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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>physically dependant on marijuana[/greentext]

    Sorry, this is objectively impossible, wrong choice of words.

    [greentext]>for sleep[/greentext]

    Ok, so you have insomnia and some kush helps with that. Before you go to Taiwan pay a visit to your doctor tell him: Gee Doc, i've been having trouble sleeping and i'm kind of at a loss with regards to what i should do, i tried all them fancy drugstore remedies they didn't do shit. If he wants to ship you off with some shitty TCA like amitryptaline or something like promethazine, let him and save it for a rainy day. Look up the side effects as well. Then, after two weeks call your doctor up and tell him you still can't sleep and now you got these annoying ass side effects as well. repeat until you get a benzodiazepine prescription of your choice.

    Problem solved. Not only do you have something to sleep now, you also have written proof a doctor gave it to you, if this won't keep your head on your shoulders i don't kow what will.

    Don't get in fucking trouble in Taiwan though, you will have no embassy or consular protections since China says Taiwan is a part of it and as such the international community only has diplomatic relations with Beijing and not Taipei. Although Taiwan maintains it is independent it is generally not recognized as such but that won't stop them from trying.

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Da! we comrades listen to much music, no proletariat allow. We are not pure communists but also devout souviet cultural totalitarianists. We only drink vodka and eat frozen potatos which is in line with our national identity.

    Technocracy. Rule by all powerful hyperintelligent robots.

    Da comrade, be stronk. Sovetski soyuz, best soyuz. Tepierre nichtoh, nee astanoivit, pabiedney shark radnoy straney.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I should get some sleep.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Younger than 14 and shows off dem LEGS. I always see her walking around the hood and she wears really short tight spandex shorts. Every time I see her and her mom walking their cat I'm like "damn, dem legs"

    Here's my assessment of the situation.

    Good Bad
    <14 Walks around the hood like a slut
    Nice legs Shitty home environment

    I've crunched the numbers and she fits the ticket by a small margin. Anyway, what i consider bad home environment and behavior someone otherwise inclined might call conducive to carnal relations. I mean if that's all you like in a loli ok i suppose but i prefer them to be innocent and sweet. Anyway depending on how her face looks the value of some of the good and bad points might increase although you can never go wrong with a cat. Basically what i'm trying to say is, snap a pic next time you see her walking around the hood. Just pretend you're busy with your phone or something.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Besides obvious stuff, uh, I dunno…Exploring abandoned houses and buildings, treasure hunting and treasure hunting expeditions, metal detecting, exploring other misc interesting shit, Stalking random people, Random Fringe stuff like Glitch in the matrix stuff, the paranormal etc, dreams, Apocalypse prepping, and other shit thats on the tip of my tongue… My 'dreams' are to basically just live a chilled and simple life, have a normalfag job and/or start my own business while doing a variety of legal and semi-legal schemes to supplement my income and be able to buy cool stuff, enjoy my free time, and go a vacation every once in a while.

    Thank you for telling me. Not that bland afteral. Exploring abandoned houses and shit is dank af though, have you ever done something like night ops? Do you go exploring often? I think it would be pretty cool if next time you go exploring an abandoned building if you took the time to take some pics and post about the experience, i'd read that. Also, apocalypse prepping is a rather unusual hobby to have. Do you genuinely believe there's going to be an apocalypse soon? Or do you just like to be prepared just in case, i mean if you can hunt and have a survival pack stashed away i'd say you're pretty much set for a little while.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Eternal galactic empire or bust nigga

    Now that's a thought i can get behind.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well, yeah. Its just the only ones currently within my reach is doing acid and 'internet.

    Tell me about them, i am genuinely interested. What are your interests, and dreams?
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So when you're out with your homies, do you listen to this music as well? I mean you must, since you refer to eachother as comrades.

    I mean if you do, i don't blame you. The songs are glorious, and there's definitively something appealing about a revolution to create a better society. Besides, the Russian language is awesome and so are their lolis but communism as a political and economic ideology is bad mmk?

    Also, in space what kind of governmental system would you suggest? If any at all.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I mean if she is, ok that's still hot just not what i had in mind.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What's the gender of said infant? I herd it was a boy, she would only get half a gram of darknet uncut #4 if it were up to me. I'll double it if you have a daughter.

    Boy. You into shota toddlercon?
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I did that once, on rdfrn, it was like, a big ol' paragraph's worth of my thoughts. I don't remember what I said exactly, something about how when I first joined zoklet, Clarice insisted that I was a spectral sock puppet account (since he was clearly banned at that point), and so my initial thoughts were 'who is this spectral character' and 'me and him must have very similar personalities or writing styles.' As you'll recall, I was far less depressed then compared to now, and was much wordier and goofier in general- so I was led to believe that spectral was also a wordy perverted goofball.

    I think I went back through some old threads and tried scoping out his posts but I didn't really see the resemblance to me. Since then, having gotten to interact with him and observe his posts on sanctuary, rdfrn, and here, I'd say that I am more or less indifferent. I don't have any personal gripe with the guy and we get along just fine for what it's worth. We don't really interact too much with one another- him and I. Just playful banter here and there. I find amusement in your back and forth leet haxx0r shenanigans and zoklet power-hungry mod insults. I honestly don't know if he could do the things he claims he's able to do, but that's how he wants it and that's fine. I don't doubt he has a fair degree of computer science knowledge. I do doubt that he singlehandedly brought down zoklet.

    So, in summation, -SpectraL is a-ok in my book and I don't mind having the old bugger around.

    I bet he'll appreciate that post, as do i, thanks for sharing. And yes now that you mention it i seem to recall talking to you (or in general and you chiming in) about this subject. I'm glad you find us amusing. Also, Spectral is smart about computer science like sploo is with logic puzzles. It generally only works in his mind but all seems rather impressive to the uninitiated.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why are you such a bland person actor? Do you have any other interests besides talking about semen and shitposting?
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No contest.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also 'The Netherlands'(Plural) doesn't directly translate to Nederlands(Singular, in reference to the language) Instead you could say Nederlanden(Plural in reference to the country) but no self respecting Dutch person uses that term. While Nederlanden is a shorthand of the official name of the country which is Het Koninkrijk Der Nederlanden or The Kingdom of the Netherlands in english we use the shorthand of the shorthand and just say Nederland(Singular, in reference to the country)

    See? Easy.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Excellent use of quotation marks.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I already theorized she was being used as advertising willingly. She wasn't there this time though, the vibe was much less sketchy and I got my bag and bounced.

    There is a scene from trailer park boys where they have to make small talk with their dealer for like an Hour or they get offended, that's exactly what its like.

    Do you do this in real life too? When people ask you about specifics you just blow smoke up their ass. Age nigga' what's her age. Her age is also important in establishing whether she was actually willing to help or whatever. Is she like 15 and sits in her training bra or what.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd suck cock, or get my ass pounded for $100 million, does that make me a fag? Just one time only :(

    No but it says a lot about your principles and standards.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm so pissed off right now. It's 6pm and my mom isn't home. I can't buy weed until she gets home because its her dealer and its just awkward as fuck everytime I go there and her half naked underaged daughter is sitting there during the drug deal.

    But EVERY OTHER DAY like when I'm playing video games and smoking weed or meth my mom gets home HOURS EARLY. what the fuck?!

    She has never been this late, what if she like, died in a car accident?. Then I'm fucked, I would have to go to the dealers house myself and be like "yeah I would have called but my mom just died and I don't know your number and Bla bla bla bla"

    Oh she just pulled up. Nevermind lol

    I hate Drug dealers though, where you gotta go through the whole ROUTINE uggghhhh.

    [greentext]>so pissed off[/greentext]

    [greentext]>everytime I go there and her half naked underaged daughter is sitting there[/greentext]

    Does not compute. How old is this girl? Doesn't particularly strike me as good parenting but that being said, try to get with the girl.
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