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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Or we could just go with Kiddie Fiddler and call it a day.

    I'm down for anything bro, let your imagination run wild.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm on 20mg of adderall XR a day, and at some point I plan to go up to 30mg. I'm not seeing my old psychiatrist so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to up the dosage. What are some potentiation methods that can be done on a daily basis to make 20mg feel more like 30mg? I know I can take tums to basify the stomach. Does grapefruit juice help? Anything else? I've also heard that magnesium helps for tolerance, as well as bundy and other NMDA antagonists in general, so I'll have to check that out.

    Basify your stomach with tums. A proper potentiator of amphetamines is Ranitidine AKA Zantac as it interferes with it's metabolism making your high last longer, i can't speak to it's intensity however. You're also right about NMDA antagonists helping with reducing/preventing tolerance.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol @ Myers. Also:

    I have a real FB that I just use for the chat and a twitter I signed up for when I was testing a twitter data analysis program I was working on but I admit that it was addicting enough that that little interaction was enough to get me to come back now and then to see updates from bands/tech-folk I follow. I've never browsed tumblr proper but in moments of weakness I look through TumblrInAction. I hate the community because it's mostly angsty as fuck MRAs but there is some funny stuff.

    Yeah man twitter is pretty fun, they have direct messages these days as well, so you can directly talk to some of the people you're following or are following you. It's a great way of keeping up with people that have the same interests as you and like i said world events. Since i'm following several alt media people as well.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ah I forgot to add that the water was half water half lemon juice

    next time I want to try hot bacardi 151 and glycerin, then a separate water/lemon juice boil, then boil off the alcohol. Will glycerin simmer? I guess I will see….

    I dunno' about glycerin but i'm pretty sure if you heat up bacardi the alcohol will evaporate out of it.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tumblr is filled with SJWs. If you call someone fat for instance, you'll get a bunch of teenagers/early adults telling you to stop "fat shaming" (they love using made-up terms). If you call someone an autist, people you don't know will come and say how bad you are and that you shouldn't use it, but aggressively, in a hilarious way. Feminism wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't about growing out your armpit hair and coloring it and wanting other people to do the same thing. That sort of stuff, all comes from tumblr.

    Sounds gay as fuck.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Whatever you say, Chester the Molester.

    That would be a lulzy usertitle.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I made a liquid extract, and added some glycerin so it won't spoil, it was 1ml =1 gram now but after I added the glycerin it will be more like 1tsp = 4 grams. Haven't tried it yet. It seemed like it was separating into layers but that was just some sort of black solid specks, probably coagulated bits of clorophyll and leaf mucilage or whatever. Even though I double-enhancemented it, I am still only using coffee enhancements here, so I guess I shouldn't expect top quality. I used hot isopropyl alcohol and a separate water boil, so it ripped out everything from the solids, pretty much everything. Don't worry, I boiled away every last bit of the alcohol.

    I see, yeah isopropanol is a good solvent especially when it's hot. As to adding glycerin to keep it from spoiling you could also add vitamin C otherwise known as ascorbic acid. It's pretty much a natural preservative that works quite well as studies and my personal experience have shown. It's probably healthier than glycerin also.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This distro is pretty sweet guys besides the security tools what i also like is the amount of media applications it comes with such as gimp, a couple things are a little outdated but there's the possibilty to update. I'd recommend this distro if you want a pentesting environment with features that also make it useful for more every day applications. It looks very slick as well, i was planning on posting a couple screenshots but since i found a demo video on youtube i'll post it here for you to check out, it does the distro more justice than a couple of screenshots anyway.

    All in all it's good to have if you want to run a Linux environment primarily. But since i use Windows on my main rig, i'm currently set as far as media applications go and i will be installing Kali 2.0 as VM as soon as it comes out for the latest and greatest capabilities as far as penetration testing is concerned.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You have a prescription for alprazolam XR right? So, next time before you go to the teen social, crunch up some of those and take them. Don't take any spice and just stick to your prescribed dose of vyvanse. Maybe you'll find that just with the benzo social interaction comes easier to you. People like to talk about themselves so if you don't really know what to say you could consider asking them questions about themselves like what are some of their interests and why, then expand on the questions with the answers you get etc.

    Also, the more you do just that the better you'll become and i'm willing to bet that at some point social interaction will come more natural to you and you'll feel confident to strike up a conversation with anyone.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's OK, the girls that go on tumblr are literally 17 years old or younger. I don't mind Facebook. Twitter is starting to become tumblr-ish. If anyone says they browse tumblr, I'ma tell them to fuck off since they will make a big deal out of anything.

    I have a fake facebook profile and a twitter account under an alias which i use to keep up with some of the alt media and some tech stuff. I don't use tumblr so idk what that's all about.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Cool man, thanks for the links and information. Also about the girl sending you notes and shit, that's good customer service. Makes it more casual and less business-like kind of like you're getting some personal attention from them, you know? I dig that.

    Also, i usually get Maeng Da or a combination of Red Thai and Green Malay for some nice synergy. I was wondering as well how you usually consume your product? Do you make tea? I usually put my powder or leaves in a small pot with some citric acid and then gently boil it for for a set amount of time after which i drink it. Works pretty well.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [FONT=Georgia][SIZE=14px]“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.” [/SIZE][/FONT]

    It's not funny, I was just being stupid.

    Ok senpai (n_n")
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Wait.. you don't like guys, only children. You're just confusing things.

    The only confused person here seems to be you because going by your statement it seems you're saying it's only possible to have interpersonal relationships with people whom you find sexually attractive. Don't be silly.

    You should also know that calling me a pedo or a hebe is not offensive in the slightest.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You play Civ sploo? Nice. Also i don't have a pirate bay link but i think you might like this game. It's called hatred and you're basically a psychopath on a killing spree to wipe as much people out as you can before you get killed yourself. The game itself is not massively complicated but if you've ever played GTA just to go on rampages and kill everyone, police included you might enjoy this. The fun for me is that it's not like any other game and the atmosphere is nice and dark.

    Load it up, kill some people and blow off some steam.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    An explanation for this thread, if anyone cares: I have a forum that I opened because I fucking hated redfern's founders, and I offered some of my most loyal posters some free gifts for their sticking around and shitposting at my near-empty site. It wasn't a bribe or anything, as they had already been posting there on their own for a couple of months. It was just an expression of gratitude. You all missed out, I guess. The gifts were just some legal highs type stuff, and we have been discussing the merits of the various items ever since. I just brought the discussion over here, as I am posting here more than over there these days.

    That was very nice of you Mike.


    This Crouton I am getting is such good quality, that for me, a daily user of the equivalent of 60mg of methadone (my rough subjective measurement across the spectrum of opiate/opioid use), I get high as fuck from 6 grams.

    Today I took 6 grams of this red and was feeling just fine. Felt like I wanted to push it, and took 1 gram of white vein on top of that, and now I feel like I took adderall, I can't stop wringing my hands like a supervillain and rocking in my chair.

    It's just normal unenhanced leaf. Fucking crazy shit. I made a tincture the other day but I haven't tried it yet. I was going to do a kilo's worth but ended up only doing 40 grams. It's boiled down to a quarter cup and bottled in a cough syrup bottle.

    This stuff is supposedly illegal in my state, but there are loopholes in the law…iirc its considered as, or lumped in with, synthetic cannibinoids.

    Woah man, that's some pretty potent Crouton would you mind sharing your vendor? I usually use a dutch vendor and as fate would have it they recently opened up an international store as well.

    Here's a link if you're interested, they sell all sorts of Crouton related products.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Spectriangular insights, thank you for these teachings.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    What's so funny about that?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Quite frankly I don't have the least bit of concern over Palestine because it is of no importance, this is simply a typical example of leftist perceived underdog bias, pet causes giving the illusion of uniqueness, intelligence, knowledge, and compassion. Those people would have never done anything of value with that land, and would have instituted their standard barbaric oppressive theocratic Islamist states that would have brought a far worse standard of living and far more destruction, suffering, and loss of life than Israel ever would.

    I agree with Ayn Rand's view:

    I usually agree with Ayn Rand but not in this particular case. What's more is that since Ayn Rand was jedi herself i am pretty sure she was biased in this particular case.
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