'foo'
    >>> 'foo' in ('bar', 'foo')
    >>> 'baz' in ('bar', 'foo')

    Also a useful tool I use pretty often is that you can run `python -m SimpleHTTPServer` to serve the current directory over HTTP. Same thing as you have here without the shell. It's nice since it's a oneliner and python is widely installed.

    Originally posted by Issue313 Looks good. I'm not knowledgeable about Python, I thought everyone had upgraded to version 3 by now.

    Probably over half of the community is on Py3 by now but it's been a very slow transition period. One of python3's big selling points was supposed to be better unicode support but a significant minority of the community, including myself, don't think py3's approach is a step in the right direction. There's a fair amount of nuance to the issue but basically py2's approach was "all strings are byte strings, unicode is complicated and you can use unicode strings if you want, but bytestrings are the default" which is a very reasonable strategy for a scripting/utility language. Py3 insists unicode codepoint sequences are common currency. That's nice if you're building a big system and you're willing to take the complexity hit of encoding and decoding at system boundaries. But it means if you just want to shuffle around a few bytes or treat your input as blackbox byte sequences you have to jump through hoops and work using second class language support.

    And if you're not sold on the unicode point there's next to nothing in py3 that moves forward from py2. Also all the cool lispy stuff got banished to functool siberia.

    Originally posted by Issue313 Why are breaking changes in Python tolerated though? For instance the code for the internet prayer project just gives errors right now. Yes, it's from 2004, but Javascript from 2004 would still run. I can't even.

    Ehh, breaking changes in a major release isn't unreasonable. It's not hard to find a py2 interpreter. Java is a prime example of the terrible things that can happen to a language if you refuse to ever introduce breaking changes.

    Also lol, there would be a CDC sticker on that niggas monitor.
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  10. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby guys like lanny and I .. we take pride in being rational and the voice of reason.

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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    they can dress it up all they want, functionally, AI is just a huge series of runtime-rewritable conditionals
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  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by RisiR † Yes, sure. I didn't get that specific. I actually didn't think of it like that.

    CASPER said he doesn't gamble he takes calculated risks in the context of "gambling" so that's already established. What I meant is that the odds and your calculation don't change the fact it's gambling unless you are certain there is a 100% set outcome.

    That's fair, CASPER was being kinda retarded there

    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 I wanted to say something about Lanny jumping into philosophy but his autism will cause him problems his whole life and I didn't want to add further to them.

    I've wanted to say on multiple occasions now that you vastly overestimate your own level of intelligence and general knowledge about any given topic. I figured telling you this couldn't possibly be productive since the entire issue is that you can't assess your own abilities so there's no reason to expect you could assess the validity of critique thereof however since apparently we're being petty and personally offensive I figure now is a good time to mention it. You have a thoroughly mediocre level of mental acuity, which there's nothing wrong with, but your wholly unwarranted level of self-confidence takes your average joe opinions and amplifies them to belligerent and transparently insecure displays of public humiliation.
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  15. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel There is no pleasing racists.

    thats only becos your a nigger
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  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by D4NG0 For real tho, getting beat up by your sister and still being wary of her to this day is pretty fucking funny. Beta.

    I'm glad you're not really raising a kid. Tommy would be fucked if he was real
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by mashlehash Well he is gay, to be fair

    That's a strawman sexual orientation.
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  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Tell me, Lanny. Why do you feel the need to fuck with people behind their backs? Have you ever thought about just holding your own in a debate/conversation, even if you don't agree with it, without needing to resort to tactics a 10-year old could have come up with better?

    No one has debates or conversations with you spectral. You talk at them and they laugh at you. Like this:

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    cool article so far
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Sophie Personally i focus more on the development side of things but i've come across a few resources that i think will be useful to anyone trying to get more into the analysis side.

    And good on you. "Analysis only" people are talentless hacks. No one ever learned to play tennis by "analysing" tennis.

    data is represented by a hex value where the \x represents the offset.

    The "\x" isn't really an "offset", it's just an escape code that signals the following two bytes in source are the hexadecimal representation of the next byte of the given string. The offset of a given byte is signaled its position in the literal expression.
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