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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by STER0S god wants you to make da big bux with your networking know-hows

    I come in through The Office, call me the malicious mailman cuz i'm tampering with your packets and owning your boxes.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have little to no experience with iPhone h4x, but if you're after the pictures couldn't you target iCloud instead? Especially if like netstat was saying it's a newer model with some hardcore anti-brute forcing methods in place.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know Baritone is some Phd level autism when it comes to creating Minecraft bots. And honestly i have been very impresed with it's capabilities.

    However out of interest, since you're talking about Macros, and front ends for a bot builder. Is it safe to assume that most bots could be done through visual scripting(Which is a term i know from console hacking with certain hardware/software packages). In the sense that you have a bunch of cards for conditionals, variables, commands, etc. That you just have to lay out as in a puzzle, but instead of a puzzle it's more of an interactive logic flow chart?

    I am not really a fan of visual scripting, i always use the IDE when i am writing a GHC script for console hacks. But if visual scripting is like the way most of these minecraft bots are built, i think that's pretty cool for lowering the barrier to entry for people who are just starting out with, modding, botting, game hacks and all that jazz.

    Even when i wasn't really all that much into cyber, i always used to love games with scenario editors, scripting engines, and just straight up getting into the weeds and modding stuff. I dig it. Sorry 'mine' it.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by STER0S the goofy bastard from 'saved by the bell'

    'twas an early 90s u.s. sitcom

    Think we had Saved by the Bell here as well, i just never watched it. Mostly because the impression i got from seeing fragments of it was that it was mediocre at best.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Literally who?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I actually died, but since i am maxed out on obseg and tradecraft the reaper mistakenly took that popstar that goes by the same handle. God was not pleased to say the least but the ruinous powers cast a shadow so unfathomably dark and impenetrable that even God's blinding radiance could not lift the darkness that surrounds me.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Wariat Why is graphics to you only a hobby? how is it a diff or harder to get into career than say coding? both take w lot of skill learning the programs etc. also twke both a different type of personality or eye. but is coding really just eo easy to get into and do? also i have wbe design experience butnusing builders whichnstill twkes creativity i just have no clue where to find clients or business in anything.

    It really depends on the way you learn, take in relevant information, transform it into a concept and execute a process that will make that concept a reality. GFX, is a hobby to me because i don't want to put the external pressures of added responsibilities into that realm which i enjoy operating in as a free agent with a free creative license.

    With a hobby i am only beholden to myself. When i am operating in say the Open Source Software scene i want my work to live up to certain standards, and be useful to others as well. If i manage to do so, i get rewarded in different ways that fulfill different emotional and personal needs. When say i am working on a malware project, it goes more into he realm of hobby again, however there is a certain risk element there if i ever were to deploy said malware in an active engagement.

    When i do stuff, that is career oriented yet other factors come into play. It is my view that striking a balance between these sometimes competing emotional needs, impulses and drives is key in enjoying your work, whether for yourself, a select group of people, or a career situation. You'll find the most satisfaction in what you do if you strike that balance and harmonize these different factors in a productive and meaningful way.

    Whether you do GFX, CompSci, Audio/Visual Media. Or even just using your own two hands to build something. I think there is a transcendental element of fundamental being that can be accomplished in this manner. It's what i strive towards. And when all the different variables harmonize in just the right way a symphony of creative and intellectual energy coalesces and comes together in order to make something truly great and meaningful. And when that balance is struck and you put the fruit of your labors out there you will be adequately rewarded, in the spirit with which you set about creating what you have created.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev what makes you think all pedos are exclusive?

  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you're good at forging documents, beyond simple fake resumes you could make good money Wario.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Wariat I have illustration and gay porn. and where has it gotten me?

    What point are you trying to make? I do GFX as a hobby, because i enjoy creative things. But there are multiple ways of using that creative driving force. What works for you may not work for me and vice versa, all i am offering HTS, is a bit of cyber knowledge to play around with should HTS consider that interesting and worthwile to get into of course.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by netstat a part of me wants to become hyper-productive and take over the world but i haven't really put sustained effort into anything since i was about 14 so realistically i'll probably just languish in mediocrity with bursts of productivity for the rest of my life

    Shit my dude. I sometimes feel the same, and it sucks, motivation issues hamper my innovative and creative drives sometimes. i need more self-discipline, and i have been trying to cultivate it. As long as i manage to power through some of the boring parts, i a hoping it will eventually become natural for me to do so. Taking over the world is on my to do list as well.

    Lol, i suck at managing scope creep though, and chronically underestimate the amount of work something will take to accomplish. It's a bad habit, and i am trying to keep my creative process streamlined and focused. i know i an do it, i have done it multiple times on multiple projects. But for every functional project that comes out of me i have 10, that didn't for one reason or another. Not challenging enough, too challenging, scope creep. The expectations of my peers factor into this as well. Which they shouldn't but contrary to popular belief i am actually a human bean at the end of the day and sometimes i can't help but be affected.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai Do I want to change? Sure, but probably not entirely in ways which you'd find agreeable. If you're looking for us to give you a bit of hope for… us… I guess I'm not totally against employment. I mean… I'm completely irresponsible and unemployable, but if I could theoretically contribute something of value to society without having to worry about dealing with other people/deadlines, I'd be willing to try it. Does something like that exist though? Probably not. Sounds like society will have to change - you fascists with your "schedules" and "routine" don't make contributing easy for carefree bohemians such as myself.

    I'll take you on as an apprentice if you'd like. Teach you computer stuff. You can fill in your own curriculum, and you can set the bar yourself. So if you want to get results now, with as little effort as possible, you set the bar to 'skid'. If you're interested in a topic beyond the basics, you could do that too. Since you don't like structure, schedule nor routines, you can just send me a message, asking about a subject, then you specify the depth of study. And i'll get back to you whenever with some nuggets of cyber wisdom, or a quick trick and series of commands if you wanna go the skid route.

    Might be fun.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Joseph R. Biden Jr, 46th President of the United States of America Slavic mongrel^

    As a White person of Nordic and Germanic ancestry. I can tell you that at least in the case of the people that settled from Latvia to the Moscow area, along the Dnipr, into Ukraine and as far as the Black Sea can trace some of their ancestry back to Finland and perhaps parts of Norway. When they first settled the North-Eastern parts of Europe back in the Iron Age or maybe even earlier. These peoples were known as the Kyivan Rus. As such these Finno-Ugric peoples have more genetically in common with the Nordic peoples than they did with the Slavic and Asiatic people of the time.

    Now over time, the lines got blurred. But i do consider people with Kyivan Rus or Finno-Ugric ancestry as part of the white race, just a different family tree.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    IDK about the whole violence thing. But i generally agree that teenage girls are more trouble than they're worth, with some exceptions, attractive though they may be.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev the peasants occupying wall street for real, i love it. this is the kind of raid that shouldve been coordinated on 4chan and totse but alas, we were young kids with little money back then.

    but im still not convinced that this will do any meaningful damage to the elites, they control the economy, they own all the properties and companies. all they have to do is keep raising the costs of living when they arent happy with their earnings. half the country isnt even participating in the stock market because everybody is living paycheck to paycheck.

    It's a start. Big money will wise up to this though. If firm X is over shorting stock A and reddit wants to kill firm X, reddit might pull a short squeeze again by buying up stock A. Now if firm Y buys a load of call options for stock A they are betting that reddit will make the value of stock A go through the roof. If reddit then proceeds with the short squeeze firm Y will make a ton of money. It's kind of an uno reverse on the situation. And it would be some serious 4D chess if both firm X and Y's portfolios are managed by an over-arching financial organization or fund. Resulting in net gains for the fund in question.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev baphomet?

    Yee, 8chan board. Dedicated to raiding places and ruining lives.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Funny they should mention the OKC Bombing.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev i see, but wont the gubmint just bail the kikes out and cant the subreddit simply be censored?

    The subreddit hasn't been censored yet. And even if it were you don't use Reddit to trade stocks. Ironically one of the apps they use for trading called "Robin Hood" stopped their users from buying gamestop stock, so anyone using that app could only hold their stock, or sell. Robin Hood has a fiduciary duty to the people using their platform to trade however, so they have two class action lawsuits coming their way. That's the latest i heard about that platform at least.

    In any case the government might bail them out, they might not. If they do though on top of Biden's new 1.9 trillion dollar or thereabouts relief bill, the dollar is going to be losing value faster than it already is. Also, you can't really stop 100k people from buying different stock that the hedge funds are shorting to start up this cycle again. You do at some point have to stop bailing out hedge funds to the tune of billions of dollars, because you will inflate the dollar into oblivion if you do Weimar Republic style.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by WellHung That method could easily turn me into a vegetable, instead of killing me. i need something guaranteed. a foolproof plan.

    Unfortunately Matt, this is all i could think of that would within your budget range. You could always jump off a tall building. But i guarantee you, you will regret it the moment you step off that ledge.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This reads like a bad ero-manga.
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