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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support



    if($mqvar=LITHP=""){echo "LISP Comes next!";}
    elseif($mqvar=="TOE BUSH"){echo "Doing great so far";}
    else{echo "Too lazy to add, luther, snipper and fortressed abdullahs.";}


    Better like this mQ? Anyway i don't even PHP, don't i need to indent with if/else statements? I'm used to python.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I would rather kill myself.

    Socialism is bad mmk?
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Vote Donald Trump for president.

    That is all.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well it's really only for my own enjoyment…

    Of course it is or else you wouldn't partake in such activities, all i'm saying is that videotaping such an occasion might prove to be more enjoyable and after doing so you migt as well share, because sharing is caring babygirl.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What if I told you that I'm a PI and fuck myself in the ass

    Pics/vids or it didn't happen.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tell me, Psycho. Have you ever met or conversed with… DFG?

    I've talked to him over the internet on occassion, not that it's relevant. Nice duck and dive by the way.

    Fair enough but if you let your hate for me prevent you from using tools or reading articles that might benefit you that's pretty short sighted.

    Nice history rewrite, if that were true wouldn't you think everyone on here would treat me like absolute shit? I'll freely admit i was heavy handed in moderation and sometimes over-zealous, i knocked it the fuck off. Did you know Rocklin and Idio wanted to make me a mod at redfern somewhat in the middle of redfern's lifespan, true story Rocklin told me himself to which i said i'd politely decline any mod position.

    Also Spectral i'd like you to name the 'contributors' i banned. If people like bling are contributors in your eyes you really are more retarded than you look and i have your facebook you look pretty retarded.

    God damned right i am here enjoying myself and that it bothers you so much brings glee to my heart.

  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    To be brutally honest, the real reason is because I hate your guts, and I don't particularly enjoy conversing with people whose guts I hate, regardless of the topic or interest level.

    Fair enough but if you let your hate for me prevent you from using tools or reading articles that might benefit you that's pretty short sighted.

    You basically single-handedly finished off a decent forum through abuse of authority, shitting on good users just to inflate your own pathetic ego, infracting and banning decent contributors just to try and shut them up because you can't personally take it.

    Nice history rewrite, if that were true wouldn't you think everyone on here would treat me like absolute shit? I'll freely admit i was heavy handed in moderation and sometimes over-zealous, i knocked it the fuck off. Did you know Rocklin and Idio wanted to make me a mod at redfern somewhat in the middle of redfern's lifespan, true story Rocklin told me himself to which i said i'd politely decline any mod position.

    Also Spectral i'd like you to name the 'contributors' i banned. If people like bling are contributors in your eyes you really are more retarded than you look and i have your facebook you look pretty retarded.

    And now here you are, enjoying this forum, as if you have any right to enjoy fuck all. If I had my way, you'd be permanently banned off this forum right now. That would be true justice.

    God damned right i am here enjoying myself and that it bothers you so much brings glee to my heart.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Last time I was on Git, was when Ericka Camacho's nudes were leaked.

    She's too old anyway.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You don't scare me, kid.

    I was hoping for some honest discourse about this seeing how the OP was even polite and all yet you resort to one-liners just like Hamp predicted.

    Stay classy Spectral, you're only making yourself look silly.

    Nigga, if you had hit him up about netsec in the 70s or 80s, then he might have given you the time of day. Since Windows 98 is no longer the dominant operating system of the day, you just won't get much out of him in the way of relevant knowledge of modern standards and so forth. Instead, you'll only hear him say, "You don't scare me, kid."
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ok so this happened to me a while ago when I was at my mother's house during the holidays. It was around 11PM and i was in the living room on the computer when I got a call from my sister. Now that was already a little bit weird since my sister's room is just down the hallway and she could have just come to me. I went to pick up and the call ended as soon as I reached for the phone. I figured that she maybe wanted to speak to me so I got up and went to her room. As soon as I reached her door, she started screaming that someone was in the room with her, so I busted in but nobody was there except for her.

    After she calmed down she told me that she woke up and saw the silhoutte of a person just inches from her face and that's what scared her so much.
    After that i asked her about the phone call, she tells me she didn't make a call and couldn't have even if she had wanted to. Since her phone was not in her room. Besides that she was sleeping at the time the call was made. Sure enough her phone was actually in her purse in the hallway. The weird part is that I have the log of her call on my phone but she doesn't.

  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    how if about PI in the release ass and nigger then fuck

    I think this would be the best course of action considering the current situation.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    "And §m£ÂgØL, that buttocks is hideous and overly masculine. You need to follow the example of the best (moi)"

    It's funny he said that too while calling me a narcissist, kek.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    The possible Michael Hastings connection is very interesting. I'm not into this kind of thing, conspiracy theories, so I don't know much about it. His death does sound very suspicious, and it certainly wouldn't surprise me if a 3 letter agency was behind it, you'd have to be incredibly naive to think they wouldn't be beneath this.

    No I don't, you probably just don't feel that I give yo enough attention given that we have similar interests and views because you're a narcissist.

    Narcissist, psychopath, which is it bro.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Let me preface this by saying that i am not butthurt in any way just genuinely curious.

    Tell me why you always ignore me when i post something computer related. I know we don't always see eye to eye but i accept the fact that you're into cyber security i don't even care about your skill level i just like to give you a hard time. However from time to time when we're both in a thread and a subject comes up that is related to cyber security and i have an article or a program i think you might find useful and be interested in you just completely ignore the post.

    I remember on redfern at some point i recommended a pentesting framework to you called PentestBox, since i know you're on windows and this is windows based i thought it might be useful to you., and trust me i have it on my machine and it has proven very useful so far. It does recon, vulnerability scanning, manual/automatic exploiting, dehashing, reverse engineering and network analysis. Basically everything you'd want, it's like metasploit-lite with unique feautures thrown in.

    Then recently we were talking about anti-virus software and the subject of malware came up and i made this post in response to you.

    …I did however obtain a sample of source code from the Rombertik malware to analyze, holy crap the guy that made that is pretty brilliant as far as malware writers go if you're interested in that sort of thing cisco did an excellent report on it which you can read here if you'd like.

    And really spectral all my links are safe you can just click it and if you don't trust me google: [h=1]Threat Spotlight: Rombertik[/h] To get to the article it's very interesting and i think you'll like it if you're into that sort of thing.

    And again you ignore me completely. Why? Don't you understand the material i am showing you or what? If you're interested in infosec i'd at least expect a comment. If you just don't give a shit at least extend me the courtesy of telling me so and why, lol.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Malice always ignores me for some reason, watch him not respond to this post.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Haha, totes. My activity feed is always just tim pope pumping out nigger-tons of commits because even my programmer friends are terrible about keeping their githubs up to date, so I'm always glad to have someone new to follow.

    Cool man.

    Yeah, C2 can be kinda strange because the pages are kinda roughly sewn together by a bunch of people but the stuff contained there is useful enough that it's become a kind of watering hole in certain programmer communities.

    I can't say i fully understand all the concepts that are programming related but it looks interesting nonetheless.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Malice is a Psychopath

    Malice thinks i'm a psychopath =(
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Made a github.

    Mostly for following sec related repos and such, maybe i'll make a repo for 'Hello World!' programs, that seems about right considering my skill level in actual programming. Lulz.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    By the way Lan i made a github to talk to the dev of that backdoor about some issues and such. I'm following you too, follow me back nigger or whatever it's called on github, i am watching your repo at least lol

    Heh, writing a programming language. This article has a little snippet of pseudocode that implements eval/apply which is the core of the lisp family of languages. It's (IMO) pretty profound despite being almost trivially simple.

    That's pretty cool bro i'll give the article a read.
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