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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev why would i need 25 VPS for so few of them? and what is the purpose of the UDP reflection?

    UDP Reflection is a DDoS technique. If you rent a number of VPS' with good bandwidth and you have an UDP reflection script on each of them all you need is a couple of lists of NTP, DNS, SSDP, or memcache servers. I specifically mentioned NTP, and SSDP servers because DNS and Memcache are a little more involved to set up for UDP reflection. But anyway, say i send you an UDP Reflection script that uses NTP servers, and you deploy this script including lists of NTP servers to 10 VPS and you run the script on all of them with a single remote host configured as the target the following will happen.

    Your VPS' will start sending queries to every NTP server in your lists, however in simple terms, the script sends the queries and tells the NTP servers to send the response to the target host that you defined. So what will happen is you get thousands upon thousands of NTP servers sending packets using UDP as protocol all at once to that single target. Causing a denial of service.

    This way you don't need zombies to send packets to your target, you just use the VPS' to send queries to NTP servers which will then inundate your target for you instead.

    The reason you need more than a couple VPS, is because an NTP response has less data in it than say a DNS response, i mentioned SSDP because SSDP responses have a little more data in them than NTP but less than DNS, but you need a malicious domain for DNS Amplification to work. And memcache responses have the most, but as far as i recall memcache servers need to be misconfigured, or have a certain vulnerability in order to be used for UDP reflection.

    If you were using the term 'zombie' to indicate a compromised box that does other things than serve as part of a DDoS botnet. I think the word 'client' would be more appropriate. But maybe that's just me, i just associate 'zombie' with DDoS.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I'm finally older than someone else here? w00t.

    It was bound to happen some day bro, time is a thing.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This isn't an insult OP, but you don't possess any skills, resources, or intel that would make the CIA interested in you.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Get fucked faggot and every one of you giving this faggot the time of day

    Why don't you take your nigger ass and get the fuck off this website if it offends your feminine sensibilities.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo shut the fuck up OP next time you're sketching keep it to yourself

    I appreciate the honesty though, and should the event you were worried about ever come to transpire your faith will carry you through it. You might even find that studying theology will help and bring you closer to the most high.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Talk to a professional about potential solutions, depersonalization can be a comorbidity in cases of severe depression. And if that's the source, this will not resolve itself readily.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Sorry about the off topic posters. They have been doing it in my threads too even after I hit them with THIS

    I am just trying to think of resources to be included in your plugin. is it just T&T or general NIS things?

    The gallery of pissing women is a good idea. I was having trouble finding good pictures on google which is why I bookmarked that specific one

    I could do both, but the general NIS one should be genuinely useful for regular members as well
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev i might buy a few thousand zombies if you got any.

    Just rent 25 VPS' for a short period of time and i will give you an UDP reflection script plus two C programs, one for collecting NTP servers the other for SSDP.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev so this is useless in the long run then? figures.

    Not what i am saying, however, to keep the pressure up these reddit people will have to get smarter in their tactics as we move forward. I'll put it this way, they got off a good shot, when big money wasn't expecting it. So they managed to hurt them. Now big money has their metaphorical Eye of Sauron on them though.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by netstat all of you low IQ fags should be banned for shitposting in T&T

    Unfortunately for them they don't realize i am volunteering my time so they all can have something nice and useful that'd be easy to set up even for people of their intellectual capabilities. We'll discuss it on Element when i come online later today. And we will do the cool kids only version.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I have this bookmarked to counter spam grills when he wants to look at mens seminal fluids. I am more like that british sexologist that was asexual until he saw a woman pissing.

    I could make you a homepage with every resource you need to learn how to write l33t minecraft bots, have easy access to free galleries full of pissing women, a directory of minecraft mods, and a dynamic background that changes to your best in game screenshots every so often. But i don't think i will now that you faggots fucked my thread.

    I was genuinely offering to do something nice for you people.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Solstice I took my 22 year old girlfriend out to dinner last night and everyone called me a sick fuck, really ruined our ten year anniversary.

    The bigotry in our society is disgusting.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by cigreting arent you a pedo

    I sure am, but i am also pretty talented when it comes to all things cyber. Wouldn't you like to be able to open your browser and have a nice overview of everything you care about including a number of cool features and AddOns that secure your browser?

    Also, your next off topic post will be nuked from orbit. This is a tropical forum, keep it dank.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Since i have a Firefox Developer account i can also publish an extension pack to go with that if there is any interest in that.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    At least as far as i am concerned. The only reason i use bookmarks is to have a list of resources at the ready for when i need them, or to save a page that has information relevant to my interests or a current project i am working on.

    Instead of having a list of bookmarks, these days i have a custom homepage, with quick links to resources i use a lot, a search bar, a clock, and all kinds of cool things. I got everything i need at a glance. Now if you're alright at web design you can customize until your heart is content. However, there's a way to get much of the same with a certain FF Extension. Which is great for members that aren't very good at web design.

    Even so, it takes a lot of configuration to set it up in a way that it both looks good and is customized to your preferences and what you think looks aesthetically pleasing. Now since i have all the APIs and can create a configuration file to export as JSON that you can load into your extension. My proposal is, we here in T&T collect a number of useful resources in the form of URLs, concerning the things we find interesting, wallpapers, and name a number of features that may be cool to have as part of a customized NIS T&T homepage.

    We collectively gather the resources. I will create a customized homepage with custom graphics(That you can submit as well) that includes our resources and release a config file. So everyone here can use it. All the average NIS user has to do is install the extension and i will provide the config file.

  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty much, she mentioned her daughters father would piss on her. she's a fat ho and jelly of other women, especially thinner women. she made fun of my childhood dog dying that was really sick

    What a shining example of a virtuous femininity she is, huh
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i dont know I don't click links on here, could you just give us the run down and or post pictures of whatever it is?

    Smart move, don't even hover your mouse pointer on them.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. Let's start w ur avatar & end w ur false sense of masculinity.

    Let's start with your basic bitch assessment of my character based on your assumptions about my character that are predicated on the fact i have an anime girl as an avatar.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Please. Maybe I should take notes from u, queen.

    If you think that'll help you, who am i to deny you that slim sliver of hope. By all means, go ahead.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Ur a hardcore faggot.

    You're barely convincing facsimile of what it means to be a woman.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Sophie, are you still a free speech absolutist?

    Sure, Captain Paki can can make quintuple cringe posts all day every day. All he's doing is using the veneer of some moral high ground he thinks he has to couch his pathologically sadistic behavior in such a way that he hopes most people won't notice he actually doesn't have any principles to speak off. He just likes to feel as though he is hurting me somehow, makes him feel like a man you know? And it makes sense, if i were him i'd feel the need to overcompensate too.

    Here's another little fact he doesn't want you to know. The people that actually go out and rape kids in the most violent and brutal ways possible, aren't actually pedophiles. They're just sexual sadists. I don't know if he gets a hard on when he thinks he's being clever and is convinced he's hurting people somehow. But it wouldn't surprise me. In fact as far as that goes, he has more in common with literal child rapists than i do. I'm not a sadist you see.
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