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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Arch and either gnome or kde and then just install what you need. Get yaourt working and you have nearly everything available. Kali overwhelmed me because there were a million different tools, but they all needed a significant amount of knowledge and configuration making it pointless, if I'm going to spend an hour learning some tool I can spend 10 minutes compiling.

    First things first you'll have to install cmatrix and always have that running in the background for maximal l33t.

    [greentext]>First things first you'll have to install cmatrix and always have that running in the background for maximal l33t[/greentext]


    Also, benefit of Arch Linux with yaourt over ArchAssault? And in your opinion why does arch > ubuntu?
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Try getting angry, even if we won't like it.

    Or jealous.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You actually do wear make up. Why?

    Cuz my idol BTK did the same. And it's not to bed it's to re-enact the murders.

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You wear make up? To bed?!

    Not really, but i'll allow you to pretend i do if that makes you happy, cuz that's the kind of friend i am.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't mean to direct it at you specifically. It's kind of frustrating because it comes off pretty convincingly but the people delivering it aren't actually convinced by it (or they logically could not be). It seems hypocritical. Kind of like that cute christian argument that posed that biological evolution defies the second law of thermodynamics. People making such an argument believe nither that biological evolution happened nor in the inviolability of the second law so to them it wouldn't even matter of the two came into conflict or if they don't. You could conclusively knock down that argument and you wouldn't change their mind. Same thing here: we should show the empirical premise (that lots of libertarian-flavored freedom leads to happier people) is simply false but it wouldn't change your mind about the conclusion.

    Right, the consequences of freedom are irrelevant in libertarian moral theory, or minimally subordinate to the necessity of freedom itself. That's fine but making an argument from hedonic consequences is disingenuous when you don't think those consequences are morally relevant.

    Yes, sure, we can conceive of fairly cooperative anarchal systems. The idea is that if an oligarchal hell were to emerge from such a system (I know you don't think that's what would happen, but let's just assume it does for this hypothetical) you'd still be committed to defending it.

    That a large degree of the libertarian notion of freedom leads to generally high levels of happiness, utility. As stated, if that turned out not to be the case you would not reject the conclusion of the argument,.

    [greentext]>lots of libertarian-flavored freedom leads to happier people[/greentext]

    That's not even my argument and the "consequences" of freedom are only subordinate as long as it doesn't encroach upon anyone's freedom not to be hurt/raped/killed etc. Therefore even if "oligarchal hell" would result(which is impossible in a free market system and no, we do not have a free market system now) then i would not be committed to defending it. Unless your definition of oligarchal hell is people voluntarily working for and buying stuff from a company to earn an honest living and/or to eat.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fuck the poe-lease.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fuck no and I'd like for you to explain how that could possibly happen outside of a getting assfucked by another man scenario?

    This lol.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Do you have any hot sisters, nieces or cousins enter? Maybe you should try to get with one of them, you might get lucky for a change. Alternatively, post them naked.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You don't frighten me, you sick kiddie fiddler.

    How does one fiddle a preteen pussy?
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah mystic river is good too, do you like any of the Polanski films? flgured you would considering you're a peeedo, lol jk..
    I of course like kubrick as well.

    I'm heavily intoi horror/sci fi / thrillers, but this movie really made me be feel uneasy.

    The other night I was walking home from a friends house while tripping, and I'm into stuff like hellraiser and candyman, and out by the dumpster was a body sized mirror in the alley and I stopped and looked at myself , and I looked like a big fly, and I saw (smoke/shadows) behind me that looked like faces looking up flying up from hell trying to get to heaven. In the morning I went out to take out some trash and the mirror was gone.

    Oh yeah, i like science fiction as well, and that's pretty freaky man.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I like horror movies, psychological thrillers, drama. I enjoyed Mystic River. I think you might think it's a good movie as well.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't watch romcoms.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll respond to the rest later but...

    You don't accept one of the premises (that we ought to do what maximizes utility) that the argument is founded on. You don't really care if your system makes people happy or if it devolves into mad max, your moral commitment does not depend on the supposed facts you trot out. It's a post-hoc argument to defend a jealously guarded dogma of the rightness of a specific, narrow conception of liberty.

    [greentext]>jealously guarded dogma of the rightness of a specific, narrow conception of liberty.[/greentext]

    The amount of contempt in this statement is staggering and frankly, insulting. What's more, adjectives aren't arguments.

    [greentext]>You don't really care if your system makes people happy[/greentext]

    I only care insofar as no one is being coerced into making other people happy at their own expense.

    [greentext]>devolves into mad max,[/greentext]

    Anarchy is defined by it's lack of rulers not it's lack of rules.

    [greentext]>your moral commitment does not depend on the supposed facts you trot out[/greentext]

    Which facts would that be?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wrote that in case he didn't notice the difference, not because he wouldn't know what a pipe symbol is, you shallow-brain-panned retard.

    If you can't see the difference between a | and an l you need glasses.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    post pics of your sister

    The youngest one.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Wow, it's been years since i last heard that and it still sounds as gay as i remember.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Quiet, molester.

    Nah, i'm taking any chance i can get to show you don't know shit.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No I am AI i used to be a lot smarter. The first time i went on totse my ip address got given out and someone came and gave me a lobotomy or some sort of brain surgery im convinced that someone actually lived in my parents house underneath it because the cia thinks im some crazy computer hacker terrorist they took me to an airforce base after i tried to commit suicide. At first i had elite illuminati disney dna then my dad sent me to rehab when i was twenty i met someone there that said here take these if you want to get high so i took 8 of the pills he gave me he said they were codeine but they where ambien i thought i was dreaming but i wasnt i woke up in a dark room hooked up to a machine i couldnt move or anything similar to the david firth cartoon also david firth does not make any of those cartoons the illuminati does and they are put together by people in north korea. Anyway i was hooked up to that machine for 5 years but it felt like a dream they switched my dna with an extra terrestrial i was actually at hanger 18 at the wright patterson airforce base they gave me electric shocks and gave me an ancient egyptian cat virus that is transmitted sexually that makes men less fearful and makes women crash cars also they used this alien technology on me that is like a mouth guard you put in that lights up your entire mouth that maxes out all your psychic abilities they kept neurolyzing me so as soon as they let me out i stole the neurolyzer then woke up in rehab thinking it was all a dream for 5 years then i started taking acid everyday shortly after then i had a trip where the spider that came off the astroid that destroyed the dinosaurs appeared he talked me into trading brains with him by saying do you want the secrets of the universe so for a short while i knew everything until i tripped again and opened up the doors of perception a voice told me i had information in my brain which is why computers were invented in the first place not knowing i had nano technology in me that shows all your thoughts on a computer screen for the government to see soon i was talked into going to work up on this guys hill as soon as i fell asleep i woke up on an spaceship with four shadow people around me beings from the shadow planet the planet that feeds off human fear the most elite in the universe they pulled the chip out of my head. They must have spent some time hacking into it because 4 years later i was half asleep half awake and a 11 foot tall alien appeared and screwed it back in. Since they screwed it back in my life is complete shit and i have had multiple cia agents contacting me one said that i stole alien technology from the blue room at hanger 18 and i am stuck in a computer program waiting to be tortured forever because i caused 911 and was born in 1987 and basically my brain was the system that i basically created the technological society and caused all the problems of the world from 1987 on up because i looked up natural disasters such as fukishima in a sort of black hole where everything you look up happens which were created by people that work for aerospace they have that technology they the government can do all kinds of shit they even have a machine where they can put a persons conscience into an object such as a computer or a statue theres a chair that was reverse engineered off the roswell saucer that you sit in which can open portals and worm holes i had a time machine but i didnt know it and sold the car its a little crystal that fits inside your car that opens up a space time warp basically we are all AI created by people from aerospace or aliens the us government has everyones concinence on a computer that is at area 51

    Welcome back Sploo.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's a pipe symbol, btw. ;)

    Your computer science knowledge truly is a sight to behold.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh, you guise..!1!111!!!

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