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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dats one high youz betta respect

    No joke.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What do you want me to post.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    that iam must've pissed you off so bad, but that's fine, butthurt punk bitch :)

    Stop lying you blatant homosexual, it doesn't matter how much you deny it. I know you're Iam.

    plus no amount of sucking dick like the last 3 places will make you mod, I'll make sure of it :)

    You'll make sure of it?

    You're insignificant.

    plus you've racked up 400 posts, which proves my point of you being on welfare hahahahahahahahhaha

    Laugh more at your own jokes. It's not awkward at all.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well, Psycho?

    I'll suck lanny's cock if you continue to suck Iam's cock like a good bitch specfag.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    LMFAO! Look how they backdoored their code.

    Accurate variable names are important.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm not angry, I''m finding this funny, bully victum mhahahahahahahhaahhaha

    Does frustration mean angry? I didn't think so, but since you felt it necessary to use the terms interchangeably i'm going to assume you're at least upset. Carry on, silly nigger.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've made you so mad with my truth hahahah. It's sooo fucking funny. You're a leech, seriously no one likes you, they think you're a pedo but you have no friends and those are the only type to accept you, you punk bitch. I feel sad for you, I genunly do, you have no life, you're fat, you're on welfare and you spend 20 hours a day on a computer lol go learn to hack like you preach you gapin fgt :)

    The frustration is seeping out of your post onto my screen. You don't impress me, go ahead and dox me i know you want to but you'll fail. Put your money where your mouth is.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You should never let your beat, mmmmmmmmmmmdrop.

    I wonder what the hell you're talking about. My Uncle is a hearing-aid salesman; I'm sure I could get you a deal if your supposed aural decline chooses not to improve in the near future.

    Are you serious right meow?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    you have no friends. boohoo. hahahahahah you're so dumb though nigger it's sad. I genuinely feel bad for you

    Where's the dox you promised me bitch. Still waiting :)
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    nah you hit the nail on the head in another post about pscho faking his pedo persona because no one else likes him so he's trying his best to fit in with people cause he has no friends. He calls you a failed hack but he can't hack neither, pot callin the kettle a nigger; 2faced. hell yes, just look at the bitch, he was over at llz and started telling people to hack and ddos rdfrn cause he couldn't cause he's a nub then went over to rdfrn and licked their asshole hahah

    You calling me friendless? That's rich Burnish/Iam/Joker don't even deny it's you i can spot your faggotry from a mile away.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So this distro is like a beefed up version of kali with a friendly to use user interface styled after Windows. It's basically a x86 Ubuntu 12.04.4LTS / Kali Hybrid. Solak comes with

    Kali tools
    XFCE 4.10
    Compiz / Emerald

    A number of custom tools and open source software.

    From what i've read it's pretty good but if you have any experience with it i'd be happy to hear about it. I'm currently downloading the ISO so that i can give it a spin in VMware.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Idiosyncrasy's goons wanted to ban Lanny permanently after putting a frivolous ban on his account after he was drunk one night and spammed, but I saw some good in him and spoke out against it and put them to shame. I guess you could say I saved his Internet life at the time. True story, dat.

    We all did Spectral.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Use a good rule-based software firewall with manual control and they can't get shit on your computer. Any port they open, every packet they transfer, every command they run, every process they start, is enhancemented through the firewall's engine, locked down, and presented for convenient management. It's the closest anyone will ever get to a bullet-proof machine.

    Obviously this is a post exploitation tool, meaning that when you have this type of shenanigans to deal with you're already past the point of prevention.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So the recent 'Hacking Team' hack has revealed some pretty fucked up tools. Take this one for instance that can be used to fabricate evidence of CP on your target's computer among other damning 'evidence'.

    #This is just an excerpt, the complete code is provided below via the github link.

    [TABLE="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_highlight wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_tab-size wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line-container"]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]require 'rcs-common/evidence/common'[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"] [/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]require 'digest/md5'[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"] [/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]module RCS[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"] [/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]module FileopenEvidence[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"] [/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]ELEM_DELIMITER = 0xABADC0DE[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"] [/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]def content(*args)[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]hash = [args].flatten.first || {}[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"] [/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]process = hash[:process] || ["Explorer.exe\0", "Firefox.exe\0", "Chrome.exe\0"].sample[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]process.encode!("US-ASCII")[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"] [/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line, bgcolor: #F8EEC7"]path = hash[:path] || ["C:\\Utenti\\pippo\\pedoporno.mpg", "C:\\Utenti\\pluto\\Documenti\\childporn.avi", "C:\\secrets\\bomb_blueprints.pdf"].sample[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]path = path.to_utf16le_binary_null[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"] [/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content =[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]t =[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content.write [t.sec, t.min, t.hour, t.mday, t.mon, t.year, t.wday, t.yday, t.isdst ? 0 : 1].pack('l*')[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content.write process[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content.write [ 0 ].pack('L') # size hi[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content.write [ hash[:size] || 123456789 ].pack('L') # size lo[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content.write [ 0x80000000 ].pack('l') # access mode[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content.write path[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content.write [ ELEM_DELIMITER ].pack('L')[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]content.string[/TD]
    [TD="class: wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_blob-code-inner wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_wysiwyg_table_js-file-line"]end[/TD]

    Imagine being the victim of that, you can kiss your life goodbye.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That last picture looks like something they dug up from a shallow grave.

    I fucking hurled, once for every picture.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I found it


    Jesus Christ.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    C'mon now. We both know better than that.

    Don't flatter yourself.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I dropped a beat saturday and since then my hearing has been very shoddy, having to listen to someone speak 10 times. Not getting other peoples voices for hours, sometimes can't hear at all..
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Like I said, you could team up with Lanny to get rid of me once and for all. He already hates my guts and banned me, literally, 10,000 times. I'm sure 10,001 won't make a difference, and then you'll be free to spew your endless idiocies until the end of time without any annoying -SpectraLs around to mess things up.

    I don't even want you to be banned nigger, and while lanny thinks you may be annoying sometimes he's not going to ban you either because lanny is a fair nigger for which you'll probably never give him credit with your entire totse traitor spiel.

    What's more is, you don't even mess things up all you do is spew bullshit which is annoying at most. It's not like you could actually affect anything that happens.

    Also, endless idiocies he says Jesus Christ spectral if there is one person here that's an idiot it's you. Remember how you lied about being in the secret forum? Even though the evidence to contradict everything you were saying was literally right in front of you? That's idiotic if i've ever seen idiocy.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    uhhh no…

    But you're not a pedo phaggot how can you say no when it's meant for pedos. I thought it was pretty hot.
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