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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You know what, just help me later. I'm taking a break because I'm too distracted.

    Sorry i couldn't be more clear about it, for me starting was a lot of trial and error as well. When you feel like it and have a specific question let's start at the start and i'll walk you through it alright?
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    sploo is an autiot.

    I do believe your signature is actually in a holy book, i have read it before.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also, when installing py2.exe 0.6.9 , it told me it needed like, version 2.6 or something.
    Same with PyWin32 it needs 3.5

    Nigger i sent you everything you need in the RAR. Install python 2.7 like i sent you and use pyinstaller since it's easier. If you install Python2.7 make sure to click the option that sets python27.exe to the variable path when installing it's the bottom option. Then you need to go to open up a command prompt with CMD and go to the directory your scripts are with the CD command and then you can type 'python' to run a script or if you have installed pyinstaller and want to compile a script you just go to the directory with CD again and type 'pyinstaller --onefile'

    To install pillow go to your scripts folder with the command prompt and type 'python pip2.7.exe install pillow' to get that module.

    First order of business is getting the right python installed though OPEN UP THE README the readme i made for you( Which i sent you for a reason you silly nigger) and install python27 first. Folow the steps in the readme and you should be fine.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fun fact though, it works perfectly fine without screenshot function. The client ID get's sent to your gmail, so you put your ID into your controller to send your commands LMFAO!
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Erm, send it in the .rar? It'd make it easier. I'm really baked and need as much help as possible. XD

    It comes with your python install, go to open a command line and CD to C:\Python27\Scripts then run 'python pip2.7.exe install pillow'. I was having some trouble getting the screenshotting feauture to function in my VM though but i'm trying to work it out, i sent Lanny my logs as well to see if he can lend a hand. He's the python pro here lol :)

    We'll keep in touch and i'll let you know if i am able to get to to work properly.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Forgot to mention that you need to run pyhton pip.exe install pillow to get the module installed that you need. Added it to my original post for clarification.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It can't be zek, though. Zek would spend considerable time trying to pass as an actual female, but couldn't help but slip eventually. Plus the other day you called bees weak and pitiful. That doesn't sound like zek. How many damn trannies do we have around here? damn

    Zek actually has tits these days, it posted them on zoklet in HB once believe it or not.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's been going on for decades. They sell all that hard info off to the cyber feds and various threat discovery labs. You may eventually be investigated.

    You don't even scare me though, i'll start to worry when i see proof. Besides my malware skills aren't even worth investigating. I did however obtain a sample of source code from the Rombertik malware to analyze, holy crap the guy that made that is pretty brilliant as far as malware writers go if you're interested in that sort of thing cisco did an excellent report on it which you can read here if you'd like.

    And really spectral all my links are safe you can just click it and if you don't trust me google: [h=1]Threat Spotlight: Rombertik[/h] To get to the article it's very interesting and i think you'll like it if you're into that sort of thing.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sure thing i'll try to helpt where i can.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When they find shit on your computer, they log your IP and phone home with the info, even if you turn off reporting in the options. They're basically just as bad as the spyware they are supposed to protect you from.

    Unless you can provide source code or other kind of proof i am having a hard time believing you.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ah. But if it came down to it, is it modifiable o mostly ANY email services?

    I think it should be if you get the server and SMTP port right. For google it's:
    Port: 587

    Dunno' about other services.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    One more thing, but this is going to probably sound absolutely crazy. Would it be possible to make it go to a Claws mail considering it's more anonymous than accessing a gmail? If we could make this as anonymous as possible and harder to trace through the emails, it'd be a lot better. Also, I have ideas about stuff we could integrate a Pi-rate box into, but I'm not sure how we'd go about it. We'll definitely have to bounce around some more ideas whenever we can.

    This script is pretty stealthy as far as command sending is concerned it is designed to be because we are using gmail as C&C. just send your commands through tor or a vpn and you should be safe also my nig, this is a backdoor it comes with these features if you include the modules right.
    • -cmd CMD Execute a system command
    • -download PATH Download a file from a clients system
    • -exec-shellcode FILE Execute supplied shellcode on a client
    • -screenshot Take a screenshot
    • -lock-screen Lock the clients screen
    • -force-checkin Force a check in
    • -start-keylogger Start keylogger
    • -stop-keylogger Stop keylogger
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I did see that post but then I couldn't find it again when I looked, but I didn't look that hard. I am definitely going to use that advice, and I greatly appreciate it. I had a bunch of stuff happen in rl and it ended up with me actually getting laid for the first time in….wow it's been almost a year and a half now. My dog masturbated, and I ended up getting along very, very well with the receptionist at the vet's.

    I will get around to it eventually. Even if I wasn't busy I would probably still procrastinate.

    I'm sorry to hear your dog masturbated man, that sucks. Good thing you got laid though, also with regards to your website it's always better to be safe than sorry as far as security is concerned.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you had remembered your TB passwords you could have been doing something useful like setting up SSH for your services on TB. You did see the tutorial i posted for you right? How about i brute-force your FTP and delete public.html, won't you feel silly you didn't implement SSH then. It will take a while withy my 2.5mil dictionary but i'll try default unix credentials first see if i get lucky.

    How's that for motivation.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I made an introduction thread on totse and got flamed the fuck for it. I can honestly say it has made me a better poster.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Thank your government for all this bullshit, propoganda and the influence of the government's cronies is what makes america the root of all evil and the population docile retarded and prone to the insanity of this doublethink in general.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lanny, I have an idea on how to retain users: What if anyone who leaves gets their personal information released?

    Good luck finding my PI. In fact i challenge you to.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I fucking hate virus scanners, always cramping my style by flagging my tools and malware kits and shit. I use Avast by the way it's good save for having beef with infosec tools.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sploo download Hatred, i think you'll like that game.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes but what ya'll niggers are forgetting is that if you don't have your keylogger contact a remote host to send everything it logs your program is basically useless, no offense.

    Here's something more useful.

    Backdoor with keylogger for windows.

    And your controller.

    You'll need python of courrse and these libs: (They have to be installed)

    You'll also need to go into your python folder and find pip.exe to install that module so you can screencap your victim's desktop.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that you need to run pyhton pip.exe install pillow to get the module installed that you need.

    You're going to have to setup a gmail as command and control server and have to tell the program where to send and recieve commands from you do that by changing the following variables:

    gmail_user = ''
    gmail_pwd = 'password'
    server = ""
    server_port = 587

    Change variable gmail_user to equal the adress you set up. Change variable gmail_pwd to equal the password you created for that account.

    You're going to have to compile with py2exe.

    Your controller gcat you can just run from the command line.

    Lanny was kind enough to hook me up with a script to help compile Open up your favorite text editor and enter the following code and save it as

    # py2exe 0.6.4 introduced a replacement modulefinder.
    # This means we have to add package paths there, not to the built-in
    # one. If this new modulefinder gets integrated into Python, then
    # we might be able to revert this some day.
    # if this doesn't work, try import modulefinder
    import as modulefinder
    except ImportError:
    import modulefinder
    import win32com, sys
    for p in win32com.__path__[1:]:
    modulefinder.AddPackagePath("win32com", p)
    for extra in [""]: #,"win32com.mapi"
    m = sys.modules[extra]
    for p in m.__path__[1:]:
    modulefinder.AddPackagePath(extra, p)
    except ImportError:
    # no build path setup, no worries.

    from distutils.core import setup
    import py2exe

    setup(console=[""], options={"py2exe": {"packages": ["email"]}})

    When that's done open up a command prompt and use the command cd to go to the directory where you have saved and and run the command: python py2exe, to compile. If you're smart you'll structure your command like this -> "python py2exe >> log.txt" then you can check what your terminal outputs in the dump log.txt to see if everything went well.

    Note: You may want to use instead of py2exe because py2xe had some problems importing the email modules.

    Major props to lanny for helping me out with this backdoor with gmal as C&C server <3. I was kind of excited so i thought i'd share, if you have any questions i'll try to answer them, it took me a bit and i am still fiddling with program but i do believe i got everything to work i am currently testing it's functionality. Also before i foget after you compile you're going to have some directories and implant.exe, you're going to have to get all of your dependencies in a single file it's a little more involved with py2.exe but with pyinstaller it's as simple as adding --onefile to the command line when compiling. Which is why you might want to opt for pyinstaller in general.
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