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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ajax It’s great to have a project. I’m missing the need for such measures though. Where is the content? Are you operating off the idea of “build it and they will come” or will there be some kind of draw?

    I guess I’m saying, in a nutshell, that you’re taking this place too seriously.

    If you're referring to me i have a data center that functions independently from NIS. I built it because i wanted a data center, i use it as a VM Lab as well. I just think it's good policy to have a Tor Mirror. The other changes i proposed are just personal preferences.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lanny Not opposed to standing up a tor instance if folks want it, but I think I have to be the one to control it. I've given the idea of federation some thought over the years, but it's pretty complex.

    The core tension is that, kinda from the premise of a web forum, you want just one forum. If you make thread here you want it to show up on a "mirror" and vice versa. Mirrors also have to be able to do auth, password resets, read/create PMs, and delete content. So mirrors have to be trusted. Even if you can encrypt your way out of the issues with someone else having a copy of the DB (e.g. password hashing, and this isn't simple at all for PMs and probably requires javascript), a mirror still has the power to delete rows or flood forums. Making untrusted or semi-trusted mirrors work with write permissions requires a whole bunch of application logic.

    Just setting up tor as a kind of reverse proxy to the existing instance is a lot easier. But it doesn't provide any kind of redundancy or failover should the open web version get taken down (except via domain seizure). I guess the upshot is tor users could access it without having to route through an exit node which is something, I imagine that's a bit of a performance boon since I imagine exit nodes are something of a bottleneck but IDK. Exit nodes are probably targeted for correlation attacks too.

    Right which is why i was only mentioning that the facilities are there on my end should you wish to make use of them, obviously it would be better if you had the appropriate infrastructure and assets to do this from your end.

    Still, if there is any way in which you think i might be able to help let me know, that goes for code and PRs as well of course.

    Also i would really really like to have an invite only part of the Tech forum. And the ability to upload documentation, and source to a Github Org you run, i run, aldra runs or whatever to more easily facilitate the spread of knowledge and source code examples and perhaps entire programs.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev if we can pull off whatever anglin did to mirror his site on tor to keep it available on the clearweb, nobody could fuck with NIS, it would be the most resilient totse spinoff to date and set an example of the direction things should go.

    domain registrars are now fully in bed with the police state shithole, what kind of fucktard wants to depend on that?

    It would definitely go a long way in that regard, we could even go as far as have the primary Tor mirror function in concert with the clearweb version while every N interval of time, encrypted backups could be synced/stored over a number of hidden services for more redundancy.

    All in all having a Tor Mirror and a number of encrypted backups scattered across secure locations would definitely increase the site's resilience like you mentioned.

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Great way to have the feds kick your door down at 4am.

    Hidden Services aren't illegal to host. I explicitly mentioned No CP, No nothing that would make the tor mirror hotter than it has to be, we're not gonna be selling drugs or run a rag tag renegade APT from there. Ya doink.

    I have already volunteered to host components on my data center if Lanny needs something in terms of backups, storage, extra bandwidth a Tor mail service or what have you i think we have the capability between the both of us to make this a reality.

    Ultimately it's Lanny's decision, but at least i have the assets and required know-how to be in a position to help.

    Where's your data center Spectral? Or coding ability for that matter?

    I don't mind if these sorts of things are above your pay grade, but don't start talking about feds kicking doors in when you clearly have never so much as run a VM Lab let alone worked on Enterprise level Networking and Security solutions for this kind of thing.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Fight fight.

    Resistance is futile.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and then they develop AIs to deal with this and identify signs of exploit recons and then there will be AI arms race.

    AIs will be used to make better AIs that render them obsolete and the cycle repeat exponentially.

    singularity is nigh.

    Yeah it might be, i am just happy that i get to enjoy it from a more 'insider' perspective if you know what i mean?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny he performed autopsies on his computer.

    Yee, i leave no witnesses though, soon he will have to let all the other computers in his house know that one of their friends was brutally murdered, By a bio-weapon DA VARUS!
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by blaster master You hacked his computer, dont lie.

    Yeah? Did you run forensics on his computer? No? Then shut the fuck up.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood why did sophie hack your computer

    IDK why Fona is mad to be completely honest with you.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bueno Would hate to see yall do all this work if no one is really going to use it.
    Are there folks who would use this?

    Regarding syncing the database, PMs are still cleartext.
    Just so happen that I was about to work on this the other day, but ran into some issues, I got too annoyed to figure out.
    Sent lammard a PM, maybe he knows.

    It was a fresh local deploy, error on login, "here is no current event loop in thread 'Thread-1'."
    Havent seen this before, dono if something bad got pushed or if somehow I fucked it.

    If we're gonna go ahead with this, we'll brainstorm the technical aspects and debug the stuff that needs debugging collaboratively.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra good idea, but we'd need to sync the database to a hidden service otherwise the clear site going down would also break the hidden one

    Yee, i thought that was implied with my proposal.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Same rules would apply of course. So no CP and general stuff that would get Lanny in trouble. The benefit would be having an interactive mirror that will still be up even if for some reason the main site goes down for a bit. And it would add an extra layer of protection for the extra paranoid.

    Perhaps having some presence on the Derpweb as well we may attract interesting users that would otherwise not want to post here. Specifically cyber security people. Setting up text file section on a static site hosted on the derpweb is trivial too, so that would be a features some users might appreciate as well.

    I have infrastructure i'd be willing to volunteer for use with hosting the Tor mirror. But me being into h4x, and loli-sechs, i could see why some users might be uncomfortable with that idea. Not to mention the fact that a grain of power will instantly turn me into a megalomaniacal tyrant before you can say 'purges and firing squads' i understand that people would rather have a tor mirror hosted on some of your(Lon Lon-Chon's) infrastructure. So all i will offer on my part for now is basically scraping the main site myself, feeding the data to an instance of ISS i run myself, and turning it on as a hidden service in moments of need. Or when you(Lon) want a copy of my data to start your own hidden service on a separate server and whatnot.

    What i'd personally like to have as well is an invite only section for T&T regulars, with the freedom to upload pdf/epub/mardownformat articles, research papers, ancient tomes arcane cyber wisdom and some such things.

    I nominate aldra to be the curator of such a resource, i run a similar set up at a number of venues and i think such a thing is valuable for higher order discourse at least on matters of CompSci. Personally i'd be willing to contribute storage room, from my own infrastructure, and i would set up a number GH Orgs/Repos and Anonymous accounts for collaborative development in the same spirit as well, if of course interest from the T&T crowd would warrant that.

    Let me know what everyone thinks. I can submit Pulls for ISS also, to add the features i spoke of.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny or you just need one AI to replicate itself and target data servers all over the world at the same time.

    i wonder if they stil use tape backups.

    I have actually worked on an Offensive Security Framework that employs Machine Learning to go about target acquisition, recon, and exploitation. No clones needed, just a lot of processing power and high bandwidth. As of now it wouldn't scale to highly secure facilities. But it's still pretty good and can work at scale with end user boxes, IoT and such granted you have reasonably adequate hardware.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Can you make me an OS that I can control with my butt?

    You don't need an OS for that just the right HID setup. So like a special touch screen, or set of sensors in your chair with an appropriate firmware package for said setup.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Volcano Vaporizer set to maximum with a bowl full of abv How do I get into child trafficking?

    Not my field, but actual child trafficking is a lot like trafficking in high value black market art. What generally will happen is a wealthy person will put the word out through intermediaries that they would be interested in a certain Rembrandt. Then the intermediaries will be in contact with a certain group's representative to hash out the details after which they might take on the job for a set price. This group will perform the heist and the logistics, and complete the final transaction.

    The low budget, less organized sex trafficking groups generally target vulnerable women to get them into brothels. But with the trafficking of minors that's generally not how it goes. Unless you operate in Bangladesh or some shit.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev it is your duty to get back on the plantation and be her babymaker to preserve da white race, wario!

    Wanting to preserve the white race doesn't make me a feminist though.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Stahp. Intrusive trypophobia thoughts. They are coming...
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If only i could go for a nice cruise around night time, go to the downtown area pick up a hooker and strangle her. I'd probably do it multiple times too. After they die i will pose them in a quiet place in the forest. Maybe an old grove off the beaten path. I will pose them in prayer positions. Naked of course, knees on the ground, hands together or upward. I will keep their bodies in those positions with thin metal rods you slide into the flesh and between the bones. I will gouge out their eyes while they're still alive for justice is blind, and they shall weep tears of blood for it's coming. Some will face the Heavens as if to ask God: Why?
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bueno SWIM once had an illegal opinion…

    Gotta be careful with those in your line of work these days. Or so i am told.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    All my opinions are illegal.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't like to money brag but there's a lot of liquidity in the markets that i operate in. That said, a million on only fans Jesus fucking Christ.
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