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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Summary of Known Facts About Psycho:
    1. Coward

    Fight me in real life and i'll show you. What's your residential adress?

    2. Power abuser

    I have no power to abuse.

    3. Pedophile

    Should i be bothered by this? Because i am having a very hard time being affected by this whatsoever. It's like telling a normie: Well you like 21yos! Your point being? If you have a daughter, this would be the time to post her. (If she's under the age of 14 that is)

    4. Mod failure

    You win some you lose some, i'm over this fact. You seem to be holding on to internet grudges like your life depends on it. Which is objectively homosexual beta behavior, i can tell you've been thoroughly victimized by me.

    5. Wanna-be hacker

    Quite right some might even call me a script kiddy, but at least i'm not a faker like you are.

    6. Liar

    That's rich coming from you.

    7. Two-faced hypocrite

    I prefer the term multi-headed hydra but ok.

    8. Friendless

    I have lots of friends IRL and otherwise, for instance lanny is my friend and mQ and i'd consider myers my friend as well even though he's a dirty paki.

    9. Pedophile
    10. Pedophile

    I'm also white, call me a honkey next Spectral.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    thanks. what are the two yellow arcs that form sort of a teardrop shape? like why are there two of them?

    Every dot on the arcs is someone's connection. They're in arcs because ettercap(The program used to make the graphic) defaults to that shape for displaying lots of traffic.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's only because you can't jump behind a staff control panel and shut me up now. Maybe you can get Lanny to do it. He hates me enough. I dunno…

    Bitch when i do feel like arguing with you you get your ass handed to you six ways from sunday. Also:

    ANY idea that Psycho comes up with is AUTOMATICALLY bound to fail. Good rule of thumb to live by.

    Not really, you've proven time and time again you don't know shit. Let's check the ballistics:
    • You can't hack
    • You believe Aliens run the world.
    • You smoke crack on a daily basis.
    • You're a geriatric drummer.
    • You're 50+ and basically live on the internet, must be boring at the old folks home.
    • You lied about being in the Idiosyncrasy secret forum circlejerk.
    • Your name is Will Taggart (Lmfao)
    • Do i need to continue?

    Now, we can either have over 9000 pages of arguments again or you can stop being a butthurt grandpa and come hang out in the thread i mentioned faggot.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Maybe you could explain that graphic to a retard like me, because it looks like something sploo would draw.

    The people who are downloading it are yellow, the big green blob is all the bandwith that's going over a secured connection and the pink blobs represent the amount of bandwidth going over TCP. It shows that a load of people are downloading the files in question.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You posted the thread, so you invited the criticism. Cry more, son.

    I don't feel like arguing with you anyway. Come check out my thread Spectral you don't have to click on any links if you don't want to but there's been a hack of biblical proportions and you might get a kick out of it.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Computers are not my thing, and I don't know a goddamn thing about hacking, but are these guys like supposed to be state-funded white hats or something? The whole thing smells to me of government agency-style incompetence.

    They're a private company based in Italy however they make programs which the government can use to monitor you on your computer and even do complete take overs and stuff like that. So in epic fashion they got a taste of their own medicine by some poeple with the skills to make it happen. And now the entire 'hacking community' is downloading their info and source code, stealing everything they have and use all the while everyone is rolling on the floor laughing at this victimization of biblical proportions.

    Twitter is blowing up, lolololol.

    Here's a graphical representation of everyone who is currently downloading all the data that was leaked.

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Micheal's name isn't actually Micheal IRL.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah, that's what we need. It's bad enough the entire forum is full of one-liners, now we have to eliminate those as well by moving all the one liners to a chat box. Great idea, fuck-o.

    Did you see me talking to you? No? Shut the fuck up then.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here's a magnet link to the data dump, enjoy.

    ALSO, Mother of Kek. Hacking Team sells super expensive liscenses while they pirate other people's software:

    Also, have some pentest reports on their clients.

  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This is top shelf kek material right here.

    'Hacking Team' Who are notorious for supplying government agencies with surveillance and security tools have been hacked.

    I lol'd.

    What's even more funny is that in the dump the attackers also posted some cracked passwords used by 'security experts' working for Hacking Team. Lmfao, look at these passwords:


    Here's a pastebin with customer details.

    I'll update when i find the torrent with all the leaked data, i will seed it for great justice. Here's an invoice in the meantime. They make some serious moolah it would seem.

    [SIZE=72px]DATA LEAKS 4 U! [/SIZE]!Xx1lhChT!rbB-LQQyRypxd5bcQnqu-IMZN20ygW_lWfdHdqpKH3E
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When I saw the last post was by you I actually thought, "He isn't a pedophile, is he?" I thought you were just hebe.

    I can be whatever you want me to be baby.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Afgelopen dinsdag, ik was in cafe zaal Het Trefpunt. Stond zo'n gast the hakken op het biljart. Dus ik zeg: Hey kil! HEY KIL! Jij denkt het is fissa? En hij zegt: YOOOOOLOOOOOO!!!
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't know what commercial you are talking about.

    Real OG niggas go to Harrie's Snack Hoek.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Santa, two Christmases this year?

    10/10 Would bang.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    People would use it even less than on rdfrn

    I did actually use it from time to time on the fern.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^lol yeah she's a hippie bitch, I like how they package it as some kinda "intimacy booster, closeness meditation bs" People will do anything to market and sell something
    If I went I'd be to tempted at the end to ask when they have the session where they teach you how to wack off a guy lolol

    But then I'd be a sexist pig

    Yeah probably.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Not weird at all.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This ^^
    going through benzo withdrawal then dealing with nutmeg clusterfuck but ending up having a life changing phenibut bundy trip showing that life is love not fucking torture makes a man

    Which benzo, what was your daily dosage and for how long had you been taking it?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I went ahead and put on headphones , I'm not sure If I'm doing it right. It sounded "deeper" but i wasn't getting the effect like people in the comments were "15:00 pure bliss man"
    Maybe I've had to much coffee or need to meditate with it. I will try again another time, I'm into weird stuff like that.

    It would be cool if they made music with a similar studio recording. It could be the wave of the feature.

    They actually do music like that. The video is a little weird but the music sounds quite immersive.

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