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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That'll be 25 bucks an hour thank you. I can make your list picker randomizer thingy easily enough but if you want freaking buttons and a GUI basically i'll need to learn the Tkinter module for python and that will take some time.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was about to start a diatribe about computer science and security. But then i realized the thread title says roofing not rooting.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Word muh nigga. Good rule to live by. Also love your sig is a quote by me.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Feeds it to another script. That script will then connect to a remote host and perform some nefarious things. So far i have this. But i am not sure if i should make it into a module or just write the program as a single script. Also i am not sure how to feed the randomly selected proxies to the other script so any help would be appreciated. this is what i have so far.

    from gevent import monkey

    import requests
    import ast
    import copy
    import gevent
    import sys, re, time, os
    import socket
    from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

    class find_http_proxy():
    ''' Will only gather L1 (elite anonymity) proxies
    which should not give out your IP or advertise
    that you are using a proxy at all '''

    def __init__(self, args):
    self.proxy_list = []
    self.headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.154 Safari/537.36'}
    self.show_num =
    self.show_all = args.all
    self.quiet = args.quiet
    self.errors = []
    self.print_counter = 0
    self.externalip = self.external_ip()

    def external_ip(self):
    req = requests.get('', headers=self.headers)
    ip = req.text
    return ip

    def run(self):
    ''' Gets raw high anonymity (L1) proxy data then calls make_proxy_list()
    Currently parses data from and '''

    print '
    [*] Your accurate external IP: %s' % self.externalip

    gatherproxy_list = self.gatherproxy_req()
    print '
    [*] %s proxies' % str(len(gatherproxy_list))

    # checkerproxy_list = self.checkerproxy_req()
    # print '
    [*] %s proxies' % str(len(checkerproxy_list))


    # Flatten list of lists (1 master list containing 1 list of ips per proxy website)
    self.proxy_list = [ips for proxy_site in self.proxy_list for ips in proxy_site]
    self.proxy_list = list(set(self.proxy_list)) # Remove duplicates


    def checkerproxy_req(self):
    ''' Make the request to checkerproxy and create a master list from that site '''
    cp_ips = []
    url = ''
    r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
    html = r.text
    except Exception:
    print '[!] Failed to get reply from %s' % url
    checkerproxy_list = []
    return checkerproxy_list

    checkerproxy_list = self.parse_checkerproxy(html)
    return checkerproxy_list

    def parse_checkerproxy(self, html):
    ''' Only get elite proxies from checkerproxy '''
    ips = []
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
    for tr in soup.findAll('tr'):
    if len(tr) == 19:
    ip_found = False
    elite = False
    ip_port = None
    tds = tr.findAll('td')
    for td in tds:
    if ':' in td.text:
    ip_found = True
    ip_port_re = re.match('(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}:\d{1,5}', td.text)
    if ip_port_re:
    ip_port =
    if not ip_port:
    ip_found = False
    if 'Elite' in td.text:
    elite = True
    if ip_found == True and elite == True:
    return ips

    def letushide_req(self):
    ''' Make the request to the proxy site and create a master list from that site '''
    letushide_ips = []
    for i in xrange(1,25):
    url = ',hap,all/%s/list_of_free_HTTP_High_Anonymity_proxy_servers' % str(i)
    r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers)
    html = r.text
    ips = self.parse_letushide(html)

    # Check html for a link to the next page
    if '/enhancement/http,hap,all/%s/list_of_free_HTTP_High_Anonymity_proxy_servers' % str(i+1) in html:
    print '[!] Failed to get a reply from %s' % url

    # Flatten list of lists (1 list containing 1 list of ips for each page)
    letushide_list = [item for sublist in letushide_ips for item in sublist]
    return letushide_list

    def parse_letushide(self, html):
    ''' Parse out list of IP:port strings from the html '''
    # \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} - matches IP addresses
    # </a></td><td> - is in between the IP and the port
    # .*?< - match all text (.) for as many characters as possible (*) but don't be greedy (?) and stop at the next greater than (<)
    raw_ips = re.findall('\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}</a></td><td>.*?<', html)
    ips = []
    for ip in raw_ips:
    ip = ip.replace('</a></td><td>', ':')
    ip = ip.strip('<')
    return ips

    def gatherproxy_req(self):
    url = ''
    lines = []
    for pagenum in xrange(1,10):
    data = 'Type=elite&PageIdx={}&Uptime=0'.format(str(pagenum))
    headers = copy.copy(self.headers)
    headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    r =, headers=headers, data=data)
    lines += r.text.splitlines()
    except Exception as e:
    print str(e)
    print '[!] Failed: %s' % url
    gatherproxy_list = []
    return gatherproxy_list

    gatherproxy_list = self.parse_gp(lines)
    return gatherproxy_list

    def parse_gp(self, lines):
    ''' Parse the raw scraped data '''
    gatherproxy_list = []
    ip = ''
    get_port = False
    for l in lines:
    # Check if an IP was found on the line prior
    if get_port == True:
    get_port = False
    # GP obsfuscates the port with hex
    hex_port = l.split("'")[1]
    port = str(int(hex_port, 16))
    ip_port = '{}:{}'.format(ip, port)
    # Reset IP to nothing
    ip = ''
    # Search for the IP
    ip_re = r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}', l)
    if ip_re:
    ip =
    get_port = True

    # int('hexstring', 16) converts to decimal. GP uses this for obfuscation
    #proxy = '%s:%s' % (l["PROXY_IP"], str(int(l["PROXY_PORT"], 16)))
    #ctry = l["PROXY_COUNTRY"]

    return gatherproxy_list

    maybe i can also do it with tor or something and i am overthinking it i am open to suggestions.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    do you like little bois also?

    No i don't. Little boys do nothing for me. The bisexual part was an analogy. Like being a pedo primarily doesn't mean you can't like adult girls either is what i was trying to get at.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Every single BBS since Totse was DoS'd to death,

    Nope, Jeff Hunter pulled the plug on Totse that's what killed it, DDoS attacks were reasonably rare. Even so, an amplification script and server list are easy to come by. So is 25 bucks an hour if you want to rent a botnet. No technical skill involved what so ever.

    including Zoklet, even though extra precautions and safeguards were implemented.

    Are you senile? Zoklet was never DDoS'd to death i can maybe remember one attack of any significance. Zok, killed zoklet 'cause he got doxed

    Redfern was shutdown by idio because richard burnish doxed him.

    Longlivezoklet got BTFO by friends of yours truly, and the two times NiS got a minor DDoS that were of the amplification variety and performed by richard burnish, this i know for a fact.

    So once again we've established you're full of shit.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I still say Psycho has a low IQ and shallow brain pan.

    Yeah you also say that you can hack, and we all know how true that is.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The question is, at what point stops how you define me as me and Lanny as Lanny. What makes a person?. It's an interesting question one to which i don't know the answer to. Maybe we can first try it with something easier, like the concept of a chair. We can paint the chair blue and it would still be a cvhair, we could make it big and it would still be a chair, wer could stick some tentacles on it and it would be a big blue chair with tentacles. Now as we continue adding or removing things there comes a point at which the object we have doesn't fit the concept of a chair anymore. The final thing we have added or removed will be it's a essence so to speak, so what is the essence of a Sophie or a Lanny?

    That all being said, when will we finally become one Lanny-senpai.

  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hey. The studies show you have a low IQ and shallow brain pan. Isn't that enough for you?

    And the studies show that you're an old faggot who's opinion is worth less than shit.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You're just mad because I am the ultimate free spirit. I observe the universe from an unreachable height, as if I'm not really a part of it. More than anything, I am not invested in what happens to me. This is why you aren't a free spirit and never will be as long as you live. You will never be as free as I am. I am a contradiction to my today, out of place, distant, which I embrace fully. Nietzsche calls this "Pathos of Distance"

    I was only mad because i thought you were implying i was stupid/abused.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There are no real "problems", the Earth and universe can function perfectly fine with, or without us. A "problem" is strictly a human condition, therefore, suicide is the solution to the human problem.

    Yeah and you're one of those self loathing pedo types and you should probably kill yourself. That's the solution to those people.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes. They might think its love but a lot of stupid people confuse those two things every day. Its also a fact that pedos have lower IQ's and most of them were sexally abused as kids. I'm not saying love is impossible under those circumstances but its highly unlikely, like one in every million people and there is probably less than 1 million adult/child sexual relationships going on in the world right now.

    Its a compulsive evolutionary behavior, like homosexuality. It's a biological response to over socialization and technologicalized society.

    You may have been sexually abused as a child and have a low IQ. I haven't been abused and i'm smart.

    [greentext]>They might think is love.[/greentext]

    Oh yeah and you speak out of experience? Yeah well OK when you were being raped by the guy who sexually abused you, you developed some sort of stockholm syndrome that seemed like love at the time but not everyone has had a fucked up childhood like you have.

    Oh and you know inb4lock right, he's a pedo and one is the smarted people i know so your hypothesis is shit.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Beautiful girl <3
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A 4 year old, Psycho?! What the fuck. You can't justify that by any means. You're a sick fuck.

    I wasn't trying to justify anything. I can't help what i like. Neither can you so stop being a faggot.

    [greentext]>You must be really underdeveloped mentally to find a 4 year old attractive as a 26 year old man. That's a fact.[/greentext]

    You must be really underdeveloped mentally and lacking some essential adult emotional skills to think suicide is a valid solution to any problem. That's a fact.

    Now how does that make you feel?

    And mentally underdeveloped, nigger go fuck yourself. I'm one of the most intelligent people on this entire forum and that's an actual fucking fact.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^nah thats someone completely different. sploo died from an overdose a couple weeks ago. just ask mr happy

    Did he actually die? And if so how would Mr. Happy know.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I thought he was alt posting as that Doki66 gy.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I hate not being a gay.. =(

    You could always experiment and see if you're bisexual, me having a less than normal sexual orientation i'd be the last to judge you for it.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Now i don't use Netflix but i imagine some of you do so here are a couple.


    Courtesy of my friends in the h4xx0r scene. I've tested a few and most of them still seem to work so go ahead.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Russia is dank comrade. I personally identify as a trans-neptunian object. You can call me Pluto bitch.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Pedos are in it for the love as well, and a child is perfectly capable of feeling romantic love. Also Here is where i consider myself lucky to be a non-exclusive pedo. Just like a dude or a girl can be bisexual i can like girls aged 4 and up to my age. Also, innocence isn't the only reason i like little girls.
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