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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I kinda do, I want to start working out again and lose my beer belly, I'm taking glutemate for my stomach, and I'm going to get some gaba for the addiction

    GABA doesn't really cross the blood-brain barrier. It needs to be synthesized in the brain to be effective, therefore i'd suggest looking into the natural precursor substances for GABA and taking a lot of those as a supplement instead and letting your brain do the rest.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tripping balls (the saturaday before) and spending the afternoon reading a book on my roof. Might wonder north at night to see the show if there is one but don't want to spend time with bitches trying to find a place to put their idyllic ass picnic blanket so I'll probably spend the evening with a wine bottle on the windy/cold-ass beach or I'll just give up and call it a night. Such is life.

    I'd spend the day with you Lan-fam at the beach or wherever. It gives me a sad to imagine you at the beach, cold and all alone when the rest of the people are partying.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's wierd, you talk about MDMA like it's some transcendent thing and classical psychedelics like they're nothing.. Can't say I've tried anything labeled MDMA directly but MAPB-5 and 6 and FA-4 and all of them were fun but nothing even touched on the mind-fuck transformative experience that lysergamides have been for me.

    Regardless tho, Dickens is, always has been, and for ever will be, shit.

    The numbers in chemical notation have little to do with order of appearance or a sequence of some sort. Instead, they indicate in which position on the carbon ring the halogen(in this case fluorine) atom is bound.

    You start to count from the position in which the rest of the molecule begins assigning it the number one then take the shortest route to the Fluorine(F) or whatever you're substituting. Second position is called Ortho, third position is called Meta and the fourth position is called Para.

    Therefore the proper notation starts off with the number then follows with the rest of the acronym. So when we speak of para(4)-halogenated(F)-amphetamines(A) we know we have substituted an atom of the halogen group on the periodic table to the fourth position on the carbon ring belonging to amphetamine.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Show me a picture. I'm not gonna stalk her, bro.

    I don't have a recent picture on this computer, but i will send you a PM, if the PM system wants to cooperate.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Pics. How old is she?

    I'd prefer not to post her private info on the internet, i wasn't kidding when i said i care for her. And she is 14.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You are so fucked.

    You haven't seen my cousin (n_n")
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How would you say I've changed?

    I think you've grown as a person over the years, you seem to be more emotionally mature, more committed to thought instead of being reactionary if that makes sense.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>1) Would you want to be my friend in real life?[/greentext]

    I'm sure i would.

    [greentext]>2) Do you like how I am a regular poster here?[/greentext]

    It's ok, i prefer the new Enter over the old one in all honesty.

    [greentext]>3) What is your favorite memory of me?[/greentext]

    Comics, they were golden.

    [greentext]>4) Any advice you can give to me?[/greentext]

    Try not to get too worked up over girls, being angry all the time isn't good for your well being and long term emotional stability in general.

    [greentext]>5) Closing thoughts you have about me as a person?[/greentext]

    I think you act as a hard ass but deep down are a pretty sensitive person. And i don't mean that in a derogatory manner, it's a good quality to have. Just be careful and don't set yourself up for more hurt than you'd like. Lower your expectations of the world around you and try not to get too hung up on negative events in your life. I know it's easier said than done but if you believe you can work on it yourself it is certainly something i would recommend.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have two really close friends who i can be honest with about nearly anything. Then i have my gf who is at the same time a very good friend as well, she is not as intelligent as me, but she makes up for that by virtue of being very sweet, besides being my gf i consider her to be a very close friend as well, she is one of two people IRL that know i prefer girls of the younger persuasion. First person is my best friend second is her. Other than them i am very close with my brother and sister and my little cousin, i am very close to her and i can talk about anything with her as well, save for the fact i like her more than a cousin lol, i don't wanna' make it awkward, she kinda' sees me as a big brother and i am ok with that because at the end of the day i care more about her as a person than anything else, i love my little cousin.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll try my best but ehh… I dunno.

    Okay, friends again.

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm only attracted to one of those pictures.

    Don't be vague, everyone knows you love preteen pussy.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Interview with a vampire, as far as fiction is concerned. Sophie's book review says it's bretty decent as far as vampire books are concerned, touching on underlying philosophical and existentialist questions.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    By the by, she reminds me a little of PieGirl, lol.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Woop woop, ever think about being bored? It's not so much 'nothing to do' than it is 'i don't feel like doing the things i can do'. Think about it.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I mean, lucidity varies from post to post, sure, but that's not the end of the world. Even arriving at the conclusion that malice is delusional is an epistemically challenging task. Everyone posts some off the wall stuff when they're in a mood.

    On the other hand you can you can accept what there is, what he is, and be happy with that or just stop paying attention. I don't really think there is a "person behind the autism and augmentations", for anyone, all we are is what we do, how we act. Hardly an exchanges goes by where malice doesn't do something that would be considered wildly insulting in a normal human interaction, between enumerating logical fallacies he thinks I embody, insinuating I'm autistic, and threatening to kidnap me and lock me up in a gay sex dungeon he can get under my skin at times. But when I weigh that against the positives I think the harassment is just a reasonable price to pay. Maybe I value someone who can catch my interest on a forum too highly or take insults too lightly but ultimately the math works out, it's better to just accept someone's flaws with their virtues than to act like they're better than they are and get hurt when they're not.

    Solid advice, for anyone on the forums including myself.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm always a downright asshole. I call people out on the spot. That's called being real.

    No it's called being rude. And i wil try to mind the quote unquote bitch shit, when you show the same effort on your part.

  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    As stated, as eurofag, i'll be wageslaving cuz i don't have muh freedoms.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd do her, but wouldn't enjoy it as much as doing that loli on the left. She looks like the little sister type that fits perfectly on my lap.

    You should derpweb Inna Model then.

    Lavren's pretty cute but she looks unnervingly young in pictures sometimes.

    Also Lavren posters are the cancer that's killing /mu/

    Also how do you feel about her feminist rants and stuff?

    Well i am opposed to feminism, but if it turns out she is really Inna Model(Don't tell me you don't see the uncanny resemblance) I could understand why she acts the way she does. At the end of the day, her feminist persuasions may disqualify her from being wife material, i would probably still do her.

    Also, if you're talking about 4/mu/, it was cancer to begin with.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Anyone that believes in censorship should be lined up in the streets and beheaded.

    Allahu Ahkbar.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Malice, have you noticed your rate of typos/spelling mistakes/grammatical errors has taken a sharp upward turn lately? I can't really talk because I make stupid grammar mistakes in like a solid half of the posts I make (I've considered that it's because I like deeply recursive grammatical structures on an aesthetic level and as a product of liking to speak tangentially but lacking the working memory to execute correctly) but you usually have very good construction, even in long posts, but that's changed in the last few I've read. Maybe lay off the parnate a bit

    The Lan-man is correct, fam.

    Rhymez fo dayz.
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