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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know about Zakaat, yes.

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's when they record audio binurally like whispers or paper crumbling and it sounds as if there is someone in the room with you physically doing these things and you get this weird tingly sensation. Check it out put on some headphones for best effect.

    Here's the wiki article about it.

    Here's a picture of the girl that does the audio in the video i posted.

    If you see her videos, she's a little weird but i'd fuck the silly right out of her.

    Also, this ASMR stuff only works for the first 15 minutes for me then i become immune for a while, which is weird but meh. So you ever have ASMR?
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well, shit, just grind psychomantits' nasty ass and you'll liven up the thread alright.

    What the hell do i have to do with anything.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Let's all become whores.

    Since you're a muslim and Islam is an inherently socialist religion nobody should listen to you. If you know your Qur'an you'll know that one of the pillars of Islam is the Zakat, or the rule that says everyone should give 2.5% of their income to the poor. Sounds socialistic to me.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No, you're wrong. I'm poor, give me money and the world will be a better place. But I need a lot I'm fucking dying here. We all do but guess what?, you ain't sending me shit, you're not gonna send me $40,000 or even $10,000 I could use to turn my life around. A few hundred dollars in poverty buys you some of the rent you owe, some food, some drugs and some debt knocked off. $1000 lasts about a month, no matter how much you throw at someone and no matter how much they save or cut back it's still gonna take 10+ years of throwing money at them and giving them all this stuff.

    It's exactly like raising a child, you are going to spend at least a hundred thousand dollars for one child to raise them and feed them, clothe them from birth and pay for shelter for them and everything. This is why people in poverty become criminals.

    Whoring isn't even "illegal" if you ask me, it's simply trying to fucking survive. I have talked to an 18 year old girl who sells pics and videos online this morning and I tried to get her to hire me as her manager. These are hard times and if you look good on camera you can make money on the internet.

    What do you think hot girls from Russia to the Atlantic are doing since communism fell?, my favorite pornstar Hot Kinky Jo was born in 1984 in Ukraine, that's also where my favorite LS star Dasha Anya is from. All the pretty girls of all ages there are now extremely rich in 2015, such is the nature of capitalism and whoring. If they were born into communism they would probably be scientists or dancers but not nearly as wealthy.

    No if they were born in communism they'd be average fucking factory workers and/or housewives. Also you're saying it yourself, you'd be better off if you had a job.


    Dasha Anya, mmmmmmm.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Are there any plans to add it?

    Also, fuck you Mike. You seem fat again. Did you eat a couple of cows?

    Probably pigs like a kufar.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You know i often get accused by leftist liberal scum that i'm just a mean spirited person who hates the poor and doesn't want to help them, on the contrary i do want to help them however socialists got the world backwards and here's why.

    People have this notion that if we just dump a shitload of money on the poor that poverty will decrease, you know, person A is broke and can't get food give him a dollar and voila he can buy a sandwich. Well you see, this is stupid elementary school level thinking. Because in fact a basic principle of economics is that: What you subsidize increases. Just look at America, HUGE welfare and social programs and yet poverty is increasing. Instead of dumping money on people how about we invest in creating jobs?

    Ahhh but you see! It's the evil capitalist corporate scumbags who aren't hiring anyone because they're greedy! Well i suppose they do want to cut cost, sounds like good policy to me if you have a company to run, people are expensive after all. So how do we solve this conundrum? Easy, we get rid of minimum wages. If minimum wages go down it will be cheaper to hire people, more human capital means more productivity and more productivity means more money at the end of the day.

    So, get rid of welfare.
    Get rid of minimum wages.

    Thus we have made it more profitable to hire people and the people on welfare can go to work in the new jobs we have created.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [size=7]Thread is 10/10[/size]
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sophie blew up a bus shelter. That's actually pretty funny,I hope it only encourages him, causes him to develop an insatiable desire and obsession, hopefully moving on to much bigger targets.

    Who are you talking to i'm right here Benevolence.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you kill yourself you don't have to worry about wanting a little a more rain. Ever again.

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't believe in anything paranormal, however on the off chance it's not all complete bullshit i'd be pretty pleased if i died a violent death and got to haunt an undisclosed location for my troubles. I'd have loads of fun with that.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    C'mon now. Proxies are still all the fad.

    Personally i only use a proxy when i need to hide i'm using TOR, for business as usual i use a VPN.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Is it weird that the first thing to cross my mind is sexual abuse?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    you nod off of 10mg oxycontin? you are a cheap date.

    have you ever messed with agmatine? i noticed it only works a little bit.

    Lulz this, i need at least 50mg to feel nice and 100 to nod and i'm not even addicted anymore chronic tolerance sucks.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hmm, I don't wear collars enough to really think about it. I usually wear plain colored tees because I'm thug nigga noiamsayinbrah? But I don't think I could pull it off. Lanny has this tim heidecker vibe where he could dress totally gay and still look acceptable so idk, do it if you want.

    Lanny is fabulous.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What do you have to do to be 'serious'?

    Also I think more of yung leans music as just beats, and his voice is just another instrument over the beats, his lyrics arent really all that creative, and everyone I know that listens to him dont really take his lyrics or rapping to heart. Its more of like the sound in general.

    That's chillwave in a nutshell.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Happy independence day amerifags!

    Pics related.

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Dat lean.


    Emotional boys.

    Emotional shawties in this bitch.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes, it is. It's just encrypted.

    What kind of shell uses javascript as scripting language? Surely you should be running node.js in that case or something. In general shell scripts are written in bash or csh on Unix at least as far as i know.


    if [ -d $directory ]; then
    echo "Directory not found"
    echo "Directory found"
    Or something like that. TBH i suck at programming in general and shell scripts are no different lulz.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Thanks Lan.
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