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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ About how many candles could we make out of you?

    One XXL one would be the most fun.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I didn't know people wear turbans in the Netherlands.

    Faith has nothing to do with it, and i'm definitely going to hell anyway so meh.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    REliK uses Monero for ransomware payments. Which is a good idea as far as i am concerned. Tangentially related but you offload your Monero into BTC and get your BTC when you need a cash injection ya feel.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny selling advertising spaces.

  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    muh name a jeff
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I might go with APAN as secondary just because i'm lazy btw. 500g total should do the trick nicely.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you've never made TATP you're missing out, it's great. Keeping the reaction cold enough is key to getting the TATP variant instead of plain AP, or mixed, it's not called racemic, it's heterotropic IIRC when you have a mix of the tri di and whatever. If you do it right you get isotropic, so just the tri variant which is the most stable.

    After removing your TATP from the reaction vessel and rinsing it with distilled water you need to neutralize trace amounts of hcl, baking soda will do. After you keep it submerged in a solution of 30g sodium bicarbonate to a liter tap water for 24 hours you should be Gucci. The neutralizing trace amounts of hcl is important for stability too. if you intend to store it store it under water. Or it will sublimate, and recrystallize as humongous death diamonds which is something you really don't want. Dry it out in a well ventilated place for use after 24 hours. Don't forget to move it about, wet explosives will still go boom but you want it nice and dry. You'll know you've done a good job when the final product is crystal white and smells like a slightly sweetened soap. It actually smells quite lovely.

    Your primary is now ready.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny if you really want KISS just use 9v batteries and fireworks.

    good old fashioned calcium carbide still works wonders.

    What do you think i am using Lithium Ion Rechargeable batteries hooked up to an Arduino with a radio receiver? Come on dude, i'm pretty good at electronics but if you want something to go the way you want it to go especially if it involves dangerous stuff, keeping it simple is key. Also, i kinda need the thing to go pop with a bit more power than a firecracker because trace evidence is a thing, even if i wipe every surface down with hydrogen peroxide bleach and rubbing alcohol after i touch it.

    Also if i wanted to make it complex, i'd buy two burner phones and hook a transistor to the little speaker or the buzzer to switch a 9v circuit wired to the electronic match, to use fireworks terminology. I could be at home sipping a brew as kr0z would say and send a text message to make the thing go poof. But then they can do something i have forgotten the technical term of where they create a square around an area of cell and internet service subpoena all the providers to see which phones were active in the area during the time of the explosion then subpoena records to see who they all belong to and even if i pay in cash the store has a record of when that phone and number was sold, and the store has CCTV. And then they'll kick my door in and haul my ass off to prism.

    A simple timing mechanism with the least electronics and explosives made with reagents old enough to have the records of purchase destroyed. You gotta know how to store them properly of course, but like i was saying earlier i have 20 years experience with this.

    Also, to the people saying 'posting in a fed thread' i am not looking for accomplices. In fact people are loose ends. I might employ the service of someone i have been very close with for the last 15 years, and if they rat me out well... IDK, i love them too much to send a bomb their way. And i'll guess i'll do time. OH WELL. They'll definitely do time too though so prisoner's dilemma. I will teach them all about game theory before it's go time, lmao.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ajax Posting in a fed thread. Why is this in HB?

    Could have sworn i posted this in Bad Ideas but Lon Lon-Chon moved it i guess. For my own good. This is afteral a joke and i disavow using any kind of device explosive or otherwise to cause mayhem, and potentially death. Obviously.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Don't do it it's not worth it.

    I'll be the judge of that. If it's any consolation i am not planning for people to die, and i am taking a lot of precautions to ensure that they don't, for now. I'm going to send a message, and i'll make sure they hear it from miles away.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra this is playing with fire even if you think you've covered your tracks well

    Yes but i'm committed now. I got everything planned out including a quick getaway. Plus the gravity switch minimizes the use of electronics and i'm running about 25 tests to make sure it does it's thing when it's supposed to. There's a built in safety mechanism that's rather simple as well.

    KISS Principle applies to bombs as much as it does to cyber weapons.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whats your target and what kind of damage are you trykng to achieve.

    Target is classified, damage i am trying to achieve is catastrophic within a 30 foot radius.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Volcano Vaporizer set to maximum with a bowl full of abv Hopefully it malfunctions and blows you up

    I got about 20 years experience handling dangerous chemicals and explosives. If it malfunctions and it malfunctions catastrophically while i am close enough to get hurt, that's some cosmic divine intervention shit. And if it happens more power to you, guess God is on your side, which i highly doubt.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I also have a keylogger that'll send you the data over UDP, one byte at a time. Which is good because that makes it more stealth. Would you like some random malware sir? I got malware out the ass, custom made by yours truly, OSS, and BH.

    We'll do luck of the draw. I'll number 10 random malwares, you pick a number. Ready?

    rand=$[ $RANDOM % 10 ] && echo -e $rand

    Anyway, i wish more people would be interested or competent in terms of *Nix malware.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sup niggas, a bit back i wrote a ransomware in Python for the lulz. Which landed me, well one of my aliases on a list maintained by Red Sky Alliance. Which is the most Video Game name i ever heard for a conglomerate of threat intel firms. But that's besides the point.

    Generally speaking ransomware is written in C or C++. Classically ransomware ops are conducted by sending the target a MalDoc with a dropper that deploys the ransomware. But i was thinking, what if we just say fuck that, and instead of a dropper we run cryprographic operations straight from the MalDoc. Now i don't know whether VB.NET, VBS or VBA has any crypto modules or whatever but i know the Win32 API has and i do believe you can use COM objects from the langs i just mentioned.

    What do you guys think would be some good unconventional langs to write a ransomware in. Preferably those that come with a Windows install so the .NET suite is included. But if it can be compiled that'd be Gucci too.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump There's no authentication in them. They're only a sheet of paper or a pdf (you get the pdf if they have your email). It'd be possible to make a site that automatically generates them.

    Wanna collab on a project like that?
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood That's probably why there's so many youtube videos of people making a really small amount. They never show the making it part though lol

    If you keep your vessels and reagents cool and add the catalyst slowly you should be Gucci.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood how do you make it I heard you mix acetone with 30% peroxide and stir it really fast while it's hot and i've never heard of anyone exploding themself by accident so it can't be that hard

    Acetone, 30% Hydrogen Peroxide, Hcl as catalyst. Don't let it get hot. And stir carefully. 3 parts acetone to 2 parts H2o2 and 10 ml Hcl, are rough measurements. More Hcl faster synth, faster synth more heat. So be careful.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kev actually, hes the only person who has been nice to you here, he was praising you in another thread.

    Get your bi-polar head out of your ass, no one likes hikki. If you have nothing to 'insult' me with making things up is not going to get you any closer to your goal.

    Originally posted by Kev its the fourth person i have seen you talk about "idle threats" with over petty shit, go play with your barbies or something, this shits pathetic to watch.

    You can believe whatever makes you feel safe.

    Originally posted by Volcano Vaporizer set to maximum with a bowl full of abv It comes as no surprise the micro-dicked pissant would resort to making a mockery out of my cat’s death and then threaten to kill me.
    He’s incapable of friendship, it’s part of his mental illness, perhaps he was sexually abused as a child.
    I did make an effort to be his friend and even enjoyed him up to a point where I noticed he was subtly threatening me, which was to be expected of NIS behavior since his place is basically a hivemind.
    What makes this all the worse though is how he approached me calling himself my guardian angel, telling me he would give me this leet hacker software I could use on my own so he could get me in on his botnet.
    Yeah I’m totally not surprised.
    Glad I didn’t let him bait me into accessing his cp collection.

    You can keep lying but don't forget i have all corresponds in PM between the two of us. I'll be exporting an archive.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Beany A fake one?

    I'm arranging for a forgery. No way i am getting the vaccine.
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