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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What the hell…All the dead Scots are turning in their graves.

    Sorry lol. Mainland Europe doesn't have English as a first language.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Obbe I could say you've already made up your mind and that you're "not discussing this in good faith," too.


    I literally don't care about your feelings or your ethical framework, or your morals, or whatever drives you to come and talk shit to me. I make the fucking rules that govern me. Go ahead and stop me if you think you can. Protip you can't.

    Originally posted by Obbe Please, seek help before you hurt more people.

    Take your concern trolling to someone who gives a shit.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga Another dishonest accusation of bad intent. You have zero intellectual honesty and a child fucking faggot retard.

    I really genuinely hope you are NIS's next and final suicide.

    Fucking end yourself faggot. I'll literally live to torment you.

    Cry harder. There is literally nothing you can do that impacts my life in any way whatsoever you impotent faggot.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ I wonder if that last question counted against the questions. This isn't a question this time its a wonder.

    Can one ponder a wonder without question? Or is to wonder itself to question. I wonder if it's a question one ponders.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai Will say it's far more romantic to imagine some ancient girl whose beauty was forever immortalized by having a pretty flower named after her though. 🥺

    You want ancient romance? How about i call you beautiful sister in Ancient Egyptian. Learned it from a song that was preserved on some papyrus or some shit and rendered as good as they could in modern times, lol. It's a love song, and it's actually pretty neat.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh and with regard to names. I think us in The West used to do the same as the Japanese still do by which i mean give our kids names that have a meaning. Like Sakura, or Yume or Yuki. Cherry blossom, dream and snow for all the non weebs out there. But i figure we forgot their meaning somehow somewhere along the way.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai I think it goes beyond that. It's not even remotely exclusive to Germanic traditions after all. C'mon, you're a fellow weeb! Sakura (cherry blossom) is a common Japanese name for girls. There might be some associations with fertility there too, but I suspect it's really as simple as both flowers and women being "delicate and beautiful". And they smell nice. Right? That's a thing. Literally any dumb lovestruck character in a story would say "she's so pretty and delicate and she smells nice" about the object of his affections. It's almost the cliché first crush response, when a boy first tries to articulate how he's starting to feel about girls. And it's a cliché because that's some primal shit.

    PS: I doubt people ever went out and named the flowers after pretty girls. I guess it could be a chicken and egg thing, but the flowers surely had words associated with them long before some sappy couple decided to call their daughter Erika.

    Right for a moment i was absorbed in my own cultural heritage. I literally also wanted to say "you call flowers after girls because they are delicate and beautiful and they smell nice" in my previous post but i figured it would make me sound like a lovestruck head in the clouds kind of person like you mentioned so i didn't, lmao.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You've already made up your mind Obbe. You're not discussing this with me in good faith and then you wonder why i ghost you after you pull shit like this. You could have just called me a sicko that needs help and you could have spared me writing half an essay for a blind asshole eh?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Xlite For some reason that reminds me of:

    Full speed ahead Master Xlite.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Obbe Yes, but other stuff too, I think Sophie dislikes talking with me and I want to know why.

    I'd rather talk about real stuff then pretending to ignore it so I can pretend to be buddies with some creepy stranger.

    Whenever I do get an opportunity to try and talk about his pedo shit Sophie deflects and falsely suggests that I am a victim of child abuse, I noticed he did the same thing to Kev a few posts ago. That's interesting. Why does he repeatedly do this? He has stated before he believes children can consent, and that therefore it's not abuse. But if that's true, why would he believe such a child would later on speak out against pedophiles? Why would he use that idea to deflect away from having an actual conversation? I believe it shows some cognitive dissonance on his part. I don't believe Sophie actually cares about having a real conversation about anything and instead only cares about appearances, especially if he can convince himself he appears to be superior to others. I feel like that's what all of his threads are. Attempts to appear intelligent and superior.

    You really wanna do this? I hate it when you do this because it takes a lot of effort. You've already misread what i meant when i said Kev was a victim. If i don't specify, no need to fill in the blanks with your presuppositions. You also miscjaracterized what i said about kids. You're leaving out context. I said some kids can consent based on emotional maturity, so if you were to decide who could and who couldn't you would have to do it on an individual basis.

    I do indeed enjoy appearing superior. But i'm not trying to convince anyone that being a pedo is a superior mode of being. It's kind of a bother actually. But i don't wanna sit here and pretend to be an entirely different person than i am.

    I'll explain some things to you. Whenever someone randomly just starts talking shit to me about pedophilia i get annoyed. And when i get annoyed enough i get angry and when i get angry i start to think of things to say to hurt the person that made me angry, because i am petty like that. And it is generally true that the people who are the most vocal opponents, have a genuine reason to be that way, that reason being they have suffered some sort of trauma as a child, it doesn't have to be sexual. But unresolved childhood trauma makes people feel all sorts of things so when i call someone a victim i'm trying to invoke that memory in the person to punish them.

    This is the point in my answer where things get fucked up in a sad way. Why would i assume a child would later on speak out against pedophiles? Because on many platforms, and with many people in private as soon as they know things start happening. I'll characterize victims of childhood sexual abuse in this way. There's three emotional categories: Mad. Sad and Bad. It's exceedingly more complex then this but we'll run with it for now. Bad is the sort that gave rise to this notion that if you are a pedo it must be because you were abused as a child yourself. Because that is what generally happens to the people i categorize as bad. Sad deals with trauma internally, mad deals with trauma externally. At the end of the day they are all shitty coping mechanisms. In any case, i said something starts happening when a group of people find out that i am what i am. This has happened many times over, over differing communities. The basic rundown is Bad wants kinship, Sad wants understanding in either direction, they're generally very open in that way, and mad wants revenge. Well they don't want revenge they want to resolve the trauma they have to live with. All want to in a way perhaps. But they are drawn to me like moths to a flame and that's the fucked up part.

    It's a good thing i am not a worse human being than i already am because Sad is easy to take advantage of and Mad is easy to hurt. Long story short, why would i assume? Because it happens, unprovoked more often than you can know.

    To conclude, having a sexual relationship with a child(Vague definition age of consent laws can suck my dick) is rarely going to end well for the younger person. But just because it's rare doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Should you actively pursue such a thing? Probably not, probably never. And if you do, do so with extreme care and at great peril to multiple lives.

    That's all the conversation you and i are having today.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Obbe Yo Sophie, why do you never want to talk with me about this shit?

    We've had those conversations my dude many times, not even kidding. Did you forget?
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai Yeah, Erika even refers to the same flowers we'd commonly refer to as heather.

    Really? I never knew.

    Originally posted by Meikai Always found it weird that it's a given name in both languages, but I suppose naming girls after pretty flowers would be cross cultural.

    My hypothesis is that it's cross cultural because it has it's roots no pun intended in the old religions of the Nordic and Germanic peoples, which The English are a part of and their descendants too whether they like it or not. Something about fertility festivals, and spring and then Christianity came in with Easter, and what does an egg have to do with Christ? It's weird symbology. Why? Because it's coopted symbology the eggs symbolize birth and life and fertility.

    You still have fertility festivals in someparts of Germany and Scandinavia although they aren't called that any more. IDK if you have ever seen the thing with the big pole and all the ribbons and the kids walk around the pole in circles covering it with the ribbons?

    It's a very, very old custom in some parts of the world. Same story with giving pretty flowers girl names i would postulate. And it has to do with fertility festivals.

    A celebration of life in a way, i would argue.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai We speak English here, sir. Her name is Heather.

    Is there a flower called Heather in the English language? Because there is a flower called Erika in German. It's not it's scientific name, but everyone calls it that anyway.

    I suppose Violet would be the English equivalent.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Xlite I was, but you shouldn't be offended.
    It wasn't aimed at you, even though it mighta felt like that. Since i was indeed generalizing.

    We have come to an understanding.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Xlite Yeah i figured. I don't see why though.
    You think i'm being too mean to kev?
    I don't think so.

    No you were generalizing.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Xlite I don't see attraction as choice. We don't decide who we wanna be attracted to just like we don't pick our own gender.

    Well that was the point i was getting at.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Xlite I would prefer a pedo with morals tbh. The other kind will probably do a lot more damage.
    Its just ironic that's all. You know, claiming moral high ground when you're into destroying the lives of children.

    True. Devil's advocate though, it's not about destroying anything, at least not for me, besides i can like girls up to my age so i'm Gucci. The point is i'd prefer morals too and i'd judge on action and outcome. Unfortunately it's true the outcome usually ends in death, or severe trauma. Alsoi'm not pulling that death statistic out of my ass the FBI did a meta study of all kidnapping cases with a sexual component, in more than 70% of the cases the child is dead after just three hours of going missing it jumps up to more than 85% after 24 hours. which is terrible, i think we all agree on that.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And her name is Erika.

  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by cigreting whos the bitch in your avi

    Maria Sharapova of course.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Meikai definitely wud be a shitty freighter, but retrofitted with some weapons because we'd constantly be doing shady illegitimate side jobs like illegal salvage and piracy.

    Can we talk like pirates? I say we should all talk like pirates. Yarr matey. Space pirates we be, sailing the void boundless and vast.
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