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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    But i do like Ubuntu, so i got backbox because mannnnn Debian is so last season, and Kali is the new Skid OS. Backbox came preinstalled with muh haxxing tools(But not over 9000 of them like some other pentesting distros which is wholly unnecessary), Bash, Tor, anonimity tools and the like, muh text editors and muh gimp. I opted for full disk encryption on installation. It pleases me greatly, plus it runs a bit lighter than mint and is generally better.

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Masaka!? Thinking is hard, my head hurts.

  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's only symbiosis if you think additional animal lives spent in preparation for being made into food is a good thing from the perspective of the subjugated species. I don't think that's the case, I think it would be better not to exist at all than to be a cow or chicken in a large scale farming operation in 21st century america. I think these sorts of animals are a special case, an antinatalist would accept that statement holds true for any sort of animal and thus approve of veganism on an ethical level.

    I don't hold an antinatalist position.

    Why can't facts be right or wrong? What is the difference between saying "It's wrong to rape children" and "the fact that children are raped is wrong (in a normative sense)"?

    In a normative sense? Nigga, facts are facts, they don't depend on consensus or what is considered to be normal. The sun is the closest star to earth; fact. It has no moral/ethical value, it's an objective fact based on observation and measurement. I don't mean to say someone's understanding of something cannot be right or wrong. All i am saying is facts have no moral/ethical value. Also, you can only say rape is bad; fact. If you're not a moral relativist.

    In any case the point I was getting at is that the same logic that would justify participating in animal suffering because "sucks to be a non-human animal but them's the breaks" can be used to justify participation in rape of children unless you can articulate why humans are a special class to which different rules apply.

    I know.

    Totally, I agree, so likewise the mere fact that we have an interest in consuming animal products does not justify doing so. Some other condition has to be satisfied.

    We are agreed.

    OK, so now we're on the right track. So I have two questions here:

    1. Why is moral agency necessary for moral considerability? To deontologists the distinction may not be clear: moral agency is the property that allows a thing to be accountable for its actions, moral considerability is the independent property that simply means we have some duty to a thing. For utilitarians it's generally assumed animal suffering is commensurable: any species that can experience pleasure and suffering, even if to different degrees, are morally considerable up to the extent they can do so (so if, for example, a sort of animal as such a rudimentary nervous system that we can find no evidence they are capable of pleasure or suffering then it stops being morally considerable, the suffering of lower animals might be less considerable than human suffering). A case for examination by duty theorists: children are capable of, at minimum, manslaughter. It would probably be trivial to find cases of parents or strangers killed by the actions of, say, infants. In such case we don't hold the children responsible, we say things like "they didn't know any better" or "they couldn't have done differently". So we don't assign moral agency to children under a certain age, and yet we do seem to assign them moral considerability, surely you don't think a child absent moral agency may be killed on a whim, of it they can't be, it's merely by their status as property of their parents.

    Your powers of moral philosophy are formidable. I'm not sure i can answer all your questions.

    1. Why is moral agency necessary for moral considerability?

    I want to say because it is just, but i realize i have to explain why it is just and how it is just then. And what is justice if not a human moral construct? The more i think about it the more it feels like an epistemological question.

    For utilitarians it's generally assumed animal suffering is commensurable: any species that can experience pleasure and suffering, even if to different degrees, are morally considerable up to the extent they can do so (so if, for example, a sort of animal as such a rudimentary nervous system that we can find no evidence they are capable of pleasure or suffering then it stops being morally considerable, the suffering of lower animals might be less considerable than human suffering

    But humans and animals are not commensurable to any degree because animals lack moral agency and therefore moral considerability.

    So we don't assign moral agency to children under a certain age, and yet we do seem to assign them moral considerability, surely you don't think a child absent moral agency may be killed on a whim, of it they can't be, it's merely by their status as property of their parents.

    No a child without moral agency cannot be killed on a whim, and it feels wrong to say it' s just because they' re the property of their parents. It raises a lot of questions about the nature of parent-child relationships.

    2. Why are humans the only animals that have moral agency? What property is unique in us to bring it about? If name some human property like "self referential intelligence" or something (and assuming this property truly is unique to humans) then the obvious followup is why is moral agency contingent on that property as opposed to some other.

    I like that; humans have moral agency due to self referential intelligence but as you pointed out now i must explain why moral agency is contingent on that property. The short answer is i don't fucking know and there appear to be some inconsistencies in my theory of morality/ethics.

    You win this time Lan, but you will never beat my political philosophy. NEVER! Anyway, i know it wasn't a competition, thank you for pointing out the holes in my thinking but i am curious about your thoughts. How would you answer the questions you posed to me, if you'll humor me and play the devil's advocate as it were.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Thats better m8. Want a specific caption for it?

    Make it say: TFW You' re more pussy than your cat. OR TFW your cat gets more puuuuussssaaaayyyyy than you do.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^I apologize for calling you a name. But I really resent that comment, that kind of hurt.

    Apology accepted. Let's be civil.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Spike their coffee with loperamide.

    Spike their coffee with pentobarbital.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    From some facebook post "Mexican Sugar Dancing started on the deep web a couple years ago. People dig up corpses that haven't entirely rotted but mostly. Then they make puppets out of them and put on shows and people have sex with the corpses.


  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That you woke up wearing make up?

    Your motive?.Good ol' insanity. Not everything needs a reason.

    Yes make up. Also, psychopaths are not insane.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And you went from being an over-serious, angsty moderator, to a pseudo-pedophile not because you agreed or related to any of those values, but because you wanted to fit in with certain internet subgroups.

    At the end of the day, I did it my way. You're like that other user here, whats-his-name… insanityshock or something. You're just a product of the internet. It's sad.

    Hey, i wasn't even trolling here. For all your talk about beta faggots you sure sound like one yourself. Now you can go ahead and think whatever you please about me. All i'm saying is, you're basically behaving like a little bitch.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Until you get one pregnant and she won't have an abortion because muh pro life and you'll be fucked.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't want to be mean or anything, but aren't you like 25 years old? You sound like an angsty teen 24/7 on here Enter.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Does anyone else hate fags? I don't mean gay people, I mean faggy fags like this:

    I wanna get me some trucks, and some chains, and have me a good old fashioned fag drag.

  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    sophie is a functional retard, I've been watching alex jones for 15 years at least, and I've known people that know him. I bet sophie thinks jerry springer is real, and he's probably never heard of the term "publicity stunt"

    both alex jones and tyt are known shills, if you can't see that you're fucking retarded.


    then hillary clinton wins….

    K well you go read some more about the Cthuluminati or whatever it is you do.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    kreepy fingerpainting

    This, lol. I remember when the pics were posted to Zoklet, Kreppy contacted me like: Dude, can you delete them? I was like sure, but you've been telling people for 10 pages how you don't care and whatever and you just might lose all credibility, especially because the PI rules at the time weren't perfectly clear on this. So she reconsidered and i advised her to ignore it and just let the thread die. It wasn't meant to be though, and some white knight mod deleted the pics anyway. Top lol.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That wasn't what my focus. I just thought it would be badass to have that over your grave, particularly during his era, culture generally having become less conservative/restrictive and more secular (honor thy father and mother), put less emphasize on family/clanship, nepotism, etc. and the allowed circumstances of parents to kill their children.

    Kill children? And i thought i was messed up.

    Although I am considering adjusting my diet to a modification of veganism. One start is to replace my omega 3 sources (salmon, sardines) with mussels (clams). Bivalve veganism (For the love of god Lanny, if you haven't figured it our by now, stay away from nearly all vegan/vegetarian sources for information about this except the very few hardline rationalist ones.).


    black and gold jihad

    Lewl, that sounds like an oxymoron. Let's avoid sounding like black bloc by calling for anarchist revolution NAO!

  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    In case you guys missed the memo, Psycho (Sofie) is a proud, self-professed child molester.

    Everyone is aware i like little girls. But you seem to forget, that sometimes, just sometimes, when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars then peace will guide the lolis. And love will steer their hearts.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    One §m£ÂgØL, Two §m£ÂgØL, Three §m£ÂgØLs, FOUR §m£ÂgØLS FIVE §m£ÂgØLS. Today it may be six or seven §m£ÂgØLs.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do you really believe that?

    No. However, if i value steak, it is in my interest to keep the race of cows alive, if i like honey, i should make sure bees are around to make it. It's a symbiotic relation.

    You seem to have some notion of ethics beyond troglodytic might-makes-right, I've seen you repeatedly rebuke child rapists to establish yourself as a better class of pedophile (an argument I'm partially amenable to), so presumably you consider children to have some right to security beyond their personal ability to maintain it.

    Of course.

    But isn't the abused child just equally maligned by the cosmic die and such is life?

    Well it is unfortunate children are the object of desire for pedophiles, but this is simply a fact. Facts aren't inherently right or wrong.

    Don't they exist, from the perspective of a rapist, merely as a means to sexual gratification

    I suppose they do but it doesn't make it right to rape them.

    Now you might say "apples and oranges, human children are of the same kind as me and are thus afforded special privileges", which OK, maybe there's an argument there but you have to actually make it. You can't handwave with "that's just how things are" on the subject of animal welfare but suddenly pull normative claims out of your pocket when we start talking about humans unless you articulate why humans belong to a special class where such claims apply and why animals are not part of that class.

    Humans are afforded special privileges because we have moral agency. Animals do not. As such they're not afforded it's protections. And you can't argue it would therefore be morally OK to kill my cat, because my cat is my property, and don't get me started on property rights.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I will keep that in mind, Sophie, just bear in mind it might be a while before I even get started to look, and again, investigating takes time and you will be the first European I've put my sights on, its possible I may fail, but I feel confident there are those out there who actually could if they wanted. We never know who it is we are corresponding with online, but at least from what I've posted here I hope you understand I am a mostly good person who doesn't have malicious intent at least to those who've caused me no harm- even asshole Bill Krozby… I think its funny when he fucks up and bullahit happens just for being a dipshit asshole with no sense of courtesy, but I really don't wish any particular bad upon him, nor would I go out of my way to bring bad upon him. That's why I said, when I get business taken care of here, I'll see what I can do and if I find anything, I'll keep it between us- consider it one friend to another friend showing a weakness in your armour, especially since you seem very proud of your untouchability- not because I ever would intend to use it to harm (unless you caused me or my family harm that is, but you seem like me- no reason to actually do that). All I ask if I do uncover your PI is this: give me credit for my investigative skills here. And well, if not meh.. I probably wouldnt want to admit some single mom in the US who was bored found me out either- I wouldn't take it personal, Id rather just help someone out and they be able to see and rectify their vulnerability- you seem like a decent human being for the most part who helps contribute knowledge they possess and would likely help someone if they asked for help in your range of knowledge. I really really fucking wish I could waste my time to prove a point, but I must stay focused on my mission I am on now- I like challenges like this. Fuck, I don't even have proper internet for the mission I'm on now, just my shitty shitty phone, but I am confident I will prevail in my task. As I said before I am only posting here to take breaks and destress as I go about all this. Wish me luck, because the faster this is resolved for me, the faster I can waste time here on a man hunt for you ; ).

    Sure i promise i'll give you credit. You're on a mission, sounds exciting. Thanks for thinking i'm a decent person as well. Also, if you want me to think you're a decent person as well don't try to cover your ass by saying:

    [greentext]>I probably wouldnt want to admit some single mom in the US who was bored found me out either[/greentext]

    That's called poisoning the well, and it shows your lack of confidence more than it hides it.

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    afterwards i always wash my dick with soap, which causes a need-to-piss sensation anyway…so no problems here

    You should get better soap then.
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