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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    I like the dark athmosphere.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You should get a doctor to look at that.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you can find my address, come over and I'll show you how it's done.

    I'd love to, gotta' save up for a ticket to the states though.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Great to hear from you, my friend.

    Probably your alt, if not. You should meet up and kill yourselves together holding hands.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I want to kill a couple in that are in love, first i'll knock them out and place them on the floor in an embrace. I'll bring a frame in a heart shape with an opening for their heads so i can place it around their heads, then i'll shoot them in the skull so that the blood pours into a big heart shape surrounding both of their heads on the floor. Imagine how that will look, absolutely beautiful, together forever in death.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Speaking of leaked nudes for teens, anywhere on deepnet to find them?

    Camacho's? Lol they're on the clearnet but if you want the good stuff sure there's lot's of places and if i do remember correctly i've already sent you the link to GH.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Order Diethyl Ether from Holland instead.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you're talking about prostitution i pity you, she is one ugly bitch.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I meant yay for zek.

    o i c
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm seeing a girl my age currently since my hebephilia is primary but not exclusive, i make exceptions for attractive girls my age. So we were talking about sexuality and whatnot and i often 'joked' when we were out and their was a cute loli about how attractive i found her. So i told her; what if i wasn't actually joking? She said well, you can't help what you're attracted too and i agreed with her. After that i 'confessed' i actually am attracted to girls of the younger persuasion and she said: That's perfectly fine, you don't go around raping children anyway and if we ever split up and you find a cute loli willing to be your lgf just make sure everything is consensual. She even apoligized for not being younger lol but did ask me not to leave her for a cute 13 year old.

    Needless to say i was surprised at her position regadring this but came to the conclusion my GF is pretty awesome.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Just some trivia i thought i'd mention.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well, she was an opiate addict and in and out of prison, but was supposed to have been clean. She was found on the floor, purple, with foam coming out of her mouth, Everyone was pissed that it was from drugs, but it wasn't drugs, it was an aneurism. 36 years old, left behind a 2 year old and a 12 year old. This happened about six months ago.

    Shit man, i'm sorry to hear that.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh lay off it you old bag of farts. You poisoned the well and made both of those sites less enjoyable for your miserable presence. As long you exist, bitching about perceived abuses of power and "kidiots", there'll never be good things. You are why we can't have good things. You are at least as guilty as the kidiots you decry, and people have been telling you that since day 1, but you never shut up. You can say you were fighting the good fight all you want, but don't act like you were the lone soldier fighting off waves of the enemy from atop a hill. If you were, that hill was made from the corpses of better posters than you, posters who you played as much a part in killing as "the enemy".

    Words more true have never been written.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I forgot all about this, but when I first opened taintedbrowser, I PM'ed a few of the most interesting posters around to invite them to leave redfern and come to TB, malice being one of them. Motherfucker didn't even have the courtesy to say 'no', he just totally ignored the PM. He was the only one out of 10 people who didn't at least tell me 'I ain't goin there, your forum is shit'. The ignoring thing must be a part of his retardation or something.

    I did have a PM conversation with Malice once, he wanted me to hook him up with my sister. True story. I think malice would date me if i were a girl, not quite sure how i feel about that.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When I was a kid, me and my little sister (my late sister, now) were hanging out in my room before bed. I had a clock radio that I listened to all the time, and I made a solemn face and told my sister 'If I turn the radio on, and 'Thriller' is playing, you are going to die tonight!' This was in the 1980's, btw. You know, Michael Jackson?. I flipped on the radio, and the first bell toll of the song beginning was playing. She screamed and ran to her room.

    That's pretty funny. What happened to your sister though if you don't mind me asking.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    slashing budgets.

    Well America could use that with 17 trillion dollar national debt and hundreds of trillions more in unfunded liabilities.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [SIZE=12px][FONT=verdana]Those of us owned by You,
    who have trembled in delicious fear
    at Your presence,
    praise Your name,
    Odin, All-Father,
    Master of the Tree.

    Oh Son of Bestla
    Son of Borr
    born when the worlds were yet to be formed,
    born of those first generations
    to arise from Ymir’s horde,

    You with Your brothers,
    forged a new race of Gods,
    rising from violence,
    shooting toward wisdom
    like the fleetest of comets
    shooting toward the earth.

    You are called Gangleri,
    Wandering God,
    at home nowhere and everywhere;
    You are called Sigtyr,
    brilliant in Your battle-glory,
    born to conquer, to possess the world;
    You are called Grimnir,
    and by vitki Yggr,
    in honor of Your terrible time upon the Tree.

    You are known by these and many other names,
    and the paths to You are many.
    We praise them all, that You may savor
    in each of Your guises,
    and by whichever name pleases You the most
    the fermentation of our spirits.

    May these words please You oh God,
    and may You bestow upon us,
    whose mouths overflow
    with adoration and praise,
    the terrible grace of Your blessing.

    Am i doing it right?
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ain't nobody gonna' break my stride, nobody's gonna' hold me down, i got to keep on posting!
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The singular reason anyone should consider giving Trump their vote is for the comedy of seeing him scream "YOURE FIRED" at his staff and politicians while his toupee falls off. Also his daughter is kinda hot and you'd get to see her ass on TV more often.

    This, however, does not justify making a glorified real estate agent the president in order to fuck the poor for the benefit of an (ironically) idealistic vision of america that will never come about and never existed to start with.

    Waahhhh waaahhhh capitalists fuck over the poor. Who do you think creates jobs, that's right capitalists who own businesses that need staffing. While we're talking of Trump, who do you think make his companies function? That's right the employees, how many people has he employed through all his ventures? 10.000, 20.000? Those people would all be on welfare if it wasn't for those 'evil scumbag greedy capitalists'.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    round peg into a square hole.

    Well Spectral if you knew your maffs you could have just squared the circle and be done with it.

    Also, cry harder faggot.
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